15. Sorry tyler.

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A/n I can't believe you choose an unhealthy relationship with Tyler for the sake of your drama feeding...you know who you are...I won't call you out but i gave the people a choice and this is what they choose
So because I lied about two updates in a day I'll just make this an extra long and drama filled chapter...will this fix my betrayal?

"How about a night in?" You suggest.
Tyler and Josh nod in agreement.
"Sounds fun. I didn't feel like going out anyways." Tyler said as he took a bite from his taco.
"We can go buy some snacks and board games." Josh said excitedly.
"Don't forget movies!" You added In.
This was going to be the start of a great day.
"Okay sounds like fun." Tyler said as he finished his taco and got up.
He turned as looked at you and Josh.
"Are you coming?" He said with his signature sass.
You and Josh quickly Finnish your food and walked out with Tyler.
This is going to be fun.
As you walked out of the bus the sunlight beamed into your eyes making you flinch suddenly.
Josh gave you a concerned look.
"Here, take mine" he said reaching for his sunglasses.
You gasped
"Not your sunglasses you look so much cooler with them on." You said sarcastically.
"We all have to make sacrifices." He said laughing and handing you the glasses.
"I know but I'm already used to it"
"Okay then. Your loss." Josh says putting on his sunglasses.
"Come on. We can't get anywhere if your just standing." Tyler said impatiently while grabbing Josh's hand and pulling him away from your side.
You giggled a little bit.
They are such dorks.
You walked behind them instead of with them to the store.
Not that you wouldn't want to stand with them.
It's just you where in your own mind.
Josh has been taking over your brain lately.
It's a constant reminder that you still have feelings for him. It's a reminder that he's not your boyfriend and he won't ever be.
You thought about how soon, your adventure with him would come to an end.
Memories seep back in and you giggled slightly.
You remembered the time Josh had bought a hola-hoop just so the two of you could see who could hold it up longer. Of course Josh won.

"Y/n, what are you smiling for?" Tyler asked as he held the door for that store open for you

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"Y/n, what are you smiling for?" Tyler asked as he held the door for that store open for you.
"Nothing. Just thinking" you replied and Tyler left the thought alone.

"We'll get snacks first." You said seeing the candy and chips isle from across the store.

As soon as you got there Tyler's eyes widened.
"He have to a get these!" He said holding up a bag of chips

"He have to a get these!" He said holding up a bag of chips

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"It's shrimp in a bag!" He said trying to convince us.
In the end Josh and I agreed and picked out our own favorite flavor.
"Can we get Oreos?" Josh said giving you the puppy dong eyes.
"When did I become your mother? Your a grown adult." You replied with a little bit more sass then intended.
"Then that's a yes?" Josh asked trying to agitate you.
You sighed "yes."
Josh got excited and grabbed two things of Oreos.
"Do we need to buy Movies?" You asked
"No we have Netflix. Now all we need is board games."

The three of you began to walk towards the game section of the store and look around.
"Here monopoly!" Josh said holding up the box
"Oh. I've got a good one." Tyler held out a box.
It was a game you hadn't heard of before.
The brightly colored box read 'Tell me the truth.' On the cover.
"We have to get this game." Tyler said with an sinister smile.
"Tyler n-" you began but where cut off by Josh.
"Ok." Josh said taking it from Tyler.
You gave Josh a look.
"What. It would be fun."
You rolled your eyes
"So much fun learning about-" you took the box from Josh's hands and read the back.
"Each other's sex life, deepest secrets, lies we've told, our crushes, dreams, and more"
You looked up at Josh as you stopped read the back.
"Why would you want to know that much about one person?"
Josh shrugged his shoulders.
"Because your our best friend and your a about to leave for God know how long and this is one of our last chances to make the most out of it before then." Tyler said as he took the game from you and smiled.
In the end you got the game and you started to walk back to the trailer.
"Starbucks!" Josh said
"No. You have an addiction." You said nudging him along.
"Let's just go because this could be our last time going together." Tyler said.
You just nodded your head and went in.
You had wondered why he want to be nostalgic all of the sudden. He was acting like a scrapbook mom.
You ordered you favorite drinks and eventually left.
While Josh was walking ahead to get in the trailer you pulled back Tyler so you could talk.
"Hey. Why have you been so snappy at me lately" you asked making Tyler frown
"Because your about to leave us for good
Y/n! You can't spend months getting to know someone and then not be angry when they want to leave." Tyler said simi-yelling.
You where completely shocked.
"Tyler I didn't m-"
"And plus! You pulling Josh along on a hook! You show that you love him and then you say that you don't. I know what he did was wrong. You made the choice of being his friend so stop flirting with him."
Type paused.
" I didn't mean it like that...it's just. I want you and Josh to be happy and it seems the only way for that to happen is if your together but your both so dumb that you can't see the signs." Tyler said lowering his voice.
"Okay." You said hugging Tyler.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to tell like that."he said hugging you back.
"I'm going to miss you Tyler." You said letting go of him and walking inside.
He followed behind.
"Okay I got the game set up." Josh said looking proud of himself.
"Cool! You said setting the snacks down.
You took a seat next to Josh and Tyler sat on the other side.
"Let the games begin!"

A/n sorry I just wanted to end it on a cliffhanger next chapter will be picking up right here and I'm making next chapter right now I promise.

More drama next chapter you bottom feeders:)
Also here's a sneak peek to one of the questions that's going to be asked

"Out of anyone in the room who would you date?" Tyler read off the card.

That was supposed to be hype for next chapter.

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