
268 8 0

Pairing: KSimon
Type: small smut at beginning but fluff for the rest
Words: 586

Simon's POV
"Oh JJ!" I moaned as I slide down on JJ's member, ready to ride him.

JJ grabbed my hips no thrusted up making me scream out his name again. Also making him groan.

"Can you feel it now Mr. Krabs?" I haunted my actions, causing JJ to do the same and made eye contact with him. He smirked a little.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He shook his head and thrusted again, making me lose my train of thought from the sudden pleasure.

"The guys are in the house." JJ grunted, pulling on my hair.

I bent down and started to suck on his neck, silencing my screams of pleasure. I moved around and felt my nose brush against his neck, making him moan a little. "Please tell me that's your nose."

I pulled back and haunted our actions again. "Why the fuck are you quoting spongebob?" JJ giggled and I got off him and slid off the bed. I grabbed my boxers and started to pull them on, as JJ started to whine.


"I'm not fucking you while you are quoting spongebob." I pulled up pants and went to grab my shirt when JJ spoke up again.

"I'll stop I promise." He gave me the puppy dog eyes and put out his lip while he spoke. He knew I couldn't resist so I agreed to keep going.

I took off my pants, and JJ spoke up once again, making me even more annoyed. "Any particular reason you took off your pants."

"Fuck sakes JJ." I picked up my pants and shirt and walked out JJs room. I heard him calling my name but I ignored him as I ran up the stairs to my room, slamming the door. I swear to god I love him but I want to strangle him.

I was only in my room for a bit, until someone knocked on my door. I walked over to the door and opened it to reveal a list filled JJ standing there. "Simon, please. Can we just finish?" He asked with begging eyes and I sighed in frustration.

"Fine, if you make any more quotes, you're on your own tonight." I paused letting JJ answer. He nodded his head and I smiled. "Thank you, now let's get naked."

"No let's wait to do that when we're selling real estate."

"I swear to god. Get out. You can finish yourself off." I said pushing him out of my room. I closed and locked the door, turning towards my bed. I took off my pants, leaving my boxers and slid into my bed. I got snuggled in bed when my phone vibrated on my night stand next to me. I sighed and lifted my phone off the nightstand and saw that is was a text notification.

Jide❤️: are you mad at me? 😰
Me: no I'm just a little annoyed
Jide❤️: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be that annoying. Are we still on for tomorrow?
Me: of course, I won't pass up an opportunity to go to the candy store with my man😘
Jide❤️: chocolate?
Me: yeah?
Jide❤️: chocoLATE?! CHOCOLATE?!?!
Me: ffs, you're lucky I love you
Jide❤️: i love you too

~thanks for reading my oneshot
~if you wanna chat about sidemen/pack please message me 😊
~if you have a request or wanna do a collaboration please message me or comment

Thanks for all the support😉

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