2:Text me anytime

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  ///////The morning of the show///////
[new message from red head]
J: hey.                                
J: hello beautiful.                
Y: hey:)                              
J: oh I see, so you like complements?
Y: obviously.
Y: what's up?
J: nothing just wanted to talk to you.
Y: don't you have Tyler or maybe a groupie to talk to?
J: I have Tyler. Do you want me to text him instead?
Y:that's not what I meant.
Y: I love talking to you.
J: oh, but don't you have Jenny... or the drunk guys from the bar?
Y: so it's gonna be like that huh
Y: are you excited for the concert?
J: I always am.
J: this one even more so because I have a surprise for you.
Y: wot?
J: a surprise.
Y: yeah I know what a surprise is
J: ...
Y: Josh. If I have to go anywhere in front of people I will kill you.
J: ...
Y: Josh!
J: ...
Y: Josh
Y: Josh I will kill you.
Y: I will kill you and your beautiful face!
J: you think I'm beautiful?
Y: very.
J: awe thinks!
Y: anyway how's Tyler?
J: you should as him.
Y: ?
       Unknown number added to chat
T: Josh...
J: yeas
T: who is this other number?
J: why don't you ask her?
T: who are you random number?
Y: I'm y/n. Josh's friend.
T: oh.
      Unknown number has left chat
J: okay then, I'll just see you at the concert I guess.
Y: the other day you said you wouldn't be able to.
Y: what are you planning?

            [Text read by red head]

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