
219 4 0

Pairing: poofless (Preston & Rob)
Type: fluff
Words: 743

Rob's POV
"I'm sorry, baby. My flight is being delayed. They said it probably won't fix the problem for another 3 hours. So I probably won't get there till midnight." I was talking to Preston on a FaceTime call in the middle of the airport.

"But that's eight hours, we are going to miss the reservation."

I could see that Preston was on the verge of tears. It broke my heart to see him like this. We haven't seen each other in 7 months. We were due for a visit, especially since it was our two year anniversary tomorrow.

"I'm so sorry, I promise I will make it -." I was cut off by a sudden famine voice.

"Preston?" The voice called from off the screen.

"Preston, who is that?" I asked, making him look at the screen.

"It's my mom, she needs help with something. I have to go."

"I love you."

Preston nodded and ended the call. I closed my laptop and laid back in my chair staring at the ceiling.

Flight 217 to Dallas, Texas is now boarding.

I shot up from my seat, looking at the gate. They fixed it! Now I will be able to get to Texas at 9.

I grabbed my carry on and proceeded to the gate. Once I got my ticket back, I boarded the plane and prepared myself for the flight.

~time skip~

"Excuse me sir, we landed."

"Oh, thank you." I nodded my head and got up from my seat. I grabbed my carry on and got off the plane.

After I got off the plane, it didn't take long to get through the customs. Once I grabbed my luggage, I set out to the front of the building and grabbed a bench near the road. I took out my phone, opening my messages.

Me: babe, just landed:)

I wait for a couple minutes, but realized that he hadn't answered. I checked the time on my phone before quickly opening messages again. He is probably recording because he didn't think I was coming till 12.

Me: sorry, forgot you might be recording. I'll get a taxi 😘

I then called for a taxi to take me to Robs place.

~time skip~

It took forever, but I was finally at Prestons door. I knocked on the door, but there was no answer. "Probably at the office." I mumbled to myself. I took out my key ring and used my spare key to unlock the door. I walked in and closed the door behind me. I was about to continue walking when I heard the shower running. I smiled to myself and walked into his room. But I stopped in my tracks when I saw a bra and panties on the ground. I continued to the bathroom door and I heard Preston and the girl from the call.

"Oh Preston."

I wanted to cry and scream at him. But I didn't. I calmly walked out into the kitchen and grabbed a quick post it note and pen. I wrote a quick message on there and I left it with my spare key. I heard the shower turn off and I headed out the door with my luggage.

Preston's POV
"That was great." Paige said getting out of the shower.

I smiled and gave her a quick kiss before putting on a towel. I walked out of the bathroom and the bedroom and she followed me. We headed to the kitchen and she sat at the island while I got two bottles of water out.

"Thanks. So when is Rob coming?" Paige asked taking a sip of her water.

"He doesn't land till midnight, so we could go again." I said smirking and opening my bottle.

She giggled and spilled a little bit of water. I chuckled at her and walked over to the edge to grab the paper towels, when a shiny object caught my eye. I moved closer, realizing that it was a key. I picked up the key and saw that it was on top of a note. My eyes got big as I read the note.

"Oh no."

                Flight got fixed. Happy two year anniversary.

~thanks for reading my oneshot
~if you wanna chat about sidemen/pack please message me 😊
~if you have a request or wanna do a collaboration please message me or comment

Thanks for all the support😉

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