4:My names Josh Dun and i care what you think

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As you waited in line with the crowd on fans You thought about Josh.
You had been lucky enough to meet a great friend like him. He's been nothing but kind and sweet for the two weeks you've known him.
"Y/n you have thirty minutes before we are allowed in, are you excited to see your boyfriend bang on the drums?" Y/bf/n said with a smug grin while wiggling her fingers.
You rolled your eyes at your friend's stupidity.
"He isn't my boyfriend 1. We haven't gone on any type of date and 2. I don't even like him in that way." You said as you heard the doors open to the stadium.
Your friend sighed
"What ever you say"
You two began to walk into the stadium and look for your place in the crowd. You had gotten pretty decent spots.
You weren't close enough to get a drum stick if it was thrown but you could still barely see the sweat on Josh's forehead.
You've never been to a concert before so you didn't really expect the start of this one but it hit you by surprise.
Suddenly the crowd went from small conversations to jumping up and down and loud and off tune singing of the songs.
At one point while doing a cover of a song Tyler laughed as he read a sign in the crowd.
The crowd had went from jumping and pushing to laughing and moving slowly to the music.
Suddenly everything stopped and Josh got up from his seat behind the drums.
He walked over to where Tyler's mic was and Tyler took a step back to give him some room.
"Can I get everyone to take a knee?"
You looked around to see that everyone had went on their knees and you slowly came to the realization the you needed to.
Josh smiled at the crowd of sitting people.
What was he planing?
People where mumbling to each other and wondering what was going on.
"Y/n what's going on?" Y/bf/n asked with all the other confused crowd.
You leaned over to your friend so you could whisper in their ear.
"I honestly have no-" you where cut of by the Josh as he spoke into the microphone.
"Okay..." He said nervously as you looked over a Tyler for reassurance. Tyler nodded his head and Josh looked back at the confused crowd
"Can I get y/f/n y/l/n to stand up in the crowd please"

 Tyler nodded his head and Josh looked back at the confused crowd"Can I get y/f/n y/l/n to stand up in the crowd please"

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Josh asked into the mic
He sounded shy and scared, like it was his first time being in front of a big crowd.
The audience gasped as you slowly stood up from your sitting position on the floor and a smile creeped on Josh's face. It was an evil smile that made you fearful of what was to come.
"I'm going to need the audiences help with this but-" he paused as he looked at you one more time and smiled once more
"Can you please bring my friend up here?"
Suddenly you felt yourself being lifted from the ground. You where being carried to the front of the stage. Hands where going places you didn't want them to be. People where telling you things a you where being passed around.
"You better not be dating Josh"
"Your so pretty!"
"Are you his friend or something?"
You had no time to react to anything anyone was saying because you where almost to the front of the stage. You looked back to you former position in the crowd to see that y/bf/n was completely shocked and that your space had completely been filled up with other people.
As you neared the front you looked at Josh to see him smiling and holding out his hand for you to grab on to.
You took his hand and you where instantly in his, and only his, hands.
He hugged you and then let you go so you could have your personal space.
The crowd cheered uncontrollably and you suddenly go shy.
"Hey everyone this is my friend y/n" Josh said into the microphone as he looked at you.
Some of The crowd started to chant for you to to kiss but Josh quickly corrected them.
"She's just my friend."
The half of the crowd that was cheering suddenly stopped.
You had your arms crossed as if to hide something. All the eyes on you made you feel self conscious.
"Anyway I know you want to get on with the show but, I have a quick question to ask my friend y/n"
he turned away from the mic stand as he brought the mic with him to where I was standing.

"Anyway I know you want to get on with the show but, I have a quick question to ask my friend y/n" he  turned away from the mic stand as he brought the mic with him to where I was standing

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"Y/n I know we've only known each other for two weeks and I'm not one to be this spontaneous ,but..." He said as he got on one knee and pulled out a watermelon ring pop (a/n if you don't know what that is google it)
You smiled slightly at his ridiculousness.
"Would you like to tour with Tyler and I?"
The crowd cheered and screamed and you looked at Josh and shook your head no.
"Josh I would but-"
"Can you speak into the microphone?" Josh asked sounding heart broken.
You nodded while wrapping you hands around the microphone and holding it up to your mouth. You began to speak but when you tried the mic had feed back and you held it farther from your face and tried to speak again.
The crowd was quiet with anticipation. You've never had this many people exited for what you had to say.
You looked at Josh.
"Josh I'd love to but, I have school and a house to take care of, and my family, y/bf/n"
Josh smiled at the thought of the only reason for you not expecting was because of personal things and not him.
He took to mic from you and began to speak his part.
"You act as though y/bf/n can't take care if the apartment by there self and what school are you doing in summer?"
You looked around as you thought of everything that you would need to go on this sudden trip around America.
You again took the mic from a kneeling Josh and spoke into it.
"If I was to say yes, which I'm not, I'd have to be back in three months when school starts"
Josh smiled and took the mic from you again
"If I was to say yes ,which I'm not, to you getting back in three months would you agree to go with me"
You smiled at how he mocked you and took back the microphone with excitement
"Then yes only if you say yes" you said as you held out your hand so he could put the ring on
He nodded and slowly put the ring on you then pulled you into a hug as the crowd cheered.
You had completely forgotten that they existed and your cheeks began to blush and Josh took notice.
"Nervous y/n?"
You nodded and he took the mic away from his mouth so only you could hear him.
"Hey, I'll pick you up at your apartment later if you send me the address." You nod
He smiled at you and then put the microphone back up to his lips
"Y/n is going to go back stage now can everyone say bye" when he said that it remained you of a children's tv show.
The crowd started to yell and cheer the words good bye as you stepped of stage and watched the rest of the show.
time skip brought to you by green days bar

As you left the stadium to go to your car fans started to swarm you and ask for questions and autographs. You politely declined as you walked to your car. When you tried to get in someone tapped you on the shoulder.
"Forgetting something?" A voice that you instantly recognized was y/bf/n
You gasped as you remembered your best friends existence.
(A/n Me every day)
"I'm so sorry y/bf/n" you said in shock.
"Is all the fame getting to your head already?" They said unamused by your apology.
They walked to the passenger side of the car and got in leaving you on the outside feeling like shit.
You opened the car door and sat down.
When you turned the car on the first thing you heard was
"How come a certain smell will take me back to when I was young"
But this time you didn't turn it down you sat in the almost empty parking lot.
" oh so know you like the song?" Y/bf/n said still angry.
You apologized once again and finally there face softened.
"It's okay, I can't stay mad at you, especially if your leaving me for thee months tomorrow"
You leaned over and hugged you best friend from the drivers seat.
You where definitely going to miss them.
"Okay let's go home and spend our last day together watching supernatural." Your friend said as they wiped away a tear
You smiled back and drove out of the parking lot.
///Time skip brought to you by endings///
It is the morning after the concert and Josh would be here any minute to take you with him.
You had two huge suit cases in your hands as you sat on the couch with y/bf/n waiting for the door bell to ring and when it did it would mark the ending of you old life and the start of something new (a/n it feels so right to be here with you ohooo) and you didn't know it at the time but it will be the best three months you've ever had.
Then the doorbell rang.

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