Chapter 32

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"We should travel sometime," I said, smiling at him.

Kol grinned back at me, "Rome? Bahamas? London? Paris?"

I chuckled softly and nodded my head, "Yes! Let us travel the world together."

"Gladly," He smiled before his eyes seem distracted.

My eyes followed his, only to land on Jeremy who was walking a golden retriever. I felt a bit of happiness when I saw him. It seems to have been ages the last time I saw him. 

"That's him," I whispered before standing with a big grin.

"Jer!" I beam, placing my hands on my hips.

Our eyes meet and he smiles genuinely, "Alex! It is great to see you!"

He begins to run over and his dog takes over, sprinting over to me. Jer accidently drops the leash and the dog leaps onto me. I catch it in my arms as an instinct. The massive pup begins to lick my face as I chuckle. When it stops, I set it down.

"Wow. Somebody has been lifting," Jeremy says with a laugh.

I laugh too and give him a quick hug. When we pull away, I introduce Kol and Jeremy, "Jeremy, this is my boyfriend Kol. Kol, this is Jeremy."

"Great to meet you," Jeremy says, holding his hand out.

Kol puts on a smirk and shakes his hand, "Hello mate. Alexandria speaks highly of you. Hope you can meet up to my expectations."

There it was, the obnoxious, hard shell Kol put on around everyone but me. It made me feel special, knowing that it is I who brings down his walls.

My heart fluttered but was brought down when Jeremy chuckled, "I'll try but I probably won't need to."

"I highly doubt it," Kol hummed quietly, only so that I could hear with my intense hearing.

"So, Jer, how has life been since moving to Denver?" I asked, ignoring Kol's remark.

A smile formed across Jeremy's lips, "It has been great actually. I've made myself a life her. New friends. A dog. School."

I nodded my head before I smirked, "Any girls?" I rose my eyebrows suggestively with a laugh.

"Nope. That seems to be the only thing I cannot get," Jeremy laughed, scratching the back of his head and looking down.

"Can't say I'm shocked," I said before Jer glared at me slightly. "I'm joking, relax!"

He shook his head slightly but smiled, "I don't know why you all pick on me!"

"Because you're the little Gilbert," Kol said with a smirk.

"You've met Elena?" Jeremy asked, raising an eyebrow at Kol before shaking his head. "Right. You probably have, my bad."

Kol shrugged his shoulders, "Never met her. I have only seen her around. Seems like a tasty thing."

I rolled my eyes and said, "Ignore him. He loves to speak jibberish."

"Relax! I was just kidding!" Kol says with a chuckle which only made me roll my eyes once more.

"What I said before still stands, " I sighed with a small smile.

Kol's phone went off, signalling he received a text, "I must take this. Excuse me."

He left us and I changed the subject, "What is this little guy's name?" I gestured down to his dog.

"Bailey," Jeremy answered, drawing the attention of the canine.

"I have always wanted a dog," I frowned slightly.

Jeremy pulled out a tennis ball and tossed it with a shrug, "Then get one. I bet Basil would be fine with it."

Shaking my head, I said, "I have had many pets in the past. I do not think Basil wants another."

"What pets have you owned?" Jeremy asks as Basiley brings back the ball.

"Dog, cat, horse, you name it. I have probably had it," I said with a chuckle.

In the background, I hear Nikki's voice on the phone saying, "Kol. How's the weather up there in Mile High City? And how's our friend? May I see him?"

Kol responded with a smirk, "Of course. Here he is."

I turned to look back at Kol, only to see he was recording. I stuck my tongue out knowing Bonnie was watching. Quickly I turned back to Jeremy who was still playing fetch with his dog Bailey.

"How long have you and Kol been dating?" Jeremy asks as his dog ran to fetch the ball.

"Well our families have been close for many years. We met at a young age and fell in love. When I moved to Mystic Falls, we broke up recently and now we got back into touch. So we've been together for a long time," I said with a smile.

Kol joined my side and wrapped his arm around my waist before kissing my head, "A very long time and I cannot wait to spend forever with you."

"You guys are making me sick," Jeremy fake gagged as he turned back to his dog.

I rolled my eyes before pecking Kol's lips, "Let's not make the poor boy get more sick."

"I couldn't care less about the boys," Kol murmurs with a smirk, wrapping both hands around my waist.

"Hey!" Jeremy exclaims, glaring at Kol. "I'm standing right here!"

Kol looks at me annoyed before plastering a smile on his face and turning to Jeremy, "Kidding!"

Jeremy rolls his eyes but smiled before throwing the ball again.

"Play nice," I say lowly for only Kol to hear.

"I don't play nice," Kol growls harshly with a glare.

I raise an eyebrow at him before tearing his arms off from my waist. Without a second glance, I turned to Jeremy and said, "Hey Jer, do you wanna show us around? I would love to see your place here!"

"Sure! Let's go," Jeremy smiles, putting the leash back on Bailey after retrieving the tennis ball soaked in saliva.

"Alright!" I linked arms with Jeremy who laughed. 

I turned back to Kol and smirked before I blew a kiss his way. He glared at me before pretending to catch it. Then he threw my kiss away. Still wearing my smirk, I turn back to Jeremy who was being a lovely tour guide. I could hear Kol shuffling behind us, probably glaring holes into Jeremy's back.

For the rest of the day, Kol and I were with Jeremy. Making Kol jealous was fun. He has always been the jealous type.

Sorry for the short chapter! I have been busy lately but I still managed to keep my promise to you guys! Thank you so much for 18.2k reads and almost 500 votes! It means the world to me, knowing that you guys like my writing. Thanks again!

His Darling, Her Love//Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now