He wasn't 'Satisfied'...

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This imagine is based on the song Satisfied on Hamilton: An American Musical soundtrack, enjoy!

(Mark's POV)

I sat across the dining table at one of the trendiest restaurants in Los Angeles from one of my closest friends Tyler and his girlfriend, Y/N. Normally, there's nothing I wouldn't do to meet up with one of my friends and their girlfriend. So today wouldn't be any different, right? Yeah, I didn't realize how wrong that statement could be. Tyler's girlfriend? Is my ex-girlfriend. She wasn't just an ex-girlfriend to me, though.

We dated for a year or so before we broke up a few months ago. I don't even really remember what happened anymore, all I do remember is that I said something stupid and she walked out on me. Men are full of stupid mistakes though! I've tried getting that point across to her several times, but she hasn't budged and I don't plan on her doing so.

Since this has all happened, I've regarded her as the girl that's gotten away. I never fell out of love with her and the fact that not only will she not take me back, but she's with a guy who's practically my best friend. Why don't you just add more salt to the wound huh? As sad as this is to admit, there have been times where I've dreamed that Y/N's only with Tyler to make me jealous. I know, sad and pathetic right?

We all sat in the plush leather booths, lightly conversating as we waited for our food to arrive. To say that the situation around us was awkward was an understatement. I wasn't going to let it be awkward. I'm not going to ruin Tyler's relationship just because he's with the girl I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with. No awkwardness for us tonight!

"So Y/N," I cleared my throat as I turned my eyes on her. "How's med school going? I know you were finishing it up when we- a few months ago." I had to stop myself from saying when we were together.

"It's finished actually. I've got a job at a local pediatrics building downtown." I had to stop my smile from going to the extent it wanted to go to. I was always proud of the fact that she was following her dreams and the fact that she's accomplished it is making me happier for her than I should be.

I gave her a weak smile as I continued to look at her. "Wow, congratulations. That's gotta be exciting." I wanted to punch myself for the way that sentence came out. Good job Mark, way to be fucking obvious!

"A lot of people are proud of her, including me." Tyler leaned over to kiss her temple which made me twitch. I was able to do that once, but that was before I fucked everything up.

"Well, I'm going to use the bathroom. You guys have fun!" Tyler got up and left, leaving Y/N and I alone. For a minute after Tyler left, no one said anything. We just sat there awkwardly, looking at either the popcorn-styled ceiling or the other people in the restaurant. My question is what kind of conversation am I supposed to have with the girl I used to date but is now with my best friend?

"So- how about them lakers?" Y/N asked me. I lifted my head up from the table to glance at her, raising an eyebrow in the process. So this is what our relationships come to huh? I never responded to her, which prompted her to continue talking.

"The weather's nice outside, isn't it?" Oh, now we're resorting to talking about the weather? Ok, I've had enough of this bullshit.

"Are you kidding me Y/N?" I yelled, slamming my hands down onto the table. Y/N, as well as everyone else around us, looked over at us. I don't care, let them stare! "This is what our relationship has resorted to, talking about the weather and some bullshit sport's team none of us care about?"

"I don't know what you want me to say here Mark-"

"How about you start off with, 'I'm sorry that once I left you, I got with you best friend Tyler'. Then maybe you can move into the fact that you can't seem to have a conversation with just me then you can finish off with how you never gave me a fucking chance to explain myself on what happened?!" I didn't care that the volume in my voice was rising steadily.

"What is there to explain Mark, huh? Please, enlighten me on what the hell you could say?"

"My side of the story! You never asked for it and you never wanted to hear it! You just wanted to leave me." I stood up from my seat, towering over her slightly now as I stared her down over the table. "I've let you have your relationship because I wanted both of you to be happy! I told myself that I was satisfied with how everything went down and I just needed to move on."

"In all honesty, I'm not! I'm not satisfied with the fact that I longer have you in my life! I've never liked you with Tyler because of that fact! All I want is you back, but you seem to not a give a shit about me anymore." Ripping my jacket from the booth, I got up and proceeded to walk out of the restaurant.

I said all that I needed to say to her, there's nothing more I can do. I had to say all of that, even if it was just once.

The truth's finally out though, I'll never be truly satisfied without Y/N


As quick as this Imagine was, I still had fun writing it none to less :) We're super close to 8k reads and 700 votes, which is making excited!!!

It's also time for..... IMAGINE SURVEY TIME!!!!! *cue game show music*

Would you guys rather see an Imagine based off of....

A) Save the Last Dance for Me by Michael Buble


B) Fix You by Coldplay

As always, love to hear what you guys want :)


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