Chapter 16

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Ring... Ring... Ring...

"Ugh," I groaned as I groggily opened my eyes.

I was lying beside Bonnie and Caroline. Elena was on the edge beside Caroline. Yes, I, an a thousand year old vampire, am having a sleepover with my teenage girlfriends.

"Go away," Caroline whined, shoving Elena off of the bed.

Elena landed on the floor with an umph. She probably glared at Caroline because there was a pause before she grabbed her phone from the dresser. She crawled out of the room as she answered the phone. The girls and I laid in bed as she talked to whoever was on the other line. After a few moments, I got out of bed and stood up

"Where are you going?" Caroline mumbled, keeping her eyes shut.

"I am hungry," I stated after a soft yawn. Turning to Bonnie, I grinned, "Bonnie, may I?"

She opened her eyes tiredly and glared at me, "No!"

I softly chuckled as I began to walk out of the room.Gracefully, I hopped around Elena and trotted to the kitchen. I grabbed a blood bag from Caroline's hidden stash. I pulled off the cap and sucked the blood from the bag. Once I was done, I threw it in the trashcan but made sure it was hidden beneath more trash. I went back upstairs and threw open the curtains.

"Alex! Put them back!" Caroline shrieked, hiding her face in the pillows.

"Please, Alex!" Bonnie muttered, covering her face with her hands.

I smirked as I sat on the bed, "Sorry, can't hear you."

Caroline glares at me and throws a pillow at me which I caught. I grinned at her as I chucked it back at her, hitting her in the head. I heard Bonnie and Elena laugh.

"Who called?" Bonnie asked, sitting up.

Elena smiled softly, "Stefan."

"Ooh!" Caroline teased, grinning as she also sat up.

"We are going to go to the Lake House," Elena said, grinning at us all.

I smirked and cocked an eyebrow at her, "Romantic getaway?"

"Yep!" Elena said, popping the 'p'.

"Lucky," Bonnie said, pouting her lips.

I nodded my head, "Yeah, I wish I could just up and leave this place."

"Uh, you can though," Caroline said, raising her eyebrows at me.

"I know but Basil doesn't want to go because he isn't as deep with the drama as I am. Plus, that would mean I would have to leave you all behind, including Elijah who I've made amends with," I said.

Bonnie chimed in, "What is going on between you and Elijah, anyway?"

"He lived in the same village as me one thousand years ago," I said, giving her the brief explanation.

"Oh, wow," Bonnie stated looking shocked.

Caroline nodded her head, "And they had a thing, in what, the seventeen hundreds?" She turned to me for clarification.

I rolled my eyes and whined as I stomped my foot, "Caroline!"

"Woops, sorry!" Caroline sighed, shutting her eyes.

Elena asked, "So was it weird to see him again?"

I nodded my head rapidly, "Very. Last time I saw him, I was beyond pissed. So, I had a mixture of emotions when I heard his name."

His Darling, Her Love//Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now