Chapter 56

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Rebekah had just made a phone call to Stefan Salvatore. April,  Elena, and I were still at the library, patiently waiting for Stefan and whoever he brings along. Rebekah was outside roaming the hallways for Stefan. She made me stay and be the babysitter.

"Where have you been?" Elena asks as she catches my gaze. "I noticed that you went away."

"I went to Hawaii with Kol and we got engaged," I smiled for a moment at the thought of him. 

Elena sarcastically says, "Congratulations."

I ignored her comment and said, "All was fine and dandy until I found out Rebekah was daggered. So of course, me being the greatest friend in the entire world, I came back to save her."

"Klaus won't be happy with you since he is the one who daggered her," Elena taunted with a raised eyebrow.

"I do not care what he thinks, if you have not noticed," I rolled my eyes at her comment.

Elena shrugs her shoulders, "Who knows, maybe that will be your downfall."

"Either way, you won't be able to see my downfall after Rebekah is done with you and your friends," I said with a smirk.

"Can you two please stop bickering?" April asks as she looks up from her phone.

With one glare from me, April looks back to her phone after mumbling a quiet, "Sorry."

Before I could turn back to Elena, I heard things outside. I pushed myself off of the bookshelf I was leaning on so that I stood evenly behind Elena. Caroline walks inside and shuts the door behind her. 

I smirked as she sat across Elena and laid her head on the round table.

"Of course Stefan brought you along!" I fake cheered as I watched Caroline.

"Happy to see you, too," Caroline grumbles and lifts her head.

I grinned at her, "Did she compel you?"

A faint "yes" was able to be heard from Caroline.

I sighed  when I realized that she won't be any fun, "Now, we just wait. That's all I have been doing today."

"At least an original vampire hasn't lured you into a trap," Caroline remarks and shoots dagger at me through her eyes.

I raised my hands in defense, "Not my fault you were dumb enough to think you could save Elena from Rebekah."

"Yeah, well--" Caroline was cut off when the door opened. 

"Stefan," Elena states as she stands up from her seat.

Rebekah narrows her eyes at Elena, "Did I say you could move?"

I put my hands on her shoulders and pushed her down so that she sat back down. I smiled at Rebekah who nodded her head in response. Stefan took the fourth seat beside April and Caroline.

"Class is in session. You've all been compelled; you know the rules. Answer my questions honestly, no disobedience, no one leaves. April, my sweet, take notes. This is how you get answers in this town. Let's start with a little quiz. In the year 1114, my brother learnt, thanks to yours truly, about a brotherhood of vampire hunters with tattoos that grew with each kill. These tattoos revealed what, Elena?" She turns to Elena.

Elena answers boredly, "A map."

Rebekah turns to Caroline, "Which led to...? Caroline?"

"A cure for vampirism," Caroline states through gritted teeth.

"Perfect, so we're all caught up. Stefan Salvatore, the last time we saw each other, you had a vampire hunter, but in order to decode the map, you needed the location of the hunter's sword, which you got out of me using some very dirty tricks," She smiles harshly at Stefan before turning back. "Assuming you found the sword, you also found the cure, and yet, you're all still vampires, which means something went wrong."

Rebekah turns to April who I forgot was even in the room, "What are you doing?"

April was sat on the floor with a pen and paper, "Oh, you asked me to take notes."

I snorted and crossed my arms with an annoyed smile.

"I wasn't being literal, darling. But now that you mention it...a flow chart would be nice, which means index cards and push-pins. Go, fetch," Rebekah treated her as if she were a dog.

I slightly frowned when April nodded and left the room. 

"You're wasting your time. We don't know anything," Stefan said in an angry, pained voice.

Rebekah ignored him and dug deeper, "So, you just gave up? I thought you would do anything to save Elena? Even if it meant taking the cure yourself, so you could grow old and die with her?"

"Why do you look so surprised?" Rebekah asks Elena who I saw shift in her seat. 

However,  I did not see her expression. I moved to stand near Rebekah so I saw everyone's faces.

When no one responded, Rebekah furrowed her eyebrows, "I'm missing something. What is it?"

My jaw dropped and I started to laugh, "Oh my--. Don't tell me they--"

I was cut off by Caroline who sighed, "They broke up, okay?"

When Rebekah smiled wickedly, I bit my lip to suppress my laughter, "Well, this is awkward."

"Now let us go," Caroline demanded sharply.

"Sorry, but you do not make the demands around here," I rolled my eyes.

Rebekah kept going as she sat down in April's seat, "Broke up? Wait, I'm confused. I thought Elena was your epic love, Stefan?"

"I asked you what happened. You have to tell me," Rebekah said as she looked deeply into Stefan's green eyes.

"She slept with Damon," Stefan responded as she sized up Rebekah.

Everyone displayed their emotions. Rebekah appeared shocked, as did Elena. Caroline just looked like she wanted to die.

"So the plot thickens," I muttered and shook my head.

"Agreed. This just got a whole lot more interesting," Rebekah smirked at me.

Sorry that I didn't upload this yesterday! I had a lacrosse tournament and only got back today. Please forgive me!!! Thank you to those who leave comments! I encourage you guys to comment because I would love some more feedback. Hope you enjoyed!

His Darling, Her Love//Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now