Chapter 6

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I ran all the way to Caroline's house and knocked on her door. I waited a second before I heard footsteps. I saw her through the glass of her door. When she saw me, she jogged over and opened the door with a worried face.

"Alex! Are you okay?" She asks, worry clearly visible in her blue eyes that were so much like mine.

I smile at her but she could see through the act. She was my best friend after all. She frowns at me before she hugs me. This made me loose it. The tears poured from my eyes. The sobs came rushing in as I hugged her back. She whispered reassuring things to me like "It will be okay" and "You are going to be okay" We pulled away and I probably looked like a mess; eyes bloodshot red, cheeks stained with tears, my entire body trembling.

"Come on, you can talk to me," Caroline said softly, putting her arm over my shoulder, leading me to her room.

I softly chuckled, "And that is precisely the reason why I came to you."

Caroline raised her eyebrows at me, "Not because I give the best cuddles?" She smiled playfully.

"Definitely not," I said, rolling my eyes with a small smile.

She playfully glared at me and we reached her room. We sat on her bed and I grabbed a pillow, sitting criss-cross-applesauce and cuddling it to my chest. We sat in a comfortable silence and Caroline was the one who decided to break it.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Caroline asked softly. She watched me with pitied and shy eyes.

I closed my eyes and laughed halfheartedly, "Oh my, where to start?"

"The beginning?" Caroline suggested with raised eyebrows and a tiny smile.

I curtly nod and take a deep breath, "Before I start, I want you to know you will be the first person I have ever told about this in full detail. I am placing my trust in you. Please, do not make me regret opening myself up." I felt so vulnerable. She can easily judge me and throw our friendship away. Afterwards, she can go tell anyone what I have said or she can use it against me.

"Alex, you can trust me. You are my best friend and have been there for me whenever I needed you. I am going to do the same for you as long as I know you," Caroline said in a bold and strong tone which made me feel slightly better.

I offered a smile before telling her everything. (You can skip the italicized text if you already know and understand Alexandria's story line. I just described it in more detail, adding one or two other things to the story.)

Once, I was human. It was long ago, over one thousand years, but I can remember it like it was yesterday. I never thought of my future when I was human but I did not expect myself to change into a being of the night. I had a normal life; Normal life as in I shared a village with humans, witches, and werewolves. I was a young girl with a loving family but that did not last for so long. My mother and father were torn apart by the werewolves on a full moon. I never spoke to werewolves again. From the bad comes the good, however. My parent's deaths made my siblings and I closer, even closer than we already were.

First, there was Iris. I never talk about her because it breaks my heart even just thinking of her name. She was my twin sister and we did everything together. We would use our looks to play pranks and tease the boys. We were identical twin sisters but we had our differences. My hair was slightly lighter than her's and my eyes were pure blue. Her eyes, however, were mostly blue but if you looked closely, you could see specks of green. You could also tell us apart by our personalities. She was polite and kind. I, on the other hand, was rude and sarcastic but not all of the time. I could be nice but I liked playing hard to get. She was innocent and I was the trickster. I was also more confident and outgoing, she was shy. We would do anything and everything together, or not doing it at all. It was like we were one.

His Darling, Her Love//Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now