He's your Saving Grace...

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*Based off the song 'Halo' by Beyonce!"

As you waited in the terminal, watching for Mark to come out of one of the gates, your mind drifted to what brought you to this moment of pure happiness.

7 months ago before you had met Mark, you were in an abusive relationship. You use to lie about the whole thing in order to protect him, but that was before he landed you in the hospital with four cracked ribs. Let's just say after that, you watched with joy in your eyes as the police carried him off towards the squad car. 

After that whole fiasco of a relationship, you swore off men. You never wanted to go through something like that again, so you figured what better way to make sure that never happened again by just not getting into a relationship all together! It took a while, but you eventually built these walls. You were proud of the fact that numerous guys had tried to come in and knock your walls down, but they were still standing when they left in frustration. You had even come up with these 'rules' to stop yourself from getting close to a guy. 

You mentally remembered the list that you thought was so important back then, but now you realise it was just a waste of time. 

1. No staying out past 11 with a guy

2. No sleeping over at a guy's house

And 3, which was your personal favorite, If he was straight, you were to be an extreme douchebag to him.

Ths list worked wonders on every guy that tried to come on to you, then Mark came along. He was the first guy to not be put off by you being a dick towards him, and he tore down the walls you had built up. When they started to crumble, it seemed as if they didn't put up a fight against him, like they didn't even make a sound.

You began to recount the exact memories when he made you break all the rules you had set.

Like #3, If the guy was straight, be an extreme douchebag to him.

You were walking around the local home depot, in search for the paint aisle. You had just moved into a new place after Jared got sent off to jail and it needed a fresh coat of paint. You had been wandering around for at least 15 minutes, if not more trying to find the stupid aisle. Frustration slowly started rising up in you as you continued your way around the store. It couldn't be this  fucking hard to find paint in a store, right?

Just as you were about to give up, you felt someone bump into you from behind. A liquid slowly seeped into the back of your grey hoodie, easily going through and reaching your skin. Whatever the hell it was, it felt thick and sticky.

Snapping around, you glared at the guy who had bumped into you. He was slightly under 6 feet tall and had almost cobalt blue hair that swept in front of his face. When your eyes floated down towards his hands, you saw a paint can filled with fire engine red paint with the lid opened slightly. Oh no, that better not be fucking paint seeping through your clothes. If you weren't in a public store, you seriously would have thought about bitch slapping him.

Your eyes went back towards his face, a what seemed to be an apologetic look written on his face. Even if he was apologetic, you didn't give a shit. The asshole spilled paint on you. Why the hell was he even walking that close towards you with an open paint can.

In an attempt to try and simmer the anger that was slowly rising up within you, you shut your eyes. The man finally spoke, causing your eyes to shoot open.

"I am so, so sorry, this is all my fault. I wasn't paying attention where I was going..." His eyes slowly scanned over my body, resting in places longer than they should be. Ok, so whether he was straight or not, in this case, didn't matter, you were still going to be an utter douchebag to him.

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