You were left Speechless...

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Ineffable- Too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words

Epiphany- An experience of a sudden and striking realization

For the first time in months, you had a smile on your face as you stood in the lobby of the Travaasa Austin in Austin, Texas. You were so happy to be here for a vacation. Usually, when you stayed in a place this nice, it was for a business trip. For the next few days, you were here as the Maid of Honor for your best friend Caitlyn's wedding which was tomorrow.

Caitlyn lived in Texas where as you were out in California, so you weren't able to be out here as much as you should have been as her maid of honor. When Caitlyn first asked you to be her maid of honor, you told her you couldn't do it since you were so far away. Her exact response was "Big fucking deal. Your my best friend, and YOUR going to be my maid of honor."

Sadly, there wasn't much you knew about the wedding. All you knew was that the wedding had a rustic theme to it and the best man's name was Mark. The only reason you knew that was because Caitlyn, as well as her soon to be husband Steven, wanted to set the two of you up. You pushed that idea off, telling them you weren't looking for a relationship because your career as an interior designer was just taking off. The other part of it was is that you had a nasty breakup with the man you were in love with 6 months ago, and it was all too fresh.

Ironically enough, your ex's name was Mark. Mark's a fairly common name but it's just you still felt sad every time someone even mentioned the name Mark.

You were brought out of your trance when you heard a high pitched squeal from across the lobby. When you turned your head, you instantly recognized pink mass with blonde hair as Caitlyn. Even though the two of you were best friends, you were polar opposites. Caitlyn was the typical girly girl, whereas you were more of the tomboy who would rather die before wearing a dress. In all honestly, you were uncomfortable with wearing the dress Caitlyn picked out for you, but you were wearing it for her.

It wasn't long before Caitlyn had rushed towards you and was embracing you in a big hug.

"Ahh I've missed you like crazy, these next few days are going to be SOO fun!" Caitlyn exclaimed as she released you. "You've checked in and gotten your room key right?"

"Yes, and I've missed you too. Where's Steven? I figured you guys would be glued at the hip."

"Ohh he's with Mark in the lounge area. Speaking of which, he wants us to meet them there, like right now." You barely had enough time to grab your suitcase before she started dragging you towards wherever the lounge was.

As she dragged you along, Caitlyn babbled on about how excited Mark was to meet you. You said you were too, but more along the lines of just getting her to be quiet about the whole thing. After leading you through a countless number of glamorous halls of the resort, you got to a packed room, labeled the lounge.

It only took you two seconds to spot Steven's linebacker build across the crowded room. Next to him was someone leaning against the chair. His back was turned to you, so you couldn't see his face but you were sure it was the best man.

You and Caitlyn slowly made your way towards the two men. The man in the chair started standing up before you got there.

"Y/N, meet Mark." The man turned around, and your face fell. It was your Mark, well not your's as of recent times but still! It was the same man that broke your heart six months ago. When you saw his face, it began to open old wounds you didn't know existed.

He still had the same vibrant red hair, except it was slightly longer than you remembered it being. His brown eyes that you found yourself getting lost in so many times before still had the same brightness to them. He was the same person, but you weren't.

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