9:Not so fun when your the one on the other side.

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A/n okay so I was thinking of ways I could do a give away and I've come up with nothing! I need help. If you have any ideas put them


As you opened your eyes the sun shines through your eye lashes making things look a little not right. When you tried to get up from the warmth of the tangled blankets and scattered pillows you felt an arm hold you down.
His warm arm was wrapped around your torso holding you to the bed. In all honesty you didn't want to get up. You wanted to stay in his arms. You wanted your body to stay this close to him.
But when do you ever get what you want?
Josh started to shuffle in the bed and his arm started to move from your body.
He started to rub his face as he woke up from his sleep.
"Good morning" you said cheerfully.
"Morning y/n, did you sleep okay" Josh asked, still rubbing his face.
Good? You loved every second of it. Ypu loved how perfectly the two of you fit together.
"Yeah. It was good." Is all you could say. It's all he needed to hear.
You hopped off the bunk and made your way to the kitchenette.
(a/n that's a tiny kitchen that's usually in hotels and rv's.)
You looked around in the cabinets but you couldn't find any food.
As you looked around you felt a pair of arms coil around you. You knew who it was.
Josh's head laid in the crook of you neck.
This felt right.
"Josh, what are you doing" you laughed as you turned in his arms to face him.
Instead of answering your question he made a low grumble sound that made you laugh even more.
"What are you doing?" You said trying to sound serious.
"I'm tired and hungry but we don't have food and I need to get up." He said as he stepped back from you leaving you in the cold as he walked to the couch.
You wanted to kiss him and you didn't know why. Why had you liked him so much?
"We can go to that dinner we went to yesterday." You said as you walked to get your bags.
Josh gave you a confused look but didn't say anything.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
Josh began to smile.
"Because we are in a completely different state."
Your eyes widened.
You didn't even feel a bump.
"But it's okay because we can go down to this cafe." Josh said with a smile.
You nod your head.
"Okay, I'll go get ready then."
You start to walk down the isle to the bathroom. Before you get there you look to see if Tyler is asleep and of course he's not, it's already, you pull out your phone to check the time.
Holy shit it 12:21. You rush to the bathroom and start to get ready for what little of the day you have left.
As you slip off your shirt you start to think of Josh.
Why had you suddenly liked him so much?
Of course you'd never date him because fan drama and your not one for sudden relationships ,but for some reason you didn't care what would happen as long as it was Josh kissing you and in Vice versa.
Josh just seemed...lovely.(a/n oh good one Hailey)
Suddenly you heard a knock on the door
"Y/n are you ready or what?" Josh's voice said
"Yeah just one more minute" you say as you pull on your black skinny jeans. (A/n because let's be honest you know that's what you wear)
You opened the door to see Josh impatiently waiting for you but as soon as he saw you his face lightened up and his frown went to wide smile. He bit his lip as he looked up at you.

 He bit his lip as he looked up at you

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