Chapter 12

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"Rebeckah, I will not lie. I am a little nervous," My sister said softly before letting out a shaky laugh.

I rolled my eyes and Rebekah assured her, "Do not worry. There is no need. My family will love you."

I placed my hand on my hip and raised an eyebrow at Rebekah, "Oh yeah, and what about me, Beckah?" I smirked as I gestured towards my face.

"I'm not so sure about you, Alexandria," Rebekah said, rolling her eyes playfully.

Iris even joined in on the banter, "We can never be sure about you."

I gaped at her and pretended to be hurt. Once again, Rebekah rolled her eyes and Iris mirrored her. We finally reached Rebekah's hut and she walked inside, gesturing for us to follow. I stepped after her but paused. I turned to Iris and gave her a reassuring smile. She smiled back softly and I grabbed her hand. We trailed after Rebekah and into her home.

"Family! I have brought guests!" Rebekah called throughout her home.

"Please do not embarrass me," She mumbles quietly but I heard her. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, chuckling softly.

A young boy around our age came into the room and smiled at us. When he came closer, I noticed it was not a smile but a smirk.

He held his arms out wide and had a smug look on his face, "Well, I must approve of these guests."

His bluish green eyes glittered as they swept over my sister. I noticed this and smirked.

"My name is Alexandria and this is Iris, my sister," I said proudly as I gestured to Iris.

He smirked at my sister and nodded his head, "I am Niklaus but, please, call me Klaus.

"Lovely to meet you," Iris says politely as she smiles at him brightly.

Suddenly, three boys stumbled into the room. They all shared brown hair and brown eyes. They laughed at one another before the the second youngest brother of the three eyed my sister and I. He straightened his posture and cleared his throat. Then, his brothers noticed us.

The older brother strolled up to us, eyeing us warily and asked, "Rebekah, who are these two girls?"

Rebekah was about to speak but I snapped at the boy, "We can speak for ourselves."

His eyes narrowed at me but before he could respond, my sister came to the rescue.

"Please, excuse her for her nonexistent manners. I am Iris and she is Alexandria," My sister said in a calm and pleasant tone.

I rolled my eyes. Must she always be such an angel?

"And who are you?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow at him.

"Finn," He stated, looking bored already.

The other boy came forth, "I am Elijah. It is nice to meet you."

I smiled at him, "It is nice to meet you as well."

Elijah grinned back at me and the youngest brother smiled brightly, "And I am Henrik! You are very pretty, Alexandria."

"Thank you, Kind Sir," I said, genuinely smiling at the young boy. He smiled back at me widely.

I turned to Iris and she was completely oblivious that Klaus was staring at her. Before I could nudge her, another person stumbled into the room.

His Darling, Her Love//Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now