6:And so it begins

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a/n sorry for all the stalling it took to get to this.

as the plane slowed to a stop on the run way you and tyler laughed quietly.

you two had spent most of the trip talking and messing with josh in his sleep

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you two had spent most of the trip talking and messing with josh in his sleep. You drew on his face and put a spoon in his mouth.
Before the plane landed we took turns staking cups on his head but josh moved slightly and made you lose the game

"okay-" tyler said with a slight laugh
"who is going to wake him up"
you look down at josh and then back up at tyler.

The plane was slowly losing its previous passengers.
Tyler gives you a smirk and you knew exactly what he was going to do.
Tyler gets up and walks off the plane with his bags and you are left there to wake up Josh or be trapped in your seat.
You sigh as you hesitantly reach to tap Josh.
You stop instantly. Your hand is hovering over Josh's shoulder.
Instead of waking him you turn and pick up sharpie and start to draw on you beautiful face(a/n beautiful was not a mistake)
Just random scribbles and lines going different directions across your cheeks and forehead.
Then you quickly tapped Josh's shoulder and fake slept.
With your eyes closed you couldn't see Josh's reaction to the spoon but you could definitely hear the gurgling followed by a barley noticeable "what the fuck."
You could feel him turn to you.
It took all of you might not to laugh.
He slightly giggled
"Really Tyler" he said to himself.
He shook you and you pretended to wake up. Fake yawning you opened your eyes and looked at Josh's face.
You had to pretend you had no idea what happened to his face.
"Josh baby!! What happened to your face?"
"Baby?" He asked avoiding your question.
Wow I just called him baby. I didn't mean anything by it. It just felt, right.
"Your face? What happened?"
He smiled and grabbed your face.
"My face! what happened to yours?"
You pretend to be clueless and he took his warm, soft hands off your face and put them on his phone.
He opened snap chat and turned the front camera to face you.
"Oh my god." You said.
Josh laughed and moved his head closer to you and took a picture.
He pulled away leaving a cold space to where he once was.
"Tyler is to blame" Josh said as he snapped you two on his story and got up to get yours and his bags.
You nodded and got up following Josh off the plane.
As you two got off you saw Tyler with a smile on his face until he looked at you.
"So you think writing on our faces is funny?" Josh said jokingly
"I didn't write on-"
Tyler was cut of by you. You didn't want him to tell Josh to much.
"How did you even reach across Josh to write on my face?"
Tyler gave you a glare and you smiled back.
Josh took notice to you and Tyler.
"You two seem oddly closer"
You looked at Josh. Thinking of a way to say you are with out revealing how.
"We are! Before I fell asleep we talked a little, just enough to break the ice."
This wasn't true.
You and Tyler had talked politics, family, school, and Josh.
While on the plane Tyler wondered why you had so many questions about him but you just shook of his answer. In reality you wanted to know why you had so many questions. You wanted to know everything about Josh but you didn't know why.
"Y/n!" Josh said as you where pulled out of your thoughts to notice you were walking away from the terminal.
You look up at Josh
"Yes joshy?"
"Joshy?" Both Tyler and Josh said in unison
Inside you felt broken. They didn't pay along but Instead questioned your weirdness. All you wanted to do is apologize but instead you played it cool.
"Yep. Joshy. What do you need?"
Tyler and Josh looked at each other.
"Do you?"
You where completely lost.
"Do I what?"
Josh giggled and looked at you.
"After the show do you want to go out to eat?"
You instantly agree and he smiles at your cuteness. Tyler just rolled his eyes at the two of you.
"If your going to keep flirting just date already!" Tyler said as he walked out side to  the tour bus.
You blushed and looked up at Josh to see he was blushing too but instead of confronting Tyler you two just walked in the bus.
"I call this bunk!" Tyler said as he put his bags on the lower level and walked to the bathroom.
"I call this one!" Josh said as he put his bags in the one across Tyler.
You looked around  for a spot but every place seemed to have someone in it.
You walked over to Josh and opened his curtain. All he was doing was scrolling through his phone
"Hey." He said not looking away from his phone.
"Where am I supposed to sleep?" You asked
"Just pick a bunk." He said still looking at his phone.
He wasn't paying to attention to you and you needed it right now or else your sleeping in the isle.
So you did the most drastic thing you could think of.
You reached over and grabbed the pillow from Tyler's bunk and threw it at Josh hitting him in the face.
He didn't move. The pillow was resting on his face and you slowly walked to him and pulled the pillow off of him.
You where greeted by a smiling Josh who instantly got up.
"You think that was funny?" He said jokingly.
You nod.
"You know, I'm one for revenge." Josh said picking up his pillow from his bunk.
As he said that you instantly shot down the isle to the front of the bus. You tried opening the door but before you could a pair of hands wrapped around you and pulled you to the couch.
Suddenly you where under Josh giggling as he tickled your sides.
"Josh! Josh stop!" You yelled squirming under his touch.
But he didn't stop.
"What are you doing?" Tyler asked as he looked at the two of you from the door way.
Josh instantly stopped and got off of you leaving you smiling with messy hair.
"She messed with me first." Josh said sounding like a child that just pushed his sister.
"Okay...well I'm going to the stage for sound check."
"Okay see you soon." Josh said as he sat down next to you.
"What did you need?" Josh said looking at you with those beautiful eyes of his.
"All the bunks are taken." You said with a pout.
"You could."
You looked at Josh wondering what was in his mind.
"I could what?" You ask with anticipation.
"You could bunk with me...if you want. I promise I won't make any moves or anything just friends and-" you cut of the rambling Josh
"Okay of course but you better go get on stage."
Josh smiled and got up from his spot next to you.
"I'll see you back stage."
You nod as Josh gets off the bus and walks into the building.
You had a few hours before you had to meet Josh and Tyler for the show so you pulled out your phone and open tumblr.
As you scrolled through your phone saw pictures and videos of you and Josh on stage.
You two had a ship name and it was still trending! People had already made edits and accused you of replacing jebby.
You saw a smut post! Dear god who are these people?
It was called
'Y/n and Josh hot bunk sex.'
You read the summary and you couldn't believe your eyes.
It was about how the bus was out of spots to sleep so you and Josh had to sleep together and you two ended up having sex.
You chocked on your tongue and closed out of the app.
The internet is a weird place.

A/n I'm back!!! Also I'm super curious...
What are your ship names?
Mine is hash...like the drug.
What is yours?

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