Chapter 61

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When I awoke, Kol was gone. His side of the bed was cold which made me frown. I had woken up late. I showered and got ready for the day. I dressed into skinny jeans with rips and a maroon top. I decided to wear black, high heeled boots and a dark grey cardigan. 

I couldn't shake off what happened yesterday. The look Kol had in his eyes as he held the white oak stake to Rebekah's heart was terrifying. I had never thought he would try and kill his siblings, let alone my sire. I kept replaying our talk last night. 

Had he lied to me? Would he kill his sister and I to stop Silas from rising? Did I forgive him too easily?

I brushed off these thoughts as I  went downstairs to find Basil drinking a glass of blood in the kitchen.

"Good morning, sunshine," He smiles as I open the fridge.

"Morning," I said as I grabbed a blood bag and began to drink from it.

Basil raised an eyebrow at me, "What happened? You don't look like you slept well."

"Thanks," I rolled my eyes at him.

"Someone's cranky," Basil mused as a chuckle left his lips.

I glared at him before sighing, "Everything is going insane with the talk of Silas and the Cure. Yesterday, Rebekah threatened to dagger Kol since Kol compelled Damon to kill Jeremy. I was there for both events."

"That family is messed up," Basil grumbled and shook his head.

"That's what they were both saying. Then... Kol tried to stake Rebekah but she stopped him," Towards the end, I began to mumble.

Basil furrowed his eyebrows, "What?"

"Kol tried to stake Rebekah," I said and avoided his eyes.

"Has he forgotten who is from his sire line?" Basil half shouted.

I jumped at the loudness of his voice, "I don't think he actually tried to kill her. I think he knew she would stop him from staking her."

"So you think he was bluffing to scare her?" Basil scoffed as he leaned against the counter.

"I--I don't know," When I heard myself stutter, I made myself speak in more confidence. "I have never seen Kol so scared of something before Silas. He genuinely believes he is real and will bring hell on earth."

Basil nods his head, "I have heard of Silas. When we parted in the late 1700s, I came across witches who spoke of his liberation. I understand his fear of Silas. Why does everyone want the Cure so badly, even if it means hell on earth?"

"They believe the Cure is real but Silas is not, which does not make any sense. Why would there even be a cure for immortality if Silas, the immortal being, did not exist. There would be no reason to create the Cure," I felt myself began to rant.

"The Cure and humanity won't matter when everyone is dead," Basil sighed and ran his hands through his dark hair. "They are actually stupid."

I found myself laughing at his comment.

"This is a serious matter!" Basil exclaimed.

I nodded my head, "Did you see Kol leave? He spent the night and I can tell he has been gone for a while. I don't need him getting in trouble after what he did yesterday."

Basil sighed, "I still cannot believe he did that. Silas has turned him even more into a homicidal maniac."

"That homicidal maniac will be you brother-in-law," I smiled as I raised an eyebrow at him.

He rolls his eyes, "I saw him leave a while ago. He said something about killing a witch."

I sighed, "Oh no. He's probably going after Bonnie."

"What are you going to do?" Basil asked with raised eyebrows.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I could try and stop him, or I could help him but keep him on a tight leash."

"Or you could just do nothing and let him deal with it. Tell me, did you ask Rebekah how she is? Have you even talked to her since Kol tried to kill her?" Basil watched me with his steady, blue eyes.

"No. I just haven't had time," I sighed and ran my hands through my hair.

Basil scoffed, "I call bullshit."

I gaped at him, "Hey!"

"That is a great excuse for your best friend, Alexandria. You need to talk to her. Your relationship with Kol could ruin your other relationships," Basil frowned at me. "I would hate to see you lose someone you love."

I sighed and nodded my head, "You're right. I will talk to her."

Not long after our little chat, I left the house and walked around town. I called Rebekah.

"What do you want?" She asks in a sharp tone.

"Can we talk, please, in person?" I asked with a sad sigh.

Rebekah pauses for a moment before responding, "Fine. Come to my house now. I have a dance to go to tonight."

"Oka--" She hung up.

I made my way over to her house, thinking of what I would say. By the time I found myself knocking on her door, I still had no idea what to say.

She opened the door wearing a white tank top and a bored look on her face, "What do you want to talk about?"

Rebekah stepped aside, allowing me to come inside.

"I don't even know where to start," I sighed and turned to face her.

"How about the part when Kol almost tried to kill me?" Rebekah raised an eyebrow.

I furrowed my eyebrows at her, "Or when you tried to dagger him."

"You know that I have always wanted to be human. Now, the one time I have a chance at becoming human, Kol tries to rip it from me!" Rebekah raised her voice at my retort.

"Being human won't matter if Silas rises! He will kill us all!" My voice became louder with every word.

Rebekah glared at me, "Silas does not even exist!"

"Then why is there a cure for immortality? Why would a witch create a cure for something that doesn't even exist?" I asked her as I stepped towards her.

She narrowed her eyes at me, "Kol would have killed me, and you, as well as Basil, and everyone else I have turned."

"Silas will kill many more," I spoke in a low tone. "Kol is the only one looking at the big picture. You and your friends only choose to look at the Cure when you should all be thinking about Silas."

Rebekah shook her head, "Even if Silas is real, we wouldn't raise him."

"We cannot take that chance," I sighed.

"I am sorry, Alexandria. I will not stop trying to get the cure," Rebekah said after a moment of thought.

I looked at her in disappointment, "I thought I could count on you, Bex."

"You can. lex, I have never gotten what I wanted. I have been betrayed and manipulated countless times. Don't take this opportunity of happiness from me," Rebekah's tone softened as she looked at e with tired eyes.

"I do not wish to take this from you, but I believe Kol," I turned from her and left through the front door.

You guys, I am afraid my story is coming to an end very soon! I have an idea of how this will end but this is a lot of work, trying to think of a powerful ending. I cannot believe how much this story has come along! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

His Darling, Her Love//Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now