17. Lets just assume that your best friend is fine

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A/n really I'm still doing long titles?

You stared at the ceiling of the tour bus, Josh had fell sleep on the couch so you where alone.
There was no arm wrapped around you keeping you safe from you own thoughts.
It was just you and you're venomous mind.
You replayed the conversations between you and Tyler in your head.

"Why would you ever want to leave all of this?"
"You know it's not like that Tyler."
"Then what is it like?!"
"Do you think I want to leave you? Do you think I want to leave this life?"
"Well it seems like it considering your not doing anything to try and prevent it."

You sighed.
You only had a few more days left and you've ruined how Tyler sees you.
You held in you tears. It would be pointless to cry.
You and Tyler hate each other.
You and Josh are platonic.
It felt weird to be alone in a bed.
It felt almost uncomfortable. Why you left the boys it was going to be an even worse pain. It would hurt more and last longer.
You closed your eyes trying to force yourself to sleep but nothing would work.
It was 4:36am. you felt so tried but couldn't sleep
You took a deep breath trying to let out your frustration.
A sudden Bing came from your phone districting you from nightmarish reality.
You looked at your phone and the time was already 5:03.
You didn't bother question the passage of time. Instead you looked at the text message.

[new text from BFFL]

Y/bf/n: hey.

You looked at your phone in awe.
You hadn't talked to y/bf/n in months.
You sat and thought of what you'd say to a friend.

Y/n: hey. It's been awhile.

Y/bf/n: I know and I have no excuse for not trying to talk to you... How has your trip been?

You thought about your trip and all that's happened. It was hard to put all of you experience into words. All of the love, confusion, that crying and laughing. The arguments. How do you, in one word, describe the best and worst thing that's happened to you? 
So you said the first thing that came to mind

Y/n: it's been emotional.
Y/bf/n: LOL. It is the emotional roadshow

No kidding.
Y/n: yeah. So why did you text me out of the blue?

Y/bf/n: well I'm going to the show with an Internet friend I just meet. She is so cool.

A wave of excitement hit you.
Y/n: really!
Y/bf/n: yep! And I'm already in town. Maybe we can meet up tomorrow and hang out.
You loved the idea of seeing your best friend again. You had so much to tell them.

Y/n: okay sounds great! What hotel are you staying at so I can meet you there.

Y/bf/n: hotel California.

Y/n: I've heard of that. It's such a lovely place.

Y/bf/n: bring Tyler and Josh.
That was a weird request but it didn't matter. This is your best friend. You would do anything for them.

Y/n: okay I guess.

Y/bf/n: great see you guys tomorrow.

You turned off you phone and laid back down in the darkness.
If you couldn't sleep then why would you be able to sleep now? You are about to see you best friend again.
You closed your eyes and soon fell into a much needed sleep.

----time skip by wtf ever I'm out of ideas for time skips----

Your eyes slowly opened.
A blurry Josh was leaning over you.
(A/n I swear if one of you say anything about the word blurry I'm going to make the story a living hell)
A smile slowly grew in his face as he saw your beautiful eyes stare at him.
He was shirtless. God, did he look good like that.
"Hey." You said in a low groggy voice.
A yawn slowly crept through your lips.
"Hi." He said still studding the features of your face.
You laughed slightly. Josh had never looked at you like he was looking at you now.
"What are you laughing at." He asked looking at me directly in the eyes.
You moved your gaze away from him and sat up quickly.
"Is that breakfast I smell." You asked trying to avoid what ever that was that just happened.
"Yep. Fresh from the waffle hut from down the street." Josh said as he walked behind you and wrapped his arm around your waist.
He put his face into the crook of you neck.
"Thanks you." You said as you turned in his arms to give him a kiss on the cheek.
His face tired a bright red and he went to the table and sat down.
You followed and sat down next to him.
Soon after you where two pancakes into breakfast Tyler came out while rubbing his eyes.
"Good morning." He said sitting down next to you.
You looked at him with sympathy but he didn't look at you at all.
He kept his gaze on the food or Josh.
"Hey-" You said Tyler to avoid the obvious tension in the room.
"-do you guys want to go with me to meet my friend? She was the one I had an appointment with before the tour."
Tyler mumbled something quietly and Josh just looked up at you.
"Well?" You asked after a few moments of silence.
"Yeah, I'll go." Josh said.
He picked up his plastic plate and threw it away.
"I guess I will too." Tyler said as he continued to eat his pancakes.
You got up from your seat
"Well I'll get ready and then we can head out." You said turning to get your bags.
You picked out your outfit and walked to the bathroom.
When you where looking threw your bag you thought of how you've almost where out of clothing.
You had packed enough for three months and that's it.
You mini toothpaste was almost gone.
Tyler had snapped at you be he just didn't understand.
If you didn't go then you would make your own name for yourself.
You didn't want to be know as that girl that follows Josh and Tyler around.
You wanted you own name for yourself.
You put on your twenty one pilots shirt and walked out side.
The boys looked up from there phones and planted there eyes on you.
"Looking good." Josh said getting up from the chair and escorting the two of you out.
"Oh. I forgot my wallet I'll be right back." Josh said walking back into the bus leaving you and Tyler alone.
"Hey, y/n, I just wanted to say I was sorry. I shouldn't have said what I said."
Tyler broke the silence with an apology.
One that you didn't deserve but took gladly.
You hugged Tyler and he hugged you back.
This is exactly what you where going to miss.

A/n kaboom. Here it is a chapter among chapters. I'm making the next one tomorrow definitely more drama filled I'll tell you that.
Thanks for 2.32k reads! That's incredible!
I just wanted to say that you guys make everyday better to handle. I love reading and replying to your comments. You guys truly have know idea how much I love to read what you have to say. I'm so happy that you like what I'm making because no ones ever done that before. You are truly that reason I feel like waking up. Thank you so so so much and I'll see you later byeeeeeee

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