3:Text me more.

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A/n I know no one wants to read another texting thingy and your probably rolling your eyes but this is important too. Also if you didn't know this is in Josh's POV

           [new text from bar beauty]
Y: hey! I'm super excited to see you and Tyler in concert!
J: I'm super excited to show you my surprise
[beauty y/n is typing]
[beauty y/n deleted message]
[message read]
J: no, what where you going to say?
Y: I was going to make a joke but I didn't.
J: tell me I won't judge.
Y: it was going to be a dick joke:/
J: on that note I'm going to go to sound check see you later alligator.
[message read]
I turned off my phone and walked out on stage to meet Tyler for the sound check.
"Who are you talking to?" Tyler asked as he took a sip of his drink.
"Oh y/n" I say nonchalantly.
"That girl you put me in a chat with?" He says as he slurps down the remaining part of his drink.
I nod and continue to look out onto the rows of empty seats.
"Is that the one your doing that huge surprise for?"
"Yep." I say as I check my Twitter.
"Why are you doing all of this? It's just a person you met at a bar." Tyler says as he motions me to walk with him to his dressing room.
"I don't know. Y/n just makes me happy. I know you think this is a bad idea ,but I trust y/n and I know six months is a long time but-"
Tyler cuts me off as he grabs a bread roll of his snack table.
"I get it Josh. You want another person here then bring another person. Just be mindful of what your doing."
I nod and and away.
Is this a good idea? Would y/n be willing to...
My thoughts cut of by my phone buzzing in my pocket
        [new message from bar beauty]
Y: hey we just pulled up at the stadium. This place is packed and y/bf/n and I came two hours early!
J: I can get security to let you in now and you can hang out with me.
Y: no it's okay! I will wait with everyone else.
J: whatever.
                   [message read]
Judging by how close we've already become I think that this six month plan is a great idea, just have to convince Tyler the same thing.

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