11: we're broken people

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A/n In case you read my last a/n before I changed it. There will not be a smut chapter at all. I want to take a different approach to the problem that your facing. <3 rawr XD

(Play suggested song now pls)

I walked out into the cold night.
Why did it take Tyler tell me to notice that I loved y/n?
I'm so stupid!
I walked the quiet and dark street my breath could be seen in a white steam.
I pulled out my phone and typed in the address of y/n's hotel.
"I'm not letting you go that easy" I said to myself
Please don't leave me. In sorry I was just mad.
I tried to think of what I'd say if y/n is willing to even talk to me.
I was a huge asshole.
I looked down into the puddles of water. In the reflection I could see the hotel sign and

 In the reflection I could see the hotel sign and

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I filled with butterflies.
These where different from when I first me y/n. These where more of...of a I might lose the love of my life if I don't play my cards right type of butterflies.
I pushed open the doors and looked at the person in the front desk.
"Did I person under the name y/f/n come in here about three hours ago?" I asked hoping that the man wouldn't think your a stalker
"Yes-" he said as he looked up from his computer.
"-holy shit! Your the guy from twenty pilots!
I love your song."
Great now I'm cringing but I had to be kind.
"Thank you, but I need to find that person."
I say with a fake smile.
"Okay but my favorite song is stressed out."
I give an ever faker smile because he wasn't giving me the info I need.
"Sir, that's fantastic but I need to find y/n" I say a little angrier then expected.
"And now we're stressed out, my names blurryface and I care what you think."
Dear god I'm going to murder this man.
"Can you just give me the room number?" I say as I slam my fist of the desk making him stop he's horrendous version of the song.
"Sure thing Mr.Joseph" he man said as he typed on his computer still humming stressed out.
"The number is 201 on the third floor" he said as he gave me a smile.
"Thank you-" I said as I turned to go to the elevator.
"- by the way, I'm Josh, and those aren't the lyrics to that song"
Then I pushed the elevator doors closed leaving that "fan" on his own.


After awhile of being stuck in your own head you decide that it's time to turn on the tv.
You rolled over to the side of the bed that had the remote and grabbed it.
Then you turned back to your original position and turned on the flat screen.
"Josh. I'll never let you go, I love you!"
"But caddy, I must, the music, my fans need me."
Are you kidding me? I love story! About a musician. Fuck me.
As soon as you where about to change the channel you heard a knock at your door.
You slowly got up.
The sounds of the tv in the background.
"Josh no. I need you too. I love you too. I may have not had you first but I have you now and I'm not letting go." Caddy said as she wrapped her arms around and expecting Josh.
Okay this is show is to real.
You placed your soft hands on the doorknob and began to twist it slowly.
When you opens the door you couldn't believe what you saw.
"Y/n" he quickly wrapped his arms around you and picked you.
He carried you away from the door and closed it with his foot.
You where still hurt and in awe.
"Put me down Joshua." You said with a harsh tone.
Josh did as he was told not wanting to anger you anymore.
"I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me. I just hated seeing all of those people make fake things about us. I just wanted it to be real more than anything and then when I realized what I did I thought that I'd have to lie about my feelings and-"
You wanted to forgive Josh but what he did hurt.
"Josh, I don't feel the same way." You said.
This time it wasn't a lie. For some reason you got the courage to tell him how you feel
"You don't?" He said as his face dropped.
You shook your head.
"Before what happened today, I loved you. Before you kissed me and said it meant nothing." You said as you sat on your bed.
Josh sat next to you.
"We don't have to date, I just want you to come back. I even bought you a change of clothes."
You giggled slightly at he cuteness. Of course you wanted to stay ,but you know that your relationship with Josh won't be the same.
"Josh I-"
He cut you off
"One more chance that's all I need, besides Tyler and the crew love you too. If your not staying for me, stay from them."
You where convinced.
You wanted to stay but you didn't know if it would be healthy.
"Josh, I love you but I'm not letting you go!"
Caddy said making you and Josh look at the tv.
"But i must" Josh said as he turned for the front door.
"Then take me with you." She said
The real Josh turned to look at me.
"I wish you wanted to go with me as bad as she does."
He automatically lightened the once serous mood.
You began to laugh and remembered why you agreed to go with Josh in the first place.
"Okay." You say
A smile spread on his face and he hugged you tightly.
He didn't let go and neither did you.
"Is it okay if I sleep here tonight because it was a long walk to get here."
Josh said as he pulled away from the hug.
"Okay but your on the couch." You said as the two of you laughed.
"Are you tired at all?" Josh asked at you got up to sit on the couch.
"Not really." You said as you turned and grabbed a pillow so you could throw it at Josh.
"Hey!" He said as the pillow slid down from the back off his head.
"Hey to you too." You said back in a snarky tone.
"I missed this." He said as he laid down and looked up at the ceiling.
"We've only been mad at each other for a couple hours." You said as you to laid down to look up at the ceiling.
"No, not the small fights, but the feeling I get when i look at you smiling."
You where at a complete loss of words.
So you didn't say anything.
"Hey y/n, since neither of us are tired so you want to just talk?"
"Sure, about what"
He paused for a second.
"About anything, or everything"

A/n whoosh here it is! I know this is smut free even though said there will be smut.
But I'm a filthy lier so don't trust me.
Sorry mister gullible but lyings all I've learned.......
Constant TØP references are constant.
Any who don't hate me because I don't hate you.

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