Chapter 45

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"Stefan," Elena's voice woke me from my dream. Actually, it was more of a nightmare.

"Alexandria, wake up," The voice of Kol said.

My eyes flew open. I was in Kol's arms. He had busted through the bars of the cage. Rebekah and Elijah were behind him.

Kol helped me up and I kissed his lips, "I love you so much."

"I love you too," Kol said with a smile.

"Come on. We have to leave before they come back," Elijah said lowly.

Kol nodded grimly and helped me to my feet. Before I could even take a step forward, Rebekah and Elijah collapsed to the floor. Blood poured on the floor around them. Their bodies began to flame up.

"Oh my God," I said with wide eyes.

Before Kol could turn, he fell forward onto me. I felt a liquid flood over me.

"Kol..." I trailed off, looking past him.

A man was stood holding a crossbow was watching us. His crossbow was loaded with arrows made from the white oak stake.

Before I could do anything, Kol's body caught up in flames. I screamed as the flames overcame me.

"What happened?" Stefan asks worryingly.

"I'm out of time. I need blood. I'm dying," Elena whimpers.

Stefan pauses before shouting, "Hey! Anyone, hey!"

"Will you shut up?!" Rebekah snaps wickedly.

"You think we're afraid of you?" Stefan retorted quickly.

An officer entered the cage and walked to Stefan's cage, "You want more vervain? Keep it down."

"Listen to me. Elena's gonna die if you don't let her out of here," Stefan says convincingly.

The officer glances at Elena before saying, "Sorry, not my problem."

"She's innocent. Let her out," Stefan says more forcingly.

"Elena is no vampire!" I croak at the officer.

The officer ignores us both and walks away. Stefan was not having this. He rushes to the other side of his cage, "Let her out!"

He turns back to Stefan and shoots him in the stomach. Stefan falls to the floor with a thud.

"Stop!" Elena cries out, her eyes teary.

"I said, let her out!" Stefan screams again.

The officer responded by shooting Stefan again, but this time in the leg. He leaves the barn.

Stefan pulls the bullet out of his leg and slides over to Elena, "Elena? You still with me?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm here. I'm okay," Elena pants, visibly more pale.

"You shouldn't lie when your life is at stake," I stated.

Stefan nodded, "Damon was right, you should have fed this morning. I'm so sorry."

"Don't be. You had hope. That's all I ever wanted you to have and you had it," Elena said. You could hear the smile in her voice.

"I love you so much," Stefan says, leaning against the wall.

Elena cannot stop smiling, "Do you know why I was even on that bridge? I was coming back for you, Stefan. I had to choose and I picked you because I love you. No matter what happens, it's the best choice I ever made."

His Darling, Her Love//Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now