5:I couldn't tell

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A/n Some sweet Josh dun action! Best chapter I'll show you my favorite picture of this bitch. (I'm kinda sorry)

As you walk out of your apartment with Josh you couldn't help but smile

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As you walk out of your apartment with Josh you couldn't help but smile.
The smile was genuine but what you felt wasn't.
You didn't regret saying yes to Josh but you felt sad knowing you where leaving your best friend for a band that they new first.
You told them before you left that you felt bad for leaving but y/bf/n just shrugged you off and told you to make the most of your life.
"Hey, y/n" Josh said as he pushed the elevator button
You looked over at him while pushing a piece of fallen hair out of your face.
You smiled at him and how he just looked at you.
"Yes?" You asked
"I'm glad you agreed to come" he smiled at you making you blush.
"You blush at compliments" he said quickly
Making you blush even more
The elevator doors closed with only you two in it.
There was a comfortable silence. You could feel Josh's hand close to yours but you didn't act on it, after all you where just friends.
You leaned you head on his shoulder. He looked down at you.
"What are you doing?" He asked with a giggle
"I barely got any sleep last night because
y/bf/f  and I couldn't stop talking. I'm really going to miss them."
He smiled as you put your face deeper into his shoulder.
He put his arm around you and pulled you closer.
"Do you want to know something y/n"
You pulled your head way from his shoulder slightly and looked up at him.
You made a hm sound and he laughed again.
"You know you and I are trending on Twitter?"
The elevator door opened and You stepped from Josh's embrace grabbed hold of your bags.
"Really? How?" You asked not even thinking you and him could be shipped.
"Because of what happened yesterday."
He said as he opened the door for you.
"We're um-" he stuttered with his words
"We've been shipped together." Josh says as you two walk up to a black car which you can only assume is an uber.
You blush for the second time today.
"But you told him we where just friends." You said astonished at how people just don't take no for an answer.
"I didn't but people don't believe it. They say it's to suspicious"

You laugh as you get into the back of the car with Josh

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You laugh as you get into the back of the car with Josh.
The man driving asked us where we where going and took of down the busy roads of LA.
The ride there was uneventful but the thing that stood out from all the other conversations with Josh was the one you had with the driver.
There was a silents in the car and the driver sparked up a conversation.
"So why is  this lovely couple going to the airport?"
You blushed again and this time so did Josh.
"Oh where not-" you and Josh said at the same time. He stopped talking to let you Finnish.
"We aren't dating." You say kindly.
The man gave a small smirk.
"Really? I could tell by how close you two are sitting."
For the first time someone had said something about the lack of space
in between the two of you.
Josh instantly scooted away from you and closer to the window.
Well that hurt. You know you didn't like him like him more that just a friend but still. Ouch.
After the short and awkward time left you finally arrived at the airport.
You and Josh stepped out the car. He grabbed your suitcase for you.
You two started to walk into the airport and where instantly swarmed around Josh pushing you out of the picture. You fell on the ground and couldn't get up out of pure shock.
"Can you guys just hold on."
Almost instantly the group calmed down and took a step back.
Josh politely told them to move as he made his way to you.
He reached out his hand and you grabbed it.
You easily brought you of the floor and in an up right position.
"Oh. my. god! Is that y/n?"
"Hey!" A voice yelled from across the room.
"Back away from Josh dun and y/n"
A huge man in all black came closer and all the fans backed away in fear.
"Hold on, it's okay, you don't need to yell, they are just kids." Josh said to his Guard.
The man slowed his pace but continued to walk towards us.
"Okay clique I would love to do pictures with you but I'm already late for my plane."  Josh said
The crowd of fans waved good bye as the guard pushed you towards your destination.
"Hey y/n" Josh said as you two and the guard made your way to the terminal.
"Yes Josh?"
"I'm sorry about the clique sometimes they just get excited to see me and Tyler. I don't understand why but they do."
You turned you head to look up at Josh and slowed down slightly.
"Because you've helped them. You have saved lives and made good music at the same time. Your living a dream only some people could see with there eyes closed."
Josh looked at you and smiled. That was the only acknowledgment that you had because soon after her grabbed your hand and rushed all the way to the plane.
As you neared the entrance you saw Tyler and a guard waiting by the door.
"Took you guys long enough." Tyler said with obvious sass in his voice.
"Let's go." Josh said as you went into the plane.
-Time skip brought to you by sexy Josh -
As the plane took of to the next destination you couldn't help but look out the window. Josh had fallen asleep before the plane even took off and Tyler was doing something on his phone. You decided to lighten the mood between you and Tyler.
"Crazy isn't it?" You said while still looking out the window.
Tyler made a hm noise and looked up you.
"Riding in planes always make me realize how tiny I am to the world. How insignificant
I truly am."
Tyler didn't say anything so you continued.
"It's funny because when I look down I'm looking at a whole population of people who I don't know the names of. People I've never seen the faces of. People with there own set of problems."
He still didn't say anything but you could still feel his eyes burning into your back.
"I don't know it's just-"
"Weird." He cut you off.
You turned around and looked at him.
"We haven't had a real conversation yet."
You smiled and for the first time you and Tyler had a hope of becoming friends.

A/n oh shit. Tyler and you friends? Now Josh has to deal with to sarcastic,sassy, twats! Honestly I think I smell a mess with Josh constantly train coming, and you and Tyler are on it. Woot woot.
(I hate myself)

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