12: hugs=drugs

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A/n sorry about the last a/n before I deleted it,I need to learn to get over myself:) here's an update and I guess the contest will wait. In due time I'll come up with something.
Anyway how was the last chapter? Good. I'm not a huge fan of it but I wanted some drama. Tell me of what you thought of it.

you and Josh kiss passionately in the rain. Your hands moved around his neck and his to your waist.
You broke the kiss and looked into each others eyes.
"Josh I lov-" you began but where cut of by Josh
"The kiss meant nothing." He said harshly

"What do you mean?" You asked as you stepped back from Josh
"You know I would never actually like someone like you." He says walking towards.
You talk steps back as he grows near.
"When do people like you get happy endings?"
"Josh stop." You said as you felt yourself reach an edge. You turned around and saw a drop without a bottom.
"Do you not like the truth?" He said as he came close to you.
He stood centimeters apart from you.
"Josh I thought you loved me."
He laughed and sent shivers down your spine
"You thought wrong" and with that he pushed you.
you fell into the void.

A/n I know this is serious but this is the exact thing I thought of:)

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A/n I know this is serious but this is the exact thing I thought of:)

As you fell you could feel tears streaming down your face and flying up.
Suddenly you hit water and began to sink.
You struggled for air as you slowly sank.
Before you took your last breath a hand grabbed your arm and pulled you to the top.

You coughed as you finally got your air back. As you looked up to thank your savior you saw it was Josh.
"Y/n it's okay." He said as he pulled you to your feet.
"Get away from me." You said as you, for the second time, backed away from him.
"What's wrong? It's just me." Josh said as he pulled you into a hug.
You didn't struggle, instead you embraced him. Taking in his warmth.
"You might hurt me." You said making him hug tighter
"Never again."
A/n don't analyze this but I've had this dream so many times but it was about my crush and it didn't have a make out session

You woke you suddenly.
Breathing deeply and looking around frantically.
You calmed down and gained consciousness of your surroundings.
Josh was asleep in the couch.
You looked at your phone and it was 4:20am
You sighed and got up from your bed and walked to the restroom.
You quietly shut the bathroom door so you wouldn't wake Josh and turned and looked at the mirror.
You started to remember the conversations you had with Josh.
time reverse brought to you by the tardis

"Do you think that people are going to canon us now?" You asked as you say up to look at Josh.
He laughed slightly but you could tell he was uncomfortable with the question.
"Most likely." He answered
"Do you believe in aliens?" He asked so he could avoid your response.
"Of course/not really" you replied
"Why?" He asked
"I don't know it's just always been my opinion" you said laughing
"Hey, when is Tyler picking us up?" You asked.
"11:00am, we have to be in the next city before 3:00 and it's kind of a long drive."
"Okay, what time do you want to get up?"
"Well I want to get breakfast with you and how long does it take you to get ready?"
You think for a second.
"If we are just going to be on a bus all day then twenty minutes"
"Okay so how about we wake up at 9:00?"
"Sounds good."
There was a moment of silence.
"Do you want to watch YouTube?" Josh asks
  -back to the future(amazing movie btw)-

As you Finnish your small flash back you couldn't help but smile. Josh had always found a way to keep your time together going as long as possible.
You left the bathroom and sat on your bed.
Josh moved slightly looking uncomfortable.
You missed having his arm around you. Even thought you didn't trust him like you did, you where addicted to the way things where. You wanted him to get up and kiss you. You wanted to go over there and kiss him. He was a drug and you wanted more.
"Hey Josh" you said quietly trying to to scare him.
He made a hm sound and opened his eyes
"Will come lay with me, I had a nightmare" you say innocently.
"Of course." He says tiredly as he gets up to lay with you.
His shitless body moves under the covers with you. His arm wrapped around you pulling you close to him.
Nothing felt more bliss.
"Yes love."
"I forgive you."

this chapter was brought to you by holy hot topless Josh

    this chapter was brought to you by holy hot topless Josh

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Wow so that was a short chapter and I'm so sorry.
I barely reached 1000 but that okay because next chapter. Will be amazing.

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