Chapter 47

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I was walking around town, searching for a certains someone. Suddenly, I was shoved into a building by a vigorous force. My eyes shut on impact as my back. As I opened them, my eyes met with dark, salacious eyes.

A grin emerged upon my lips as they attacked his. I felt his soft lips grin as they came into contact with my own. My hands went to his hair as he held my waist tightly, pushing me into the brick wall.

I pulled away when I felt his urges grow, "Come on now, Kol. Steady on."

His eyes flickered with mischief, "And why would I want to do that?"

"If you have forgotten, we are on the sidewalk," I rolled my eyes with a small smile.

"We could change that," Kol said, watching as he trailed his fingers up my thigh before looking up at me through his eyelashes suggestively.

I could barely feel his touch through the fabric of my jeans but I still felt shivers run my spine. He smirked as if he knew the affect he had on me.

"And where would we go?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Hawaii! I already booked us a flight," Kol grinned appeared as he hooked his fingers with the belt loops of my jeans.

 I grinned at him, "I like the sound of that."

"Alright then. Let's go," He says, taking a step back. "The plane ride is in an hour and a half.

I paused for a second, "Wait, where is Lijah?"

He laughed for a moment, "I almost forgot! He decided to let us have some alone time. He says he needed some as well."

"Oh," I frowned slightly. "I wish he would have said goodbye."

Kol waved me off, "Don't worry. He will be okay. We will see him soon enough."

I nodded my head and grabbed his hand, "Okay then. Let's go. You are driving by the way."

He sighed and swung our hands as we walked, "Fine, darling."

We got in the car and he drove us to the airport. We went through the baggage check and waited to get on the plane in the waiting area.

"Why did you choose Hawaii?" I asked Kol curiously.

"I just wanted to be in the sun and relax with you," he said, grabbing my hand and kissing it.

I smiled at him and leaned on his shoulder. We continued to talk until we boarded the plane. I took the window seat and Kol sat in the middle. During the plane ride, I found myself falling asleep.

I was in the caves where my village and I had gone for shelter against the werewolves on a full moon. In the cave with me was Niklaus, Finn, Elijah, Rebekah, Henrik, Kol, Mikael, Esther, Basil, my parents, my aunt Adeline, and my sister, Iris. 

I was carving my name on the walls of the cave. 

"Almost done, Alexandria? You have been taking forever," Rebekah asks with a roll of her eyes.

"I enjoy taking my time, Bex. By the looks of it, you should too," I retorted, gesturing to her name.

Niklaus joins in, "Hey, I would say that that is pretty good. For a girl at least."

I quickly turned to him with a gaping mouth. I found Iris and Rebekah doing the same.

"Watch yourself, Niklaus. Not the wisest words," Elijah chuckled, leaning back against the wall.

"I would follow your Elijah's words. He always was the smartest  of the family," Iris teased.

Rebekah nodded her head, "Remember, Nik. I can wield a blade just as well as I can carve." 

This made Kol laugh, "Oh please. Nik would definitely beat you in a match."

"Because she is a girl?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, testing him.

"No, because Father would beat him if he did not win," Finn said. "We should not joke around like this. Father is just over there."

This all made us quiet down in fear of Mikael coming. I turned back to the wall and continued to carve Kol's name.

"There. How is that Kol?" I asked, stepping back to admire my work.

He cocked his head to get a better look and smiled, "Absolutely perfect."

"Anything for you," Rebekah said dreamily to Basil, mocking me.

I rolled my eyes at her, "Oh hush Rebekah. You are just jealous of my skills."

Basil laughs, "Yeah, Alexandria. You just keep telling yourself that."

I glared at him as I stepped over a sleeping Henrik.

"Come on, Basil. We all know you are the least artistic here," Iris says, rolling her eyes at our brother.

"Right, tis I who is most artistic!" Niklaus said with a smirk.

Finn playfully rolls his eyes, "Is that really something you should be proud of when you are a viking?"

Iris nods her head and grabs Niklaus's hand, "Absolutely, but do not get too overweening, Klaus."

"Good job tightening Nik's leash, Iris," Kol said with a smirk.

"Perhaps I should tighten yours," I suggested, raising an eyebrow at Kol who I stood beside.

He grabbed both my hands and pulled me down to sit beside him. When Isat beside him, He shook his head, "Of course not, darling."

Elijah smirked, "She has you wrapped around her finger, little brother."

Kol turns to glare at Elijah. Before he could, I grabbed him delicately by the jaw to turn him back to me. I pecked his lips softly and pulled away. He smiled at me, only making me smile back.

"I stand correct," Elijah chuckles, causing others to do the same.

I was awoken when Kol grabbed my hand and said, "Exandria, we are here."

With an excited smile, I opened the window to look outside. It was the brink of morning. I turned back to see Kol getting our stuff from the overhead compartment. 

"What did you dream about?" Kol asks as we wait to get off the plane. "You kept smiling. You even laughed slightly in your sleep."

"Really?" I asked with a giggle.

He nodded his head with a smile. 

"I dreamed about the time I carved your name in the cave," I said, finding myself smiling at the memory.

Kol thought for a moment before laughing, "Oh, I remember that. That was a fun day."

"Yeah, except for the fact that it was a full moon," I said, rolling my eyes with a small smile.

He nodded his head with a chuckle, "True, true."

His Darling, Her Love//Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now