10:Texting tyler

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As you entered your hotel room for the night you felt empty.

All the thing Josh had made you feel

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All the thing Josh had made you feel. You should have just said no from the beginning.
You had no clothing. Thank god you had money and your phone.
You walked into the cheap restroom.
The room smelled of dust.
You closed the door behind you and began to strip yourself of your wet clothing, setting them to the side so they would dry.
You turned on the shower

 and stepped in letting the water run down your back

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and stepped in letting the water run down your back.
You cupped your hands and began to splash your face, maybe this will wake you up from the nightmare.
It didn't, in fact, it made the chaos of the night seem more real.
You tried to drown out the pain.
You tried to destroy your feelings for Josh, but it's not an easy thing.
Time passed and you soon got out of the shower.
You warped the warm towel over your body and looked in the mirror.
Your eyes where red and puffy.
As you looked hard at your self you wanted to say that you where okay.
But your far from okay.
"I'm okay" your voice said faintly
You weren't convinced.
"I'm fine" you say trying to tell yourself that you never liked Josh.

"You're such a liar, you know your not okay" You turn from the mirror, discussed by your own, once beautiful reflection

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"You're such a liar, you know your not okay"
You turn from the mirror, discussed by your own, once beautiful reflection.
*Beep beep*
Your phone buzzed.
[new message from Tyler fren]

Tyler: y/n Josh told me everything, please come back home.

It seems that Tyler cares more about you then Josh does.

Y/n: what's the point? Josh doesn't want me there so I'll just get my stuff tomorrow and catch a flight back to the apartment.

Tyler: don't do that! Josh was being irrational. We love you over here, Josh loves you!

 We love you over here, Josh loves you!

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A/n not fake...

Y/n: obviously not.

Tyler: fine, you can go back, just tell me where you are so I won't worry about you all night.

You smile to yourself. At least Tyler cared

Y/n: I'm a the maple hotel. Thanks for everything, I've had a great time.

Tyler: I don't think it's over yet. I don't want it to be.

And with that you leave the conversation.
You start to put your now dry clothing back on and walk to the bed.
You didn't feel like thinking but that's all you could do.
When you leave your going to miss Josh.

Tyler's pov.

Thank god, I've got her location.
"Josh!" I yell.
I'm still pissed off at the fact that he just let y/n run away like that.
"What Tyler?" Josh says as he open his curtain with red eyes(that wasn't his makeup duhhhhhn)

"I was texting y/n and he/she/they are staying at the maple hotel. You should go"

"What's the point?" Josh says as he began to close his curtain.

This made me furious.

"The point is that you just meet the person you've been obsessed with sense debby and you just let them walk away from
You. I don't know if I've ever seen you happier! Look at what your doing to the both of you! Now go to the hotel and say that you love them before they're out of your life forever! For fucks sake"

And with that Josh gets up with out a word and puts on his coat.

"You might want to bring a change of clothes considering they ran away in the rain" I say with my signature sass

Josh once again says nothing and grabs some extra clothing for y/n
And as he's about to walk out the bus he says one thing to me
(What's for dinner)

"I love y/n"

"No shit"

A/n woooop whose ready for some smut or fluff? Depending on what you pick of course.
I am! Daddy dun fucks shit up...
I hate myself.
Have a good day/night/afternoon/whatever else:)

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