Chapter 13

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Long chapter for you guys!

I just arrived at the Salvatore Boarding House and barged through the front door.

"Rose-Marie! Damon!  Elena!" I called throughout the house as I walked around.

"We are in Damon's bedroom!" I hear Elena call out.

I sprint into Damon's bedroom. Do not ask how I know where it is.

I stood in the doorway and took in the site before me. Rose was lying in Damon's bed and she was quite pale. Elena was sat beside her and they were talking.

I heard Rose say, "What do you call this deal with Elijah?"

"I call it my best option," Elena responded, shaking her head softly as she spoke.

"It's your easiest option," Rose said, raising her eyebrows.

They spoke of the moonstone. Bonnie had the help of a witch but Elena said he was an ally of Elijah. I furrowed my eyebrows and Rose snuggled into the pillow. That is when I rushed inside.

Rose laid in bed and did not seem to notice my presence. She started to fall asleep.

I stood beside Elena and spoke, "How is she?"

Elena gestured for us to leave the room and talk so we wouldn't wake Rose.

As we waked away, Rose said, "No, stop. Wait, tell them to prepare the horses."

"It's okay Rose. Just get some sleep and you'll get better," Elena said softly.

"Trevor, don't be so stupid. We're never gonna make it before the sun," Rose said and she started fidgeting, rolling around on Damon's bed.

"Trevor?" I asked softly, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

Then, Rose sat up groggily, "Elena. Elena, I need more blood."

"Yeah, of course. Here," Elena said, walking over to the bedside table.

Before she could make it to the glass of blood, I flashed over and grabbed it. I rushed over to Rose and handed it to her, sitting beside her. She took a sip of blood and ended up coughing it up.

I rubbed Rose's back and comforted her as best I could, "Rose-Marie, you are okay. You'll be fine."

"Elena, get a wet cloth. Help Rose-Marie. I will get more blood bags," I jogged down the stairs and was about to sprint to the basement when I heard a thump. I went back into Damon's room and saw Rose holding Elena against the wall. I flashed over to Rose's side and Elena was struggling under her grip.

"I'm not Katherine!" Elena shouts and Rose loosens her grip.

I grabbed Rose's arms and pulled them off of Elena, "That is Elena. Katherine is not here."

Rose stared at Elena and her eyes went back to their normal color, "Elena?"

Elena nods her head, breathing heavily.

"Oh my God," Rose mumbles, stepping back.

"It's me. It's Elena," Elena sighed, rubbing her shoulder where Rose had grabbed her.

"Oh my God. I am so sorry. I don't know what's happening to me," Rose said quickly, her eyes going wild.

I spoke in a calm voice but I was anything but calm, "You are hallucinating. It is a side effect of the wolf bite. I have seen it happen before."

Rose turns to me, breathing heavily, "Oh no! Alexandria, I--I--"

Before she could finish, Elena cut her off, "It's alright. No--You're going to be alright."

His Darling, Her Love//Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now