7:So your not dating?

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A/n My dad came home safe but there was a loss of 5 officers. My heart goes out to all the families that lost parents, kids, and significant others. When they saw them leave home that day they expect them to come back. This is a tragedy in all forms and I'm tried of having to constantly pray for city's due to mass shooting. What we need is a pray for humanity. I want to wake with out hearing that someone was murdered in cold blood. Let me stop myself here before I take up this whole chapter with my crap. THIS CHAPTER STARTS WHEN YOU ARE ABOUT O WATCH THE SHOW FROM BACK STAGE

As you walk off the bus the sun shines in your eyes. It was a hot day. Lucky you where wearing a tank top.
You start to walk to the entrance of the building but before you get in you head cheering.
You turn your head slightly and see fans behind a fence blocked by a guard.
"Y/n!! Can I please have a autograph!"
A girl yells from behind the fence.
You smile because no ones ever wanted that from you before.
You start to walk over the the fence and the girl hands you her tour lanyard and you quickly sign it
The girl thanks you and smiles
"Y/n I think you and Josh make a cute couple!"
You blush madly
"Oh we aren't dating. We're just friends."
You say wondering why everyone thinks you two are dating.
"Really?" She says looking disappointed.
You nod your head and turn to leave but the girl again says something
"Y/n one last thing.-" the girl says as she pulls out her phone.
"How did you and Josh meet?"
As you open your mouth to speak a hand was put over your mouth.
"We meet when I got out of prison. She was the taxi driver that took me to the Taco Bell where I meet Tyler."
The girl frowns and turns off her camera.
Your mouth was still covered by Josh's hand so you lick it making him jump back and whip his hand on your shoulder.
"Did you just lick me?" Josh said in surprise
"Did you just try to silence me?" You say mockingly as you smile at Josh.
The girl was just laughing at the two of you.
"Are you sure you two Aren't dating"
You and Josh look at the girl and she just stands there waiting for the answer.
"Yes. I'm sure Josh and I are just friends."
She nods her head and you and Josh walk off into the building.
"Why where you talking to fans?" Josh asks as he leads you to...somewhere.
"The girl wanted my autograph for some reason."
Josh smiles and stops at a door.
"This is my dressing room. You can wait here while Tyler and I do sound check."
You nod and Josh opens the door to an amazing looking room with a couch and mini fridge. It even had a huge flat screen tv.
Who needed all of this stuff for a couple of minutes of being in here?
"Will this be okay?" Josh asked.
"Okay? This is perfect. I might never leave to watch your show."
Josh laughs and stares at you for a second leaving a silence.
You look over at him. Why is he just looking at me?
"Hey y/n." He says half dazed.
"Yes joshy?" You ask trying to be cute
"Don't joshy me. I know you helped Tyler draw on my face."
You froze in fear. How did he...Tyler. I can't believe tyler would rat me out.
"What are you talking about?" You say with a slight shake in your voice.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about." Josh blacked the door way so you had no chance of running and there is no way you can fake not knowing what he's doing so you just take it.
"Okay. Fine m. I did it." You admit
"Ha! I knew it." He says excitingly
You smile. You knew that Josh was your friend but you wanted to mess with him a little bit.
"What are you going to do to me" you ask biting your lip.
Josh instantly reacted by slowly leaving the door way and walking towards you.
You loved seeing him react to you.
"You know I'm one for revenge." Josh says.
You notice there is enough room for you to make a run for it so you do.
You take off. Down the long hall ways turning left and right.
You could hear Josh close behind you.
You keep running and eventually you run on stage.
Suddenly you feel hand once again wrap around you and hold you back.
Josh lifts you in the air and spins you in a circle.
"Got you." He says as he says you on the ground.
The two of your where oddly close. Your noses where close enough to touch. You could hear nothing but each others breathing.
"I got you." Josh repeated.
Suddenly you hear a crowd chanting

 'kiss kiss kiss kiss'For the first time you notice that the audience was sitting right there waiting for the twenty one pilots show

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'kiss kiss kiss kiss'
For the first time you notice that the audience was sitting right there waiting for the twenty one pilots show.
You and Josh instantly run off stage together laughing.
"They definitely think we are dating now."
You nod your head in agreement.

A/n Sorry for the short chapter. I'll upload another one later tonight but at least I make up for it with some cute Josh fluff.
Also thanks for 162 reads!!! Ahahaha that's a lot of people!!! Thanks for the reads and votes and everything in between. I would also like to thank BelieveJellyfish for her support through out this and to everyone else for feedback and etc.
Here is a picture of bean Josh

Here is a picture of bean Josh

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