13. A night with tyler

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A/n this is fast forwarded to the weeks before you and Josh have to split ways. It's been a month since the incident and you and Josh are okay again.

As the girl ran down the halls she tried to open multiple locked doors. The killer was close behind.
"Please no." She said as she realized she had no where left to go.

"Josh why did you have to pick a horror movie?" Tyler asked while he was covering his eyes.

"Don't ask me, ask y/n" Josh said as he pointed a finger at you.
"Whatever." You laughed
Everyone focused back on the movie.
You and Josh where on opposite sides of the couch with Tyler in the middle.
Even though you still loved Josh as a friend the two of you weren't so touchy-feely any more.
You and Tyler had gotten close.
The two of you would go out to eat and when Josh fell asleep the two of you would talk.
"Hey guys, I'm going to go to bed." Josh said as he got up from the couch.
"Okay, just leave enough pillows for me." You said mockingly.
Over the last few months you learned that Josh is a pillow hog.
As Josh was walking over to his bunk the bus hit the brakes and made him stumble a little.
"So are you and Josh going to date?" Tyler asked getting your attention from the movie.
"No...I mean...it's more, complicated...he just-" you sighed and looked for the words to say. It was like you could get what you felt out so easily. Like your brain wouldn't let you.
"-it's just, Josh and I are friends and that's all, I think." You said unsure if Tyler understood
"Okay." That's all he said as he turned back to the movie and continued to watch.
"How's Jenna?" I asked trying to avoid the awkwardness.
"She's great. I miss her though." Tyler said not taking his eyes off of the screen.
"I'm sure you do." This was awkward.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" He asked getting up from the couch
"Sure." You replied.
Tyler knew you weren't much of a walk and talk kind of person so if he invited you then it must be important.
He held the door open for you and you walked into the cold starry night.
"Let's go, I have something to show you."
Tyler walked down the sidewalk with you following closely behind.
Not a single word was said on the way to where ever.
Soon enough after ten minutes of walking and silence Tyler walked into a tall building.
The building had a beautiful plaza with a huge chandler hanging from the roof.
You stood in awe but not for long because Tyler grabbed your arm and pulled you into a room with stairs.
"How many levels?" You asked reluctantly
"43" Tyler replied as he started to walk up them.
You quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him back.
"There is no way in hell in walking up 42 flights of stairs."
Tyler smiled
"Elevator then?"
You nodded your head and Tyler lead you to the elevator where you rode your way through 42 levels
"Once we get to the top, we have to walk one floor."
He said as the elevator opened to the top floor.
I get it now, we are going to the roof.
We walk on last floor.
Tyler opened the door to reveal a beautiful city view.
He walked to the ledge and looked down.
"This is one of my favorite city's to visit."
He said as he looked at the city around him.
"This is a beautiful view Tyler" you said as you walked near him
"I know."
"Why are we here" you asked as you sat down.
"Because I know you'll appreciate it."
"What does this place make you feel?" Tyler asked as he sat down with you
"Nothing." You answered
And Tyler smiled.
"I don't know. It's like forgetting." You replied unsure if Tyler understood what you meant
"I know you've been thinking about Josh lately and I wanted to bring you here so you could just take a brake from all the problems, a break from the world."
You sighed
"And if you ever need a friend to talk to, I'm here"
"Thank you Tyler, for everything"
You hugged Tyler and he hugged you back.
Tyler was a good friend.
After that the two
Of you just sat.
No one said anything.
You just listened to the cars passing by.
To the city that was alive

A/n wham! There it is! I night with Tyler!
Next chapter will be a week after this.
Also thank you for 1.15k reads!! That's so amazing!
I'm so happy for all of us and I don't think I could have done it without you.
Thank you!
And if you haven't yet, go check out my new story
'Please stop society' it's a Josh dun au

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