Chapter 22

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My eyes fluttered open. I felt two strong arms holding me under from my bent knees and on my back. I am being carried. I instantly looked up to see who was holding me. It was Elijah. He carried me along the sidewalk, walking at a fast pace.

As we walked by a man, concern washed over his face, "Oh my God. Is she okay?"

Elijah nodded his head, "She is fine. She just had a little too much to drink."

"But she is bleeding!" The man cried out, staring at my in horror.

"Like I said, she's had a lot to drink," Elijah said, growing impatient with the man.

Before the man could respond, Elijah used his supernatural speed to leave the man in the dust. 

"Where are we going?" I asked, my voice raspy from not speaking in a while.

Elijah glanced down at me as he walked, "We are going to Jonas. Are you alright?"

I nodded my head, instantly regretting it, "Oww. Yeah, other than the neck."

"Yes. I know. Those bastards betrayed us," Elijah said, huffing.

"Come on. Run. I can handle a little bumpiness," I said, urging him on.

That was all he needed because within a few seconds, we were at a door. Elijah flung it open, revealing Jonas. 

"What happened?" Jonas asks instantly, seeing the two of us in our not-so best-shape.

"I need you to find Elena. Now," Elijah said quickly as he came into the room. 

Jonas nodded his head and prepared himself, probably for a spell. Elijah laid me onto the couch carefully. 

"Lijah, I need blood," I said to him in a low tone. 

He nodded, "I know. I grabbed you a blood bag from the Salvatore Boarding House."

He went into his coat, pulling out a blood bag and handed it to me. As soon as the bag and I came into contact, I savagely ripped it open. I drank every last drop of the blood as quickly as I could. The blood gave me back some strength but did not fully quench my hunger. I got up from the couch, instantly feeling stronger. Elijah and I turn towards Jonas who was performing a spell. He seemed to have completed it because he looked up to us. 

Elijah blinked and nodded his head, "I know where she is." 

"Where?" I ask, my wild, bloodthirsty eyes landing on Elijah.

"The Gilbert Lake House. Go get a rag. Clean yourself up on the way," Elijah said, pointing a finger at me.

I nodded and rushed into the kitchen. I grabbed a rag and soaked it in water. I began rubbing my neck with the white rag as I exited the room. 

"Let's go," I said, heading for the door.

Elijah and Jonas followed me but Elijah stopped Jonas, "Where are you going?"

"I am going to visit the Bennett witch," Jonas answered, walking past us.

Elijah and I look at each other before following. We leave the building and make our way to the Gilbert Lake House.

At the Gilbert Lake House

Elijah and I reached the Gilbert Lake House within minutes. As the lake house came into view, Elijah bent down and grabbed some pebbles that were lying on the ground. As he looked up, we shared a knowing look. He stood up and eyed the door as he played with the rocks. Then, he threw the pebbles as if he were skipping stones. They broke the door and it swung open.

"You know. I may not be able to enter this house... But I am a very patient man. I can wait you out," Elijah said, stepping closer to the door.

"But me, I am not so patient. If I get bored, maybe I can humor myself by lighting this place on fire," I said, smiling menacingly as Elena slowly cowered from her hiding place.

She looked surprised to see me but spoke calmly, "They shouldn't have done what they did."

"The deal is off," Elijah said plainly to Elena.

"I'm renegotiating," Elena said, looking weak and puny.

I snarled at her, "You have nothing left to negotiate with."

A silence laid upon the crowd. Then, she pulled out a knife. Elijah's expression turns from serious to amused by her actions. This only made me roll my eyes.

"I'd like to see you lure Klaus into Mystic Falls after the doppelganger bleeds to death," Elena said annoyingly.

Elijah shook his head slightly, "Stefan wouldn't let you die."

Elena agreed, "No, he won't. He'll feed me his blood to heal me, and then I'll kill myself and become a vampire, just like Katherine did. So unless you want that to happen again, promise me the same as before...promise me...You won't harm anyone that I love. Even if they've harmed you."

I turned to see his expression. Elijah stood in silent thought. Through his eyes, you could see him debating whether she was bluffing or not.

Finally, he shook his head softly, "I'm sorry, Elena. I'm going to have to call your bluff."

Elena lets out a shaky breathe. Pointing the dagger at her stomach, he shuts her eyes. I found myself subconsciously taking a step forward as I watched her every move. Then, she opened her eyes and looked at us both as she stabbed herself in the stomach. She screams out in pain as blood oozes from her stomach. She falls to the floor and Elijah rushing to the door but stops as he was never invited into the house. 

"Yes! Yes. Yes, you can have your deal. Let me heal you," Elijah rushes the words out, looking at her with wild eyes.

"Give me your word!" She shouts, pain strung into every word.

Elijah nods his head frantically, "I give you my word."

Elena limps over to Elijah before falling into his arms. Then, she suddenly stabbed Elijah with the dagger, right through his heart. He fell to the ground, Elena falling with him.

"No!" I screamed, flashing to stand in front of the door.

Before I could get close enough to Elijah and Elena, Damon came out. He had a crossbow, armed with a wooden stake. Before I could retaliate, he shot the crossbow. The stake landing in my waist It was obviously soaked in vervain, seeing as though the wound burned. He put in another stake and shot at me again. This time, I held up my hand, blocking it. The stake cut through my hand and stuck there. I ripped it out, crying out in pain.

I threw it blindly at Damon as I shut my eyes in pain. Once I opened them, I saw Stefan pick up Elena and flashed inside. Damon had another gadget; a gun. He shot the gun rapidly at me. I was hit at least five times. No bullet his my heart, but barely scraped it. 

Gasping in shock, I lifted my hand and placed near where a bullet was. 

"You will pay for that!" I shouted, but my voice was weak. 

"Come get me then!" Damon yelled, opening my arms.

I glared at him and growled, "You should not have said that."

I sped over to the front door but as I reached it, I stumbled. As I stumbled, I felt a boiling liquid dribbled down my back. I screamed out in agony as I stayed bent over. Then, I used my vampire speed to hit the invisible barrier between Damon and I and bared my fangs at him. As we were closer, he slapped me in the face, making my neck snap for the second time that day. I fell to the floor as my vision turned black.

His Darling, Her Love//Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now