19. How to end a love story

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A/n next chapter is the final chapter and tbh with you guys it's been prewritten so the ending has been here since the beginning of the book. Crazy I know.

(One day left)

Josh had been ignoring you since you told him that you had to leave.
The whole way home he questioned why you had to. He said how he would take care of you and that money was not a problem but you didn't want to be with him for his money.
You wanted to make your own living.
Since then Josh hadn't seas more then five words to you.
It broke your heart to know that this time tomorrow you would be gone and there was nothing you could do about it.
You watched the rain pour as the bus drove along the highway.
The driver said that we would be in the next tour stop tomorrow.
I've already booked my plane ticket to the apartment.
Your face lit up slightly. You could tell that it was Josh. You turns around to see him standing over you.
"Hey." You half smiled.
"Can we talk for a second?" Josh said rubbing the back of his neck.
You've been dying to hear him say that. Talking is something you two haven't done(dun) in what seems like forever.
"of course"
Josh smiled and took a seat next to you.
"Do you have to leave tomorrow?" Josh said tying to convince you to stay.
"Josh. For the last time. I'm leaving and I don't want to but I have to. Okay."
You looked at Josh in the eyes and noticed they where red.
"That's fine. Before the concert I was wondering if you wanted to go for lunch and then I have a surprise afterwards."
A smile grew on your face and leaned in to hug Josh. He thankful hugged you back.
"Well since we have that covered do you want to watch a movie with Tyler and I in the sitting area?"
Josh asked getting up from the bed.
"Sure as long as it's not a horror movie."
He laughed and held his hand out to you.
You grabbed his hand and pulled him down on the couch. You rolled on top of him.
"What's this?" He asked smiling.
"Just me getting back at you." You said as you pulled a pillow from the bed and hit him with it. You got a few hits in before you rolled you over. He grabbed your hands and held them above your head.
You looked each other in the eyes and your faces inched together.
He's forehead was resting on yours and just as you where about to kiss.
"Hey are you guys com-" Tyler opens our curtain and sees us with our faces inches away from each other.
"Oh." Tyler said as he closed the curtain to our bunkZ
"So do you think we should watch the movie?" Josh asked as he climbed out of the bunk.
"Yeah. I guess." You said as you followed him out.
"So did you pick a movie?" You asked as you sat down between Tyler and Josh.
"Yeah. How about this one."
You looked at the tv and saw Jurassic park.
"Okay." You said cheerfully
Josh agreed and Tyler played the movie.
As the movie played you hardly paid attention.
The how time you where wondering what you and Josh ever where.
That almost kiss.
Basically our whole relationship is constantly flirting. I can see why Tyler gets so irritated.
you had no idea if you where actually in love with him
Tonight is your last night with him so even if you suddenly decided to kiss him right now you would be torn apart from him tomorrow so what was the point.
"That's dinosaur is sick!" Tyler said pointing at the tv.
You giggled slightly.
Why would you ever want to leave this?
This was your home. This is where you felt happier.
Josh and Tyler had become your best friends and there was no doubt that you would talk to them between now and next summer but it wouldn't  be the same as waking up next to Josh and the light night
talks with Tyler.
Every moment you've had as been something you'll never forget.
You look over at Josh and he's watching the tv closely.
You smiled at the dork.
Why would you ever want to leave home?

A/n kablam! Here is the almost final chapter!! I'm not ready to publish the last ugh the emotion.

Thank you for staying to read this far!
I can't believe you kept reading past the first chapter:) can you believe your almost at your last?

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