8:House of walffles?

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A/n I was thinking of doing a small give away if I get to 500 reads. I just don't know what to give away. I was thinking a hot topic gift card because they have TØP merch but idk. What do you guys want for a give away. Keep in mind I'm not rich and can't afford an apple whatever. btw I hate having a vagina!! I'm being ripped apart from the inside out:)

As you watched the remainder of the concert you couldn't help but tap along to the beat.
You've heard this song before and you loved it so you started to sing the only part you knew as the song slowly ended.
"I will make you queen of everything you see I'll put you on the map I'll cure you of disease." You sang along.
Josh started to get up from behind his drums and walk to Tyler to give the ending sign off.
You started to walk back to Josh's dressing room and thought about how to whole crowd saw you and Josh.
How close you two where and how if you kissed him it would feel right.
Hell, you felt like you should have but he's your friend and you don't want to ruin your amazing friendship.
"Hey, y/n" you heard a voice that belonged to Josh from behind you.
You spun around to see Josh jogging towards you.
"Yes joshy" you said accidentally. You expected him to question you again but he didn't.
"If your going to call me joshy I'm going to have to give you a nickname." Josh said putting his hand around your shoulder.
You blushed.
"What did you want?" You asked trying to ignore him.
"You don't remember? You, me, food?" Josh asked.
You instantly remembered the plans you made.
"Oh yeah. Isn't Tyler coming with us?" You asked.
Josh gave you a sad look. His previous happiness drained from his face and his smile fell of his lips. The lips you had previously wanted to kiss. His arm left your shoulder letting the cold air hit your arm where his warmth once was.
"He can come, but I thought it would be just you and I"
Like a date ,but we are just friends...I'm just reading to much into this but that's not the problem, you had an unhappy Josh in your presence.
"Really? I would prefer it to be just us anyways" you said with a smile.
As soon as you said that the once sad Josh has a bright smile and his arm returned to your shoulder.
The dinner was only two blocks away from the stage so you and Josh just walked.
Of corse you complained the whole way walking wasn't really your thing.
"Joshhhhhhhhh my feet hurt." You said slowing down
Josh turned around and smiled at you.
"We haven't even left the venue" Josh said with a giggle as he walked to you.
You looked at Josh and gave him a pouty face. Instead of him showing sympathy he laughed at you.
"Joshy this is serious." You said pouting
"Okay okay." Josh said still giggling.
He began to bend down and pick you up bridle style caring you to the front of the dinner. He set you down and you couldn't help but notice how close the two of you where. Your bodies touching and his hand wrapped around you. You looked up at Josh noticed his beautiful eyes.
"Excuse me." A voice said making you and joshed bodies back away from each other.
The voice was coming from behind Josh and as you two turned around you saw a kid in a twenty one pilots tee shirt.
"Hey, I'm Mitch and I love your band I was wondering if you could sign my pass and-"
Josh cut the kid off
"Sure and a picture as well?"
The kid nodded and handed Josh his pass then the kid looked at me.
"Can you sign it too?"
You where completely surprised. This was the second fan in a day.
"Sure but why?"
The kid laughed and looked at you
"Because your famous for being Josh's girlfriend" Mitch said with a smile.
"What?" Josh asked as he finished signing the pass.
"We aren't dating" you and Josh said in unison.
Mitch just ignored you and took out they're phone.
You grabbed it from them
"Okay I'll take the picture."
The kid looked at you with confusion and laughed
"I want you in the picture too."
Mitch nodded and you bent down to take a selfie.
Mitch thanked you and Josh for the picture and you went your different ways.
"Everyone seems to think we are dating." Josh said as he held the door open for you.
As you walked into the small dinner you felt the warm air from the inside hit your body.
"I know, I'm not leading you on am I?" You asked jokingly.
"I'm on a leash." Josh replied with his own joke making you laugh as well.
The two of you took a seat in a booth and looked at the menu.
"Y/n?" Josh asked without taking his eyes of the menu.
"Yes josh." You said as you looked through the options
"I think I have a nickname for you."
He said as he look up from his phone.
"And what's that?" You say still looking at your menu.
"Bel" Josh said making you look up from you menu. (A/n pronounced bell)
"Why?" You asked giggling.
You noticed how much you giggled when you where with Josh. How happy he made you. How he made you forget your stress and worries. He was...he was your...
"Because it means something to me just like you do" Josh said making you blush for the thousandth time trip and it's only been two days.
"What does it mean?" You asked
Josh just looked at you and shrugged his shoulders.
"Josh dun you better tell me or I'll-"
Before you could Finnish your sentence.
"Hello I'll be your waiter today would you like to start off with an appetizer"
"Yes cheese sticks and chips!!" Josh said cutting you off.
"Okay-" Said the waiter
"-and do you know what you'd like to eat?"
Both you and Josh order your food and started to talk.
After awhile the appetizer came and Josh couldn't help but be his usual cute self.
"Hey. Y/n look at me." Josh said making you look up from your phone and at him

"Dear god Josh what are you doing?" You said laughing at him

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"Dear god Josh what are you doing?" You said laughing at him.
--Time skip brought to you uterus pain--
As the two of you walked on the bus you felt your eyes get heavy. You pulled out your phone and saw that is was only 1:00am.
You yawned and Josh took notice.
"Are you tired?" You nodded and rubbed your eyes.
You felt yourself being lifted up off the ground and placed onto a bed.
"Goodnight Josh." You said as you felt Josh climb into bed with you.
"Goodnight bel" he said as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer to him.
You bus nuzzled into his chest and fell asleep next to his warm body.
This felt right. This felt better the a kiss. Better then working at the bar. Better then you've ever felt. For the first time you felt at home. Josh felt like home.
He was the best boyfri-
friend you've ever had.

A/n well...you and Josh are good friends.
Ha ha F R I E N D S.....
Platonic. Ha
By the way if you want to do research bel dose mean something.
Platonic Friends.

Platonic Friends

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