18. Are you sure im (a) gone(r)?

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A/n still making long titles fight me if you have a problem. Also did I just put goner in there? Yes I did. Are you going to comment about it? No you're not. Have a good day.
This chapter is detected to  JosephXxDun motivating me to update by saying the word "update". A true hero this one is. Earned you a triple update.

(Days you have left 13)

You waked outside.
The hot sun was beaming on your face.
You put on your favorite pair of sunglasses.
"So where is y/BF/n?" Josh asked looking over your shoulder and at your phone.
You push his head away and smiled at him.
"What do you think your doing?" You asked while still looking at your phone.
"Nothing much."
You could hear Tyler grown at the two of you.
Why did he even decide to come if you'd just going to act like this?
"Okay she just texted the address." You looked up from your phone just in time to see Josh do some weird hand motion.

" You looked up from your phone just in time to see Josh do some weird hand motion

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You started to laugh and he blushed.
"What?" He asked sounding slightly embarrassed.
"Nothing jish." You managed laugh out.
You nodded your head and started walking to the address.
As the three of you walked down the street clique members would stop and ask for pictures.
They where all so nice.
One girl even told you that you and Josh made a great couple.
Of course the both of you blushed.
Tyler stopped the girl instantly after she said that. He said
"They're just friends and that that's all they've ever been."
The girl just shrugged off what he said as if it was normal Tyler behavior.
Eventually she waved goodbye.
"Are we any closer?" Tyler asked as he dragged behind you and Josh.
"We will be there in five minutes." You said to shut him up but really it would be around ten. Not much of a difference unless your someone who wants to complain about it.
"Coffee?" Josh asked as he pointed to a little coffee shop on the corner.
"You have an addiction"
Josh looked at you with his signature puppy dog eyes and you instantly fell into the trap.
Damn him and his amazing face.
"Fine." You said defeated.
The three of you entered the small coffee shop.

The smell of freshly baked muffins and brewed coffee filled the air

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The smell of freshly baked muffins and brewed coffee filled the air.
"This is cool." Tyler said in awe.
This was the first positive thing he's said all day.
"You think so?" Josh replied as the three of you walked towards the counter.
"Hello my name is Hailey and welcome to little brew could I interest you in some long complicated drink order?" The girl said turned around making another order.
"Okay I'll have a-" Josh began but was instantly cut off by a scream.
Hailey had turned around to see us.
"You're Josh dun and Tyler Joseph! And is that y/n! Omg this is so cool!" Hailey said with excitement.
"Hi. I'm assuming you're apart of the clique." you said smiling at the girl who was going completely mental.
(A/n this would be my reaction tbh. This Hailey girl sounds super relatable and fun to be around.)
" I am, can I get a picture after I get your orders?" The girl said as she calmed down a bit.
"Sure." Josh and Tyler said in unison making the girl laugh.
She seemed nice.
"Anyway what would you like to drink?"
We ordered our drink and sat down to wait for Hailey to make them.
Soon she brought the drinks to our table and said we didn't have to pay.
Of course the boys said they wouldn't mind but she refused.
"Okay before I leave you guys I have a question."
I smiled at her.
"Go ahead" Tyler said taking a sip of his drink.
"Okay so there is this theory on tumblr that y/n and Josh aren't dating but they want to and Tyler wants them to." Hailey said smiling.
"Well what's the question." Tyler said trying to keep a smile.
"Is it true?"
"Maybe, I don't know. Where did you hear that?" Josh asked looking at her curiously.
Hailey smiled and pulled out her phone.
"There is a whole fanfic about it. It's called never been happier."
Hailey showed us her phone.
Tyler instantly laughed in reaction to the story but Josh and I just sat there with our mouths hanging open.
"There's a ton of them. To be honest I ship you guys. Especially after that kiss on st-"
"Okay well you've been great but we have someone we need to meet." You said cutting of Hailey and grabbing Josh by the arm.
Tyler was still laughing when you had left the building.
"This isn't funny Joseph." You said as you drank the rest of your drink and threw it in the trash can.
(Because you shouldn't litter. Save the earth. Global warming is real. Wake up America or where ever your from)
"How is this not funny? We should totally read some of this later." Tyler said ending his laughing fit.
"How about no." Josh said.
The topic was soon dropped as you neared the corner where the hotel was.
"Okay. So here y/bf/n is!! I'm so excited I haven't seen them in so long!!"
You felt like you where going to pass out.
It was weird. You hadn't seen y/bf/n in forever.
"It's will be okay. We're here." Josh said as he put an arm around your shoulder and pulled you into a side hug.
"Okay. Let's go." You said trying to gain just an ounce of confidence but failing.
As you walked inside the building you where instantly swarmed by tons of people.

Never been happier: a Josh Dun xreader Where stories live. Discover now