Chapter 5

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I parked my car on the street, outside of my house. I was still with Elijah, we had left Ella.

"Forget I kidnapped you and took you to an abandoned house. You will not remember Elijah or myself. However, you will remember walking around town. Now, you will go home and sleep," I told Ella, her pupils dilating as I compelled her.

I smiled softly at the girl before me, "It sure was nice meeting you, Ella."

Her mind goes blank and she leaves the car, leaving Elijah and I alone.

"I would offer you a place to stay..." I spoke, trailing off as I looked at Elijah, biting my lower lip.

He smiles softly before pursing his lips, "It is alright. I understand why Basil wishes not to see me. Like him, I am quite protective of my sister."

I smile as I look at my hands that were sat in my lap, thinking of Rebekah. Part of me was flaming with anger that Klaus daggered her but I was also happy just thinking of my eldest best friend.

"We will bring them back--all of them," Elijah stated boldly with an assured look and curt nod.

I nod my head and proclaim, "I will help you get them back. I will do whatever it takes."

He looks up with a smile, "I am so elated to have you back, Alexandria."

"And I you," I spoke softly, a delicate smile painted onto my face.

Elijah reached out and caressed my cheek. My eyes fluttered close at his gentle touch. His hand lingered there before he reluctantly pulled away, "I should probably be going."

"Right. I have a brother I must deal with," I sigh, nodding my head.

We get out of my car and he walks over to my side of the car so that he is in front of me.

"Here," I said handing Elijah a paper, "It's my phone number."

"Thank you," Elijah says, taking the folded paper from me.

I smile softly as I looked up to him, "I shall see you around, Lijah."

"Goodbye, Alexandria," Elijah said, smiling back at me before disappearing. I stood still for a moment before I headed into my house.

As I entered, I did not hear a sound. It was quiet. I checked outside and Basil's car was gone. Maybe he went for Elijah. Ha! Beat him there! I changed into my pajamas then sat on my bed and waited for Basil to return home.

Finally, I heard footsteps from outside then fiddle of keys. I hear the door knob twist and then the door shuts. I flashed downstairs and stood before him. I startled him, replacing his scowl with widened eyes. Wonder why he was scowling.

"I see you look mad. Good, because I am too. Where were you?" I said, raising an eyebrow and pursing my lips. I placed my hands on my hips then narrowed my eyes at him.

Basil raises an eyebrow at me, "Remember? I was with Stefan, Damon, and Elena."

"Do not lie, it will not help you whatsoever. I will ask once more. Where were you?" I asked, hissing at my brother.

Basil's eyes harden, "Like I said, I was with Stefan, Damon, and Elena."

I narrow my eyes at him and feel my fangs extend as I grabbed him buy the throat, pushing him into the door. "Liar!" I shouted in his face, tightening my grip. "I saw Stefan and Elena when I was driving home. They were leaving The Grill so where were you, Brother?"

"Why do you care so much, Alexandria?" Basil asked, shoving me off of him.

My eyes narrowed at him, "Do not try and change the subject, Basil. Answer me. Now!"

Next thing I know, his hand is around my throat and he has me against the wall. "I went to retrieve Elijah's body but it seems as though someone reached him before me!" Basil growled as his eyes darkened to the color of trenches, deep within the beautiful ocean.

I smirk in his hold, shoving him away, "Alright! I confess, I did it. It was I who helped Elijah."

Basil rolls hies eyes and huffs, "Why should I be surprised?"

"It is Elijah. Elijah, Basil! He was once your best friend, do not deny it!" I shouted, taking steps towards him.

"Once! Yes, once he was my best friend. Then he left us; They all left you to die! As soon as we found Rebekah and Klaus, you forgave them without hesitation. Shouldn't you be enraged that they caused us a lifetime of sorrow because I am! Then, you find out Kol was daggered by Klaus and then you leave. When will you notice that all this family does is hurt us? Once you found Elijah, you ran into his arms and let him comfort you. That was meant to be my job, not his. I was the one who stood by you all this time! Then, you ended up falling for Elijah which ended in even more heartbreak. When will you learn, Alexandria?" Basil exclaimed loudly. The white of his eyes turned red and his veins had darkened. He was red with rage.

My eyes were thick with tears. Effortlessly, I pushed him into the door again. A tear strolled down my cheek as I spoke softly, "How could you say that? You always speak so lowly of Klaus yet you act just like him. You believe no one is good enough for your little sister and refuse to except the fact that they make me happy."

Basil shakes his head, sighing, "They make you happy but they break your heart. It is like they treat you as if you were a dog; dangling happiness before you, then snatching it away. They may make you happy but they are always the ones who seem to ruin it too."

Without a word, I slapped him and I slapped him hard. He fell to the floor and I walked up stairs, tears blurring my vision. I sat on my bed and silently, I let my tears fall. I hated being alone. Normally, my brother would be the one to comfort me and wipe my tears away. This time, he's the one who hurt me. His words hit me, they hit me hard. They made me think and analyze the past, a thing I hate doing. I have always hated being alone. All my life, there was always this one person there for me but right now, I feel like I have no one. These thoughts, they're poisoning me. I must leave. I opened my window and jumped, then ran to a friend's house. A very good friend of mine.

His Darling, Her Love//Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now