Chapter 3

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2013 A.D.

Alexandria's P.O.V.

I awoke at 11:42. I love sleeping in, I get to escape my reality. Thank God that I don't have to go to highschool. When I was turned, I was nineteen, maybe even eighteen, so I can say I graduated.

Today, I am meeting Caroline, my best friend, at Mystic Grill in about an hour. I went downstairs and into the kitchen. My brother Basil was sat on the counter, drinking from a blood bag.

"I heated you up a glass of AB, your favorite," Basil said, nodding his head to the counter beside him.

I smile at him as I pick up my glass, taking a sip before I said, "Why thank you, Big Bro."

"No problem. How'd you sleep?" Basil asks, raising his eyebrows as he slurped up the delicious

I shrugged as I leaned against the counter opposite of Basil, looking at my glass of blood, "Like a baby."

"You don't have to lie to me, Alexandria," Basil said in a calm voice as he threw the blood bag into the trashcan.

"Why ask if you knew I was going to lie?" I questioned him, raising an eyebrow at Basil.

Basil shrugged with a smug look, "I just wanted to check up on you. You know, be a good brother and all."

"Fine. If you want the truth, "I started, when he nodded his head, I continued with a sigh, "then I shall give it to you."

Basil sat silently on the counter and laid his head in his hands, waiting for me to speak.

"Recently, I have been feeling a great deal of melancholy. I have no idea why but it was like it suddenly hit me in one swift motion. I have been trying to hold it in and bury it deep but last night The wall I built up shattered. I have absolutely no clue as to why I feel so depressed," I said, looking Basil in the eye at every word so he could see the honesty in my eyes.

Basil stood and wrapped his arms around me as he spoke, "I am so sorry, Alexandria. You do not deserve so much heartbreak."

"It is not your fault. It is no ones, I just have no clue what is happening anymore," I said as I wrap my arms around him.

We pull away and Basil nods with a sympathetic look, "I know, its just that as your brother, I always feel like there is something I can do to help."

I smile softly and grab his hand in a friendly way, "You can help by being there for me but you are already doing that for me. so I cannot ask for more."

He nods, looking at the floor with furrowed eyebrows, "Alright. Well, I am going to leave in a few minutes. I am meeting up with Stefan, Damon, and Elena."

"Okay, I am going to hang with Caroline at Mystic Grill," I said with a nod. As he left the kitchen, I frowned. He normally doesn't hang out with them, only Stefan. Damon and Elena are more of my type of crowd. I quickly shrugged it off as I finished my glass of AB blood we stole from the hospital.

After rinsing out my glass, I went upstairs and changed into a a loose, white sweater and skinny jeans. I chucked on my brown, heeled boots that went up to my knee and a nude with a tint of purple infinity scarf. I left my hair naturally wavy and put on my usual makeup. I left the house, taking my car, and headed off to Mystic Grill.

I ended up being a few minutes early so I grabbed a table in the center of the room and waited for Caroline's arrival.

As I waited, I ordered an ice tea and went on my phone. "Here you go, Alex," my friend, Matt, said as he placed my ice tea in front of me.

"Thanks," I say, smiling. He nods with a smile before walking off.

After throwing in two packets of sugar, I drank my tea and look up, seeing Caroline walk in. I waved her over and she smiled as she walked over. As Caroline reached the table, I stood and smiled, "Hey Care!"

She smiled back warmly and said, "Hi Alex!"

We hugged, then sat down at the table.

"You will not believe what has happened!" Caroline exclaimed with wild eyes.

I raised my eyebrows at her curiously, "Please, do tell."

"Elena was kidnapped!" Caroline shouted then repeated it quietly as she received weird looks from people, "Elena was kidnapped."

My eyes widened at this, "Who kidnapped her?"

Caroline shrugged and leaned back in her chair, "Just some vampire named Rose."

Rose. I knew a vampire called Rose. "Rose, as in: brown hair, green eyes, around 5'7, always hanging out with a guy called Trevor?" I asked, using gestures.

Caroline shrugged again, "I don't know. Why, do you know her?"

"Yes, she was a great friend of mine in 1689!" I exclaim happily, smiling at the memories she and I shared.

"Oh," is all Caroline said with a blank face.

I shook my head as I got back on topic, "Who found Elena?"

"Stefan and Damon. They found her at an abandoned house in Richmond, Virginia," Caroline said with a disgusted look in her eye by the mention of Damon.

My face fell as I spoke, "What did they do to Rose. Knowing Damon, he would have killed her."

"Don't worry. Rose is okay. She ran before Stefan and Damon could question her. They were busy with another vampire," Caroline said reassuringly.

"Another vampire?" I echoed as my eyebrows furrowed.

Caroline nodded, "Yeah, Rose kidnapped Elena as a bargaining tool. She said she would trade Elena for her freedom."

My head tilted in question as I asked, "Who was the other vampire?"

"Some guy called Elijah," Caroline said as she took a sip from my tea.

"Elijah?" I asked, barely a whisper.

"Yes," Caroline said slowly as she watched my every move. "Know him too?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

I nodded stiffly and spoke in an empty voice, "Yes. He is a very old friend."

Caroline silently nodded her head.

"What did they do to Elijah?" I asked after seconds of silence and thinking.

"They killed him," Caroline said softly as she looked at me with sympathetic eyes.

My jaw tensed as I avoided her pitied look. I knew he wasn't dead but I pretended I did not.

"Where did all this happen? Do you have the address?" I asked hopefully, finally looking in her blue eyes.

"Yeah, why?" Caroline asked slowly.

I thought for a second before responding, "Elijah was a great friend. I would like to bury him."

Caroline nodded curtly, "Of course. Here."

She wrote on her napkin with her pen, writing down the address. She handed it to me and I overlooked it.

"Thanks," I said with a small smile.

"No problem!" She said, returning my smile with her own.

"Care, I really must be running. I have to tend to Elijah's body," I said with a frown and furrowed eyebrows.

"That's fine! We can always hang out some other time," Caroline said, reassuringly nodding her gold locks.

I smiled one last time before standing and saying goodbye. She smiled and I left Mystic Grill.

Time for a long car ride.

His Darling, Her Love//Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now