16. Lets play a game called life... Your born, you work, you die

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A/n wow this title is as long as a p!atd song title:) you're still bottom feeders

Tyler picked up a card from the stack. His eyes scanned from left to right reading then he looked up at you.
"Y/n, whose your celebrity crush?"
You let out a breath you didn't know you where holding. This game seems like a race for who's going to get the personal questions first.
"(Your celebrity crush that IS NOT Josh dun )" you said with a smile.
(A/n my celebrity crush was j law but now it's Evan p what the fuck even is my sexuality...you can put me in a box when I keep it so blurry I think it's just to hide that your secretly a furry. *sheds single tear*)

"Why?" Josh asked.
His voice sounded disgusted and jealous.
"I don't know...would you rather me say your name?" You snapped at him.
He immediately blushed and pulled out a card to ask Tyler.

The game had continued on with normal boring questions like what's your favorite color and things as such.
But the boredom was ended abruptly when Tyler read out his card with a smile.
"Josh, who would you date out of everyone in this room and why?"
Tyler looked at Josh then smiled.
I swear this man with his little jokes.
Josh looked nervous. His eyes widened slightly. It was weird seeing him so...uncomfortable.
"I guess y/n." He said hoping that would work but Tyler didn't take that as an answer.
"And what do you love about her?" He asked as he leaned back in his chair.
"Um well..." Josh began.
You couldn't stand to see him like this any longer.
"Tyler can we talk alone for a second."
You asked pulling him out of the chair and walking him outside.
"What the hell y/n" Tyler said when you got outside.
"You're saying that to me? You're the one making Josh super uncomfortable." You said whisper yelling.
"Do you like him or not." Tyler asked for seriously.
"I don't know! That's not something I can just know!" You snapped.
"Okay but your going to have to make your mind up quickly. We only have a few more days left with each other.
"I know." You said calmly.
Tyler walked in the trailer and you waited outside for a second.
How am I supposed to know what I'm feeling?
I love Josh but...
"Y/n are you coming? We are about to pick a movie" Josh said smiling while he peeked his head out the door.
I loved him. I think.
You walked in to the trailer and saw that the game had been put up.
Tyler was sitting in the couch and Josh was next to him going threw Netflix.
You sat down next to Josh and laid your head on his shoulder.
"What do you guys want to watch?" Josh asked
"Let's watch that one!" Tyler pointed at a horror movie.
"Noooo. Do you want me to be scared the whole time?"
Tyler thought for a second.
Then he took the remote from Josh and picked the movie.

---time skip brought to you by my sad MCRX broken former emo heart.---

You wrapped you hands around Josh's torso and he held you close to him.

The killer grabbed the boys foot and dragged him back.

You hide your eyes in Josh's side and covered your ears.

Josh looked like he was about to fall asleep but you didn't understand how someone could even close there eyes with something like this on.
"Tyler can we please change the movie."
You plead.
Tyler responded with a simple shake of the head. You hated this movie and you knew the reason. He was so fixed on getting you two together.

As the movie ended Josh was completely asleep.
"Why would you ever want to leave all of this?" Tyler asked looking at the blank tv.
"You know it's not like that Tyler." You spoke calmly
"Then what is it like!?" Tyler snapped.
Josh moved slightly because of the sudden noise.
"Do you think I want to leave you? Do you think I want to leave this life?" You said trying not to yell.
"Well it seems like it considering your not doing anything to try and prevent it." Tyler said looking at you coldly.
"I can't. I have to get a real job some day. I can't just live off of you and Josh for the rest of my life. It does work like that."
Tyler shook his head.
"Then do school online!"
"I can't!"
"Why not?!" Tyler yelled getting up from the couch.
"You know what Tyler, I don't have to answer any of your questions. It's not going to change the fact that my time here is up."

A/n this chapter hurt. Why must you have drama? What ever its fiiiinnneee
I'll update every day this week because it's the series finale

Btw if you haven't yet check out my other book 'please stop society,

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