Chapter 55

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I was with Rebekah in the gym of the Mystic Falls high school. Rebekah and I were here to look for a certain Gilbert. 

All the students were there, whether they were sitting on the bleachers or standing around the edges. They all held lit candles.

"Who died?" I quietly asked Rebekah as I looked around.

Rebekah shrugged and watched, so I did the same. 

Sheriff Forbes was speaking at the podium in the front of the stand, "Carol Lockwood always said that togetherness in times of tragedy leads to healing, that one community is stronger than a thousand of its members. But how does a community stay strong after losing its leader? And Carol was so much more than a leader; she was an open-minded friend and a concerned mother, taken from us too soon by a terrible accident."

"I bet you a million dollars that Nik had something to do with this," Rebekah mused which made me snort.

Everyone's eyes head turns and I follow their gaze. Tyler Lockwood was getting up and walking away from the crowd on the bleachers. Beside him was Caroline. Next to Caroline were Bonnie, followed by Elena. I frowned and felt my heart pang, as I know what it is like to lose parents. 

As Tyler leaves, Sheriff speaks, "Please join me in observing a minute silence in her memory."

I continued to watch Elena and asked Rebekah, "See who I see?"

Everyone puts their heads down in silence in memory of Carol Lockwood. 

Rebekah follows my gaze and nods with a smirk, "Yes." 

As if she sensed our presence, Elena turned our way. I know she saw us when her eyes widened. She squeezed her eyes shut.

"Come on," I whispered to Rebekah who nodded.

We flashed away and into the hallway where April was standing.

"So you and Elena were close?" I ask April thoughtfully.

She nods, "Yeah, and she thinks we still are."

I turn to Rebekah and say, "Go back and watch Elena. Don't let her see you. She probably thinks she is going crazy. Let her believe that."

Rebekah nods her head and sprints off. I turned back to April who looked back at me in question.

I looked mischievously at April before asking, "Can you fake cry?"

April furrows her eyebrows at me, "What? No, why on earth would you think that?"

"I don't know. Maybe you're an amazing actress," I said with a simple shrug.

"Why do you need me to cry?" April questioned.

I responded with my plan, "I need you to distract Elena. She cares about you and will be concerned if she sees you crying. You just have to distract her for Rebekah and I to take action."

She nodded her head in understanding, "Okay. I can do that, but I just can't fake cry."

Rebekah came back and appeared next to me, "Elena is coming now."

"Start crying right now," I compelled April with a grin who nodded.

April groans in annoyance as tears stream down her cheeks, "I hate crying."

Rebekah and I laugh at her annoyance. April begins to sob as we heard footsteps nearing us. I dash away behind a corner with Rebekah.

We listen carefully and hear Elena's voice, "April, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm fine," April retorts automatically.

Elena points out, "But you're crying."

"Well, she's not stupid," I mumbled which made Rebekah chuckle silently.

"It's just the whole mayor thing, you know. It's bringing stuff up about my dad." April pauses before adding on, "And I know you're a vampire."

"Do you want the honors?" I ask Rebekah with a smirk.

She nods her head as Elena asks, "Wait, what?"

Rebekah flashes over to Elena and snaps her neck. I join Rebekah's side and look down at Elena's limp body.

"Was that necessary?" April asks with a roll of her eyes.

A smile crawls onto Rebekah's lips, "No, but it was fun."

"Come on now. Let's bring her to the library before she awakens," I say as I pick up her limp body.

We bring her into the library and I set her down so that she leaned against a bookshelf.

"Let's go. I don't want to be in here with her," April says in distaste.

I nod my head, and Rebekah and I followed her outside in the hallway.

"Why don't you like Elena anymore?" I ask April after moments of silence.

"I always looked up to her. Now that I know she's a vampire, I know I can't trust her. She kept that secret from me and I know she has put me in danger," April said with a sigh.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "But Rebekah and I are vampires as well. Last night, I put you in danger by taking you to the Cellar."

She sighed again but was cut off by Rebekah, who said, "Sorry, but excuse me. I must make a phone call."

I nod and turn back to April who began to speak again, "At least you and Rebekah told me you were vampires. You guys didn't make me do this stuff against my will and didn't take my memories."

When all I did was nod my head in understanding, April asked, "What about you? I have seen you with Elena and her friends at Mystic Grill before."

"That was a long time ago," I said with a small laugh.

"So? What changed?" She inquires attentively.

I sighed before I spoke, "They betrayed me, but I guess you could say I betrayed them first. I was working with their enemy who was Rebekah's brother, Elijah. Then they locked me in a basement with Elijah."

"Wow, um," April trails off, not knowing what to say.

"I know, I know. There's a lot more  but that would take eons to explain," I said with a small laugh.

When April looked at me with sympathy, I brushed it off, "You should check on Elena. She will wake soon. I need to take a walk."

She nods understandingly and I turned away from her. I walked down the hall to look for Rebekah.

When I found her, she was on the phone and turned it off when she saw me.

"Hey," She smiled and took steps toward me.

"Are we going to hurt them?" I asked her quietly.

She furrowed her eyebrows, "Why do you need to ask that? Please don't tell me you are getting cold feet."

"I'm not. I'm just curious. What are we even going to do?" I inquired.

Rebekah thought for a moment before smirking, "I want Stefan and Caroline to join us soon," 

"I thought you came out to call them," I frowned at Rebekah.

She shook her head, "No. I will right now."

I turn around and look at the flyers posted around on the walls because I was that bored. Then I heard hurried footsteps.

Around the corner was Elena with a strong grip on April.

"Where do you think you're going?" I asked and raised an eyebrow at Elena.

"Sorry, not allowed," Rebekah said with a smirk.

Rebekah steps towards Elena and compels her, "Why don't you take a seat? The rest of the class will be here shortly."

Thanks so much for 97.5k views! We are getting so close to 100k! I honestly did not picture this writing to get this much exposure. Now that it is summer, I plan on continuing to upload on Saturday and another random day before Saturday. Like I said before, I may not upload sometimes because of vacation but I will tell you ahead of time! Thanks again!

His Darling, Her Love//Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now