Chapter 1

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1001 A.D.

My twin sister and I followed our brother around the village we called home. We were going to a hut which was inhabited by our family friends, the Mikaelsons. By their hut was a large patch of grass that was occupied by five boys and one girl who were rolling around in the green grass. I saw my sister's eyes light up when she saw the blonde boy, Niklaus.

The blonde girl, who was my best friend, beside him stood and shouted, "Alexandria! Iris!"

She ran to us and engulfed us in a hug, I softly chuckled as I hugged her back. Over her shoulder, I saw her brothers get up and run to us.

She pulled away and smiled at our brother with a blush, "Hello Basil."

"Rebekah, my Sweet," Basil smiled as he swiftly moved to her.

He kissed her sweetly on the lips and caressed her cheek, smiling into the kiss. Iris and I giggled at their affection.

Niklaus shouted, "Iris, my Love, you have returned!"

"That I have," She giggled as she walked towards him.

He smiled genuinely as he embraced her tightly. I turned away from them as I noticed someone stood in front of me.

"Hello Darling," Said the silky, smooth voice stood before of me.

"Kol!" I exclaimed as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his lips.

I felt him chuckle against my lips as he kissed back. I felt him bend downward and soon enough, he was holding me in the air. One of his hands was under my knees and the other was holding my back. I gasped against his lips and his tongue entered my mouth. Our tongues danced together before I pulled away. I smiled at him and he pecked my lips once more before setting me down.
I noticed everyone watching us and a blush crept onto my cheeks.

"Lijah," I nodded my head with a smile to the older brother.

He grinned back, looking from me to Kol, "Alexandria."

I softly smiled to Finn, the eldest brother, who nodded back.

I then turned to the youngest brother who was ten years old, "Hello Henrik."

"Good morning, Miss Alexandria," He greeted me politely with a bright smile as he reached for my hand and placed a kiss on it. I giggled at how charming he was.

"Sorry brother, but Exandria is mine!" Kol smirked as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Not for long!" Henrik taunted with an adorable smirk.

Everyone chuckled as Henrik shook his head.

"Why don't you let Alexandria choose for herself rather than having you two argue and at each other's throats," Elijah suggested with an amused tint in his brown eyes.

Henrik nodded eagerly while Kol smirked, "Of course. We all know who she would choose; the most handsome, smart, charming man."

"I choose," I smirked as I overlooked everyone, "Lijah!"

I ran to Elijah's side and wrapped my arms around his waist and have him a side-hug. I felt him chuckle as he wrapped his arms around me. I pulled away and saw Henrik pouting and Kol narrowed his eyes.

"Nope! I don't think so! You are mine, Exandria," Kol exclaimed as he pulled me back to his side.

I smiled and looked up to his now happy face, "Okay, I can live with that."

He smiled back and pecked my lips softly.

We all sat on the grassy area and were talking. Kol was at my side with his arm over my shoulders. We all spoke and laughed all day until the sun began to set.

"We should go before the wolves come out," Finn said as he stood up.

"Oh yes! I forgot it was a full moon tonight," I said as I stood up, brushing the dirt from my soft, blue dress.

"We must all head back. Father said we must go to our hut altogether," Elijah said as everyone else stood up.

Finn helped Henrik stand and began to walk away.  Klaus stood hand-in-hand with Iris as we all walked back to the Mikaelson Hut.

Klaus turned and looked at Elijah over his shoulder as his eyes rolled, "Why must you always listen to Father? Be a man of your own, Brother."

Elijah narrowed his eyes at his brother, "I listen because he is Father, the man of the house."

We arrived at the hut and everyone went inside. I laid with Kol on his grass bed and cuddled into his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. Smiling, I fell asleep.

I awoke to yelling and screaming, lots of it.

"Kol, what is it?" I asked with a groan as I got out of his bed.

"The werewolves," He said in a low voice with a look of realization.

We looked at each other with worried faces and ran out of the hut together.

"Oh my," I breathed out as I took in the site before me.

Klaus ran into the village holding a body. As he placed the body onto the dirt floor, tears streamed down Klaus's face. He hugged Iris close to him, crying into the crook of her neck. As I grew closer, I knew who was lying on the floor.

It was Henrik.

I saw Rebekah run over to her brother and I ran with her. Henrik was covered in his own blood. Tears poured onto my cheeks as I moved his dark hair out of his face. I heard more yelling and saw Mikael running to his son. I stood back and turned to Kol who had tears in his eyes.

I hugged him tightly and sobbed into the crook of his neck, "He's gone."

"What happened?" I heard Mikael shout at the sobbing Klaus.

Klaus cried out, "He wanted to see the werewolves."

The rest of the night felt numb. Everyone was saddened and infuriated by the loss of Henrik by the hands of the bloody werewolves.

His Darling, Her Love//Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now