21. What happens after the goodbye (extra chapter)

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A/n I wanted to do one last chapter considering it would be my twenty first....ha ha get it. Twenty one pilots...I'm super original. So here's your happy ending...speaking of endings and beginnings...I made the imagine book. I thought it would be a good way to keep myself busy when I just want to write a 700 words compared to my usual 2500. Go read it if you want.

(Three months without Josh)

"And that class is where babies come from..." The professor said as the college students began to pack there stuff and leave the last class of the day.
It's been hard. Not seeing his face everyday.
You thought as you picked up your backpack and walked out of the classroom.
"Hey! Y/n, we're going to the bar later, do you and Chad want to come?"
Your friend ruby said with a wide smile.
You shook your head and tried to go around her.
Ruby Angel had moved here just as school was starting. The two of you had become friends and even debated living together. You had been alone since y/exbf/n left the apartment.
ruby grabbed your hand and took you to the bathroom.
"I know you e been bummed for such a long time now. I can tell. I just want you and Chad to be happy."
You smiled at her kindness.
"We're happy. I just need to go home tonight." You sighed while leaving the bathroom.
As you walked away Ruby yelled out to you.
"You alway say that. You'll never have time with your boyfriend if you keep doing stuff like this!"
But you just kept walking.
Yes, chad and you have been dating for two weeks and before him there was Jessie and Alex and that guy you hung out with for a few days.
Truth be told nobody was like Josh. Not even Chad. You tried forgetting. You tried boys. You tried yoga and diets and pills.
Nothing seemed to replace Josh.
It felt empty.
Not even sadness because you never cried or smiled for that matter.
You felt......honestly you didn't know what this was.
The point is, you love Josh, you love your career but you can't have both.
You hadn't text him but you knew what you'd say if you decided to.
Hell, you've almost texted him. You typed the words but your finger just couldn't push send.
You told yourself if was weakness. That if you tried sending another text you didn't deserve to have his number.
You walked up the stairs to your apartment and got the key to your door out.
As soon as you got inside you sat on the couch, not even changing into more comfortable clothes.
Your hand moved for the remote and you slowly turned the tv on.
You felt drained as mtv played.
"Have you heard about Josh duns cheating girlfriend?" The host said as he took a sip of his drink.
"Who hasn't? We found a picture of y/n kissing another guy while on a long distance relationship with Josh dun, the drummer of twenty one pilots." A lady said as a picture of you kissing Chad showed in the screen.
Your heart dropped and your phone started to get direct messages from Twitter.
"You guys should use the hashtag y/n with twenty one different guys." This guy said.
Everyone on the show began to laugh as they moved on to the next segment.
You felt a tear roll down your face and you wiped it away vigorously.
You looked at your phone and you opened Twitter.
The hashtag
#y/n'swithtwentyonediffrentguys was already trending.
People where tweeting calling you a whore.
Only a few people defended you.
Your heart began to race as you read all the words you had been calling yourself.
Suddenly you got a call from Chad.
"Is this true? Where you dating someone else while you where with me and a famous person at that?"
"N-n-no I wasn't, I don't understand this."
Your voice shook as you tried to explain.
"I should have known. We're though."
He hung up the phone.
Through this madness and confusion you didn't shed a tear. You just took it as the hate rolled in. You thought you deserved it.
New hashtags where being made, Pictures of you and Chad being posted, even you and Josh had a fee picture in the tag.
As you looked through the tweets your phone was interrupted by a call.
[incoming call from Josh dun]

Your hand started to shake as the call rang out.
You had and option.
Answer the call or Ignore it.
Your finger hovered over the buttons as you tried to make a choice in the limited time you had.
Your breathing began to deepen as you pushed the answer button.
You said nothing and just listened, waiting for something, a sign that it's real.
"Hello? Y/n are you there?" Josh said with all the kindness and respect he always had for you.
Your eyes watered and you tried to hold it in as you covered your mouth to hide the whimpers.
"Y/n I can hear your breath." He said sounding considered.
You waited before you replied.
"Josh?" You voice broke while you said his name.
It's been a long time since you've said it.
"Hey." He sighed.
"Hi." You replied trying to cover your desperation.
"I heard about the-"
"I know" you said cutting him off.
Nothing was said for a few moments. You guessed he was making a question to ask.
"Why did you do that?" He asked.
You could hear the shame and disappointment in his steady voice.
"Do you want the honest answer?" You asked
"Of course"
You took a deep breath.
"I haven't been happy since I left. I thought that someone could replace you, or at least the way you made me feel, but no one could. I just went from guy to guy trying to feel something."
You explained.
Josh said nothing.
You felt as though he was judging you.
Mocking you in his head.
"I know it's crazy and stupid and I'm stupid...I just missed you and I didn't know if you would take me back. I had been so stupid..." You said with tears streaming down your face.
"...why am I so stupid?" You said in a low voice so Josh wouldn't hear.
Again he said nothing.
"Yeah?" He replied in the same low tone he had been using
"I'm sorry."
"And so am I."
You where completely surprised.
"How could you be sorry for anything? I was the one who did all of this."

"But I should have tried harder. I should have begged and told you not to leave for that fucking airplane. I should have waited for you to get to the trailer."
"No. Its my fault too."

"Where are you? Do you still live at that apartment?" Josh asked. You could hear frantic shuffling in the background.

"Yea." You said trying to understand what he was doing.
"Okay, I've got to go...I lov....bye y/n"
He hung the phone up and you sat there staring at it.
"I love you too." You said to yourself.

That night you couldn't sleep and for the first time in three months you cried.
You cried as tweets and news reports came in. You cried when people tried calling you,
You sat and held Josh's shirt.
You didn't care about school tomorrow or what everyone had to say.
Josh was going to say he loved you.
That was all it took.
Your eyes felt heavy. You checked the time and it was 6:40am.
You closed your eyes and felt the world lose its importance around you as you fell asleep.

---time skip brought to you by my crying face as I write the actual end to my first book.---

You woke up to banging on the door.
It was loud and ear piercing.
"Hold on." You yelled as you rolled off the couch and on to your feet.
The banging continued as you walked to the door.
You opened it quickly.
"What." You said squinting your eyes at the brightness of the outside.
You felt a pair of arms wrap around you and pull you off the ground.
You gasped from the sudden touch.
The figure put you down on the floor again but it didn't pull its arms away.
"Josh?" You said calmly.
You could tell by the way you so perfectly fit on his body.
"Hi." He said pulling away from the hug to look at your face.
His eyes where red as though he had been crying and honestly so where yours.
Tears started to stream down your face as you looks at his.
It was a face you thought you'd never touch again. A face you'd never kiss or see.
A face that wouldn't smile at your cheese jokes or look into your eyes when you spoke.
This was the face of the man you fell madly in love with.
Josh began to wipe the tears from your face.
"Josh I-"
You where cut off.
Josh had pushed me back onto the wall and kissed me with passion and fire.
He held my face and I wrapped my arms around his neck as I kissed him back.
This is what I missed.
The way his lips moved with mine.
The way his hands delicately traced my carves.
I missed the way this made me feel. The way he made me feel. It was pure bliss.

And to think this all started with some stupid song on the radio that I  didn't even like.
This all started with an overplayed song.
That was so overrated before it made me fall in love with Josh dun.

God, you have no idea how much I love that dumb song.

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