Chapter 60

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Kol, Damon, and I were still at the Zanadew Lounge. Kol told me to let Jeremy run because he had a plan. Damon was sat on a beer keg with a stake in his chest.

A phone began to ring as I ripped the stake out and stabbed Damon again. Damon groaned as the stake went deeper than before.

"Excuse me," Kol stepped aside and answered his phone.

"Little brother. Just a few days home, and I'm told you've already gone and made a mess," Niklaus's voice was audible on the other line.

Kol leaned against a rack with a sigh, "Come on, Nik. I was only having some fun."

"Those vampires were for my hunter," I could hear the smirk in Niklaus's voice. I wonder who he is with.

Kol stepped away from the rack and turned to face Damon and I, "I'll make some more. There's no shortage of people."

"Where's Damon Salvatore?"

I smirked and turned to Damon who glared at me. I grew impatient and grabbed the stake. I twisted it and he squeezed his eyes shut with a groan.

Kol paused for a moment and grinned before turning away, "I gave him a good and proper beating just for old time's sake."

"Yes. Well, you've had your fun. Now let him go and come home. Avoid any more trouble, or you'll find yourself back in a box," Niklaus threatens in a low tone.

Kol's face turned to a look of disgust, "Hey. No need to be nasty about it."

Niklaus's voice turned low, "On the contrary, I find nastiness to be essential whenever my siblings try to sabotage me. Listen closely, Kol. Stay away from the Gilbert boy. You understand?"

"Fine. I won't touch him. You have my word," Kol turned back to face Damon as he hung up the phone.

Kol smirked at Damon and compelled him, "Very good, darling. Now stab yourself a little bit further."

Damon groans as he pushes the stake deep into his chest, "If you're gonna kill me, do it like a man. Your girlfriend is manlier than you."

"I don't want to kill you. I just wanted to make sure you could be compelled," Kol ignored Damon's comment.

Damon shakes as he speaks, "I'm gonna rip out your spleen."

"Not unless he compels you," I sang to annoy Damon.

Kol smiles for a split second, "You ought to be thanking me. I mean you don't really want the cure found. You fancy Elena. I mean, even more now that she's a vampire. Admit it. The last vestige of her humanity is her annoying little brother Jeremy, and deep, deep down, I bet you want him dead, don't you?"


"You're lying. I bet you'd love to rip his head right off...And I'm gonna give you your wish," Kol chuckles and crouches down before Damon, and compels him, "You're not gonna remember what I say, but you're going to find Jeremy Gilbert, and when you do, you're going to kill him."

I rip the stake out of Damon and step back from him. He just looks at me with tired, hateful eyes.

"You better get going," I said and turned to Kol who already started to leave.

We left Damon and left the Zanadew Lounge.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we walked through the woods.

"Let's go home,"  Kol grabbed my hand and we walked to his mansion.

Kol and I arrived and walked inside the glorious mansion. As we walked inside the library, another walked inside from the opposite side.

"Going somewhere? I would if I were you. If Damon kills the hunter, Nik will not be pleased," Rebekah blocked our way.

Kol smiled, "I told Nik I wouldn't touch the kid. I didn't."

Rebekah rolls her eyes and says sarcastically, "Oh. Well, that was clever. I'm sure he'll really appreciate it."

"Come on, Exandria," Kol smiles and pushes past Rebekah.

I was about to follow until Rebekah pulls out the white oak ash dagger and points it at Kol's back.

"Rebekah!" I exclaim in complete shock.

Kol stops and hesitates, "You'd really dagger me?"

"If I do, Damon's compulsion ends and this is all over," Rebekah keeps the dagger held to Kol's back.

"Don't you dare, Rebekah," I spoke in a low tone as tears began to form in my eyes.

Kol still had not moved, "You are no better than Niklaus. Daggering siblings when you disagree with them-- Look at what this family has become. I mean, Elijah won't even show his face, he's so disgusted by our bickering. This cure has ruined us, and it hasn't even been found yet. Just imagine what would happen if it is."

"This family was ruined long before we knew about the cure," Rebekah said and tears formed in her eyes.

I swiftly pulled her away from Kol so that she stumbled away from him. Kol uses his vampire speed to turn around and aim the white oak stake at her heart. Rebekah had held onto his wrist, preventing the stake from going into her heart.

"Kol!" Rebekah and I scream insync. 

"If you kill me, Alexandria dies as well," Rebekah threatens as she gazes at the stake with petrified eyes.

A blur enters the room and pushes Kol away from Rebekah. Kol hits the wall and glares at the figure.

I turn and face Rebekah and the figure who was Niklaus.

"Enough of this foolishness. Put it down, Kol," Niklaus spoke calmly.

Kol locks eyes with me before he flashes out the door. I found myself following him out the door.

"Where are we going now?" I asked as we walked outside the front door.

"Well, I thought I would be able to sleep one more in my own bed but nope. This family is doomed," Kol grunted as we walked down the steps.

When we got home, Kol and I changed into our pajamas and lied down in bed facing one another.

"Were you actually going to kill Rebekah?" I asked softly after moments of silence.

Kol paused before he spoke, "I only wanted to scare her."

"Oh really? That stake would have gone right through her heart if she hadn't grabbed your arm," I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I wouldn't dagger my own sister," Kol sighed and sat up.

I sat up with him as well, "If she was about to dagger you, you would fight back, just as you actually did."

He shook his head with furrowed eyebrows, "I would never do anything to hurt you."

"You already have," I looked down at my knotted hands as I spoke quietly.

Kol put his hand under my chin and I flinched at his touch. 

"Exandria," He sighs softly before lifting my chin so that I looked him in the eyes. "I am so sorry for putting you in harm's way. I never meant to hurt you in any way. I love you. I would never want to hurt you."

I sighed and nodded my head, "I love you too."

He smiles at me softly, "After all these years, I still have not gotten over those three words."

I rolled my eyes at him but laughed.

"Awe, you're crying," Kol softly chuckled as he wiped away tears that I did not even know were there.

Thank you guys so much for 2.5k votes, 442 comments, and 109k views! I know I say this all the time, but I want you guys to know how I truly feel. Also, I watched the season four finale for The Originals. I am not ashamed to say that I cried! That was so sad!!!! Anyways, hope you enjoyed!

His Darling, Her Love//Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now