14. Josh dun is completely into you

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A/n I feel inspired. Let's do a double update today!

Josh POV

Y/n and I had only three weeks left.
Time was running out.
I keep trying to convince her/him/them that they/she/he doesn't need to go to school and that I'll take care of them.

I just want y/n to stay.
I want to completely fix the problem I've made.

As I pulled the covers over my head I heard Tyler and Hailey talking. I couldn't hear the conversation.
It was just a faint and distant whisper.
Soon after the talking stopped I heard the door to the bus open and close.

I hated how easily Tyler and y/n got along.
It was weird because the last person he did so well with was me and Jenna.
Y/n won him over in a couple of months.
He/she/they unlocked the key to his mind already.
I can't wait tell y/n meets Jenna. They will get along so well.

---- time skip by sweet daddy dun ----
Still Josh's POV

"Thanks again Tyler"
I woke up to the sound of y/n's beautiful voice.
"Good night y/n" Tyler said back not even excepting the gratitude.
"Night" y/n said as I heard footsteps walking
(A/n mid sentence. It took me two minutes to try and spell the word walking😐)
towards the bathroom.
Y/n must have been changing.
I sat there for a second and waited for y/n to come out.

Soon I hear the click of the door and someone exiting the bathroom

Y/n POV.

I walk out of the bathroom and immediately feel extremely tried.
I crawl into the bunk with Josh and he quickly puts his arm around me and pulls me closer.
I still love how perfectly we fit together.
I loved how our legs intertwined.
I don't like how I'm getting feelings for him again.
I don't want to.
I don't want to get hurt but I love the way we looked together.
I love the way we hugged, and even though it's only been two times, I loved the way we kissed.
I miss the way it was before....
"What's wrong?" Josh mumbled with his eyes still shut
I didn't reply so he would think I was asleep
"It's okay. I'm here now." He said pulling me even closer then I was before.
"It's okay now." He repeated
Soon after I feel asleep in his arms where it felt like I belonged.


As I walked to the airport for the flight back home I started to cry. I wanted to stay more then anything but if I don't go to college then I won't make the money I need to supply for myself.
I opened the door to the airport and began to walk in.
"Y/n wait" A voice yelled.
You spun around and saw Josh standing there.
"Y/n please. Stay with me. Stay with us. I don't want this to be the last time I see you.
You walk towards Josh and hug him.
" it won't be." You said trying to comfort him
"I know this is selfish of me to say but I need to see you everyday."
You began to cry into his chest.
And the two of you fell onto the ground.
At this point people where staring at the two of you. Some even took pictures.
"It's okay. Shh. Everything will be okay." Josh began to hum. He was so calming.
"Josh. I love you." You said as you instantly kissed him hard.
His one arm was holding him self up and the other was around your waist. This was pure bliss.
"Does this mean you'll stay?"

You quickly woke up from your dream and sighed.
The person in that dream was unrealistic.
That was not going to happen.
You turned over and saw that Josh was already gone.
You lazy got up from the bed and checked you phone.

You lazy got up from the bed and checked you phone

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You smiled at the photo.
It was the time Josh and Tyler stole your phone to take pictures.

You went to the living room area and sat on your phone.
"We have arrived with food." Josh said as he entered the bus with a bag from...
Taco Bell. How could I expect anything less?
"Taco bell?" You giggled slightly.
Tyler walked in after and smiled
"Good morning!" He said excitedly.
"Good morning, what's with the good mood?" You asked with curiosity

Tyler and Josh looked at each other and smiled.
"We don't have a show today. It's a break day and we are all going to have some fun."
You smiled wide.
As much as you loved seeing them preform it was great to have a day that's not so rushed.
"Really! Where are we going?"
"That's the thing-" Tyler said sitting next to you as he got out the food.
"- we can't decide."
Josh sat down by Tyler and took his order out of the bag.
"Ok. So what's are my choices?"

A/n bam! Here it is.
This will be your first chapter where you will pick what's happening next!!

So here are your choices.

The zoo- you get a super cute Josh with his face painted and him trying to talk to animals. Your incredibly hyper tonight.

The water park- sexy af Josh splashing around in fucking water.....(sorry I got excited). A better sleep tonight. Bonding moment for you and Josh

A day in- just simple conversations. Cuddles and movies. Eating a crap ton of Oreos and a long needed conversation.
The game of never have I ever.

Each choice has its own set of consequences.

Zoo- a ton of fans and the topic is talked about but you and Josh don't bond as much.

Water park- a few fans but the very important topic is completely avoided. You and Josh bond slightly.

Stay at home- you and Josh form a great bond. The subject is talked about. No fans. Tyler and you have an argument.

So choose wisely.

Vote here for zoo

Vote here for water park

Vote here for stay at home.

You have 18 days left with Josh...make them count.

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