Chapter 7

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It was the next day and I had left Caroline's house around 9:00 after breakfast. I was now in my room and getting dressed. I put on a gray blouse that had half sleeves, pairing it with a black skirt and a maroon infinity scarf. I threw on my black ankle boots and leather jacket. Wearing my usual makeup with blood red lips, I loosely curled my hair. As I walked out the house, I ignored Basil completely. I had special plans for today.

I sped over to the Salvatore Boarding House and barged in. Damon was standing beside his liquor.

He glanced up and rolled his eyes once he saw me, "Sure, come on in."

"Do not joke around with me, Salvatore. Lately, I have not been in the mood," I said, placing my hand on my hip.

"Now why is that?" Damon asks with face concern.

I strolled over to him and poured myself a drink, "Well, I was not told Elena was kidnapped until today by Caroline." I looked up at him pursed lips and raised eyebrows.

Damon rolls his eyes and huffs, "Dumb Blondie."

"No, she was quite smart for telling me, unlike you," I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

Damon sighs in defeat, "Basil said you would get in the way and cause chaos."

I chuckled halfheartedly, shaking my head, "You should know I would cause even more chaos if I found out I wasn't invited to the rescue party."

"I mean hey, we wanted you to come with us. You are the strongest of us all but Basil insisted to leave you out of it," Damon said, raising his hands defensively.

My eyes narrowed at Damon, accusing him, "You would listen to my brother over me."

"Well its not like we could talk back! Basil is way older than Stefan and I, as much as I hate to say it," Damon said, narrowing his eyes at me.

I raised an eyebrow at him, "Well, like you said: I am stronger than Basil. You know I would do worse things than Basil could ever dream of." My voice became stronger and louder with every word.

Damon was about to respond with some snarky comment but Stefan spoke first, "We were going to tell you, Alex."

"Stefan! Glad you could join in on this little chat," I stated sarcastically. Out of the Salvatore brothers, Damon was definitely my favorite. He was more fun... and a good friend of mine.

Stefan walked down the steps and sat on the couch.

"Now that you are both here," I started, with a smirk, I grabbed Damon by the neck and held him against the wall, "you can answer all of my questions."

Stefan stood and looked at me with cautious eyes. From within my grasp, Damon glared at me but I just smirked back.

I let go and took a step back, "Now, why did Rose kidnap Elena?"

"Ask her for yourself," Damon spat, looking up the steps. There stood Rose.

"Rose-Marie," I stated, my tone empty.

Rose rolled her green eyes and pouted at me, "Do not call me that. It sounds so old and proper."

A grin crept onto my face, "Try living with Alexandria."

She grinned back at me and flashed before me, attacking me with a bone-crushing hug.

"I see they know each other," Damon stated to Stefan. We pull away and I see Stefan nod his head.

"Way to state the obvious, Dick," I scoffed, rolling my eyes at him.

His eyes narrowed at me but before he could say anything, Rose took over, "Yes, Damon. We were best friends in 1671."

His Darling, Her Love//Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now