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Pairing: Emon (Simon & Ethan)
Type: fluff
Words: 389

Ethan's POV"No you can't die on me now!" I screamed as my phone died

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Ethan's POV
"No you can't die on me now!" I screamed as my phone died.

I was playing Pokemon Go in central London and was about to catch a Pikachu.

I sighed as I looked around the black and white world that is my life. I sat on the bench next to me, trying to figure out what I was supposed to do.

"Wanna use my charger?" The man next to me said.

He was a tall man with a big smile. I nodded my head and I took the charger.

"Thanks, I missed a Pikachu." I said laughing.

The man chuckled along with me and told me his name was Simon.

We sat for about an hour catching Pokemon together and comparing which ones we had.

~time skip~

"Oh no" Simon muttered to himself as he shut off his phone

I looked at him with a confused look and said "what's the matter?"

He looked at me with sad eyes and told me that he forgot he was having dinner with his folks.

"Thanks for letting me use your charger. This was a lot of fun," I quietly said as I unplugged the charger.

He smiled and took his charger and briefly rubbed his fingers on mind.

That's when I saw it. Everything lit up with color. I looked around in awe at all the beautiful colors. I never thought it would happen to me but it did. I looked at Simon with a big smile and he just stared back with a confused look.

"What?" He asked giggling just a bit.

"Aren't the colors beautiful?" I asked looking around again.

"What colors? The black and white?"

My world had shattered. He couldn't see the colors. We would never be soul mates like I had hoped.

"Never mind." I said awkwardly removing my hand from his.

"Ok" he smiled again and walked away.

I watched him walk away in what seemed like slow motion. I guess it helps it look like slow motion when your whole world turns back to black and white.

Rest of Prompt-

----------------------------------------------•Thank you for reading my fanfiction! Please let me know your comments about it😊!! •Please also let me know if you have any request (smut or fluff) *sorry for the short story*

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

•Thank you for reading my fanfiction! Please let me know your comments about it😊!!
•Please also let me know if you have any request (smut or fluff)
*sorry for the short story*


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