Chapter 49

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After breakfast and our little bit of fun, Kol and I took a shower and got ready for the day. I dressed into a coral bikini and a white lace cover up. I chucked on white sandals and some sunglasses. Once we were ready, Kol and I went off to the beach.

"I forgot how much I loved the beach," I said as I dreamily looked at the waves crashing against the sand.

He smiled and intertwined our hands, "I figured you would love it here."

We walked down to the sand and set our stuff down. We set up our towels on the sand. I took off my cover up as Kol took of his shirt before we ran into the ocean. We splashed around and basked in the sun. It was quite a fun and relaxed day.

Now, we were walking around shops as it was getting late. We decided to stop at a nice restaurant with a large bar. 

"Ooh, Kol. Do you see what I see?" I ask, raising my eyebrows suggestively.

He scanned the room before his eyes lit up, "Shall we?" 

Kol held out his arm for me which I grabbed with a smile, "Of course."

He escorted me to the bar and we sat at the bar on the bar stools. 

"What can I get you guys?" The bartender asks, wiping his hands with a cloth.

"We will have the entire bottle of bourbon for free," Kol says, compelling the bartender.

The bartender nods his head and turns behind the counter to retrieve the bourbon. He handed it to us and winked at me.

"Could we have some glasses please?" I asked him with a cock of my head.

"Sure thing gorgeous," He said, pulling out two glasses and setting them down on the countertop.

I smiled at him, "Thank you."

The bartender nodded his head, "No problem."

"Walk away," Kol commanded through gritted teeth.

After the bartender left, I rolled my eyes and teased Kol, "I liked him."

"Well, what I like are bourbon and you in that bikini--him not included," Kol retorted as he opened the bottle.

I laughed at his sharpness, "Then pour me a glass."

Kol smirked and poured us each a glass of bourbon. He slid my glass over to me and I picked it up, then took a gulp of the bourbon.

"Remember how I was searching for a way to dagger Nik?" Kol asked suddenly, almost making me spit out my bourbon.

"Yes. You said you tried using dark objects..." I trailed off, not knowing what he was leading up to.

Kol took a deep breath and sighed, "I feel like we should relocate them. I know where they are."

"And why must we need to do that?" I asked him. "Aren't we happy here? You don't need to maintain Nikki."

I noticed his eyes darken as he spoke, "This bit of happiness will not last long. It never does with this family."

I set down my glass and grabbed one of Kol's hands, "My love, I highly doubt your siblings will go through all the trouble to get to us. If anything, they will ask for us. Either way, I thought we left on good terms with them."

He shook his head and his voice became stronger, "Things will change. You don't know what it was like to be daggered for so long!"

I jumped slightly when he slightly shouted. "Sorry. It's just that you don't know what it was like to be daggered by Nik. You can never experience the pain the dagger holds."

"You're right, but you are not alone," I softly said and rubbed his knuckle smoothly.

He shook his head, "I was always the black sheep of the family."

"No, you were not," I said sternly, furrowing my eyebrows.

"I am everyone's least favorite. They always daggered me for lashing out. I only lashed out because they treated me differently," He said and looked down at his glass of bourbon. 

I sighed and watched him, "How did they treat you differently?"

"They only came to me for violence and revenge. I was only needed to make others jealous. In the early eighteen hundreds, Nik only used me to ruin Elijah. Because of me, Elijah lost you and had to back off of Marcel," Kol snarled when he mentioned Marcellus.

I nodded my head, "I know. You weren't the only one hurt by that."

He acknowledged my comment with a curt nod and continued, "And Marcellus. Nik and Elijah both loved him more than me--their own brother!"

"They looked at Marcellus as a son! That kind of love is different but that doesn't mean they loved him any more than you," I tried to explain but it just seemed to go in one ear and out the other.

He paused before suddenly sitting up straight, "And Rebekah! My own little sister turned against me! She sold me out to Nik a hundred years ago. That is why my little project was cut off."

"Kol," I sighed and grabbed his chin, making him face me. "Why didn't you ever tell me any of this?"

"Because, I wanted the little time I spent with you during that time to be positive. I didn't want to ruin your relationship with either of them," He huffed. "Plus, you know I hate sharing these feelings."

I nodded my head quickly and grabbed both sides of his face, "Kol, please know that you are loved by your family no matter what they do or say."

Kol smiles with a happy sigh, "You have no idea how much you mean to me."

"And you will never know how much I love you," I said with a smile.

He slowly leaned in and placed a passionate kiss full of love and cherishment. Heat rose to my cheeks as my insides turned warm.I could feel him smiling into the kiss; I was probably doing the same. 

What do you guys think of vulnerable Kol? What would you like to see next chapter? I am not sure what Alexandria and Kol should do. Feel free to leave suggestions or requests! Thanks for the support on the last chapter!

His Darling, Her Love//Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now