He got "Jealous"...

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*You guys wanted Possessive/Jealous Mark, so here it is! Enjoy!  :) This Imagine is based off the song Jealous by Nick Jonas!*

You were normally a busy person with a packed schedule, and this week was no exception. On top of teaching English at the local middle school and spending time with your boyfriend Mark, you were also helping out your best friend Brandon who is also a teacher. Brandon teaches the choir at a high school. Since you knew your fair share about music, Brandon asked you to help figure out the music for one of the upcoming choir concerts at the school. You were glad to help, but it had its drawbacks.

It's was becoming a problem that you had been spending any free time you had with Brandon, at least with Mark it was becoming a problem. He wasn't saying anything, but you knew that bit by bit the jealousy was growing inside of him.

So when night's like tonight came, where you just stayed home and let him hold you in his arms, Mark was happy. 

Tonight the two of you weren't doing anything special. Actually, you guys were just scrolling through the various social media sites you guys on your phones. You were still in the process of going through your Facebook feed when Mark's left hand started moving up and down your left side.

It took you a few seconds, but once you did, you laughed as you pushed his hand away.

"What? Am I not allowed to touch my girlfriend anymore?"

"No, I'm just extremely ticklish and trust me when I say you don't want to deal with the consequences if you tickle me." You warned him as you set your phone down on his leg. Before Mark could respond your phone started to ring. 

Both of you glanced at the phone screen and saw Brandon's name flash across the screen.

"Oh look, it's your best friend that can't seem to get the hint!" Mark's voice was thick with envy. All you did was shake your head as you answered the phone.

"Hey Brandon, what's going on?"

"So I just came up with a great idea for the concert and I'm on my way over to your place to show you the idea." Tonight, now? Did this guy know everything about bad timing or what?

"Uh about tonight," You started to speak up but felt Mark's mouth move towards the ear that wasn't being covered by the phone.

"Don't you dare say yes. You said you would be all mine tonight, and I don't like sharing you with other guys." He brought his lips to my earlobe, then pulled away to his normal position.

"It will only take 10 minutes for me to show you everything, and then I'll be out of your hair, I swear." You contemplated this before sighing briefly.

"All right, you can come."

"Thanks, Y/N, you're the best!" After thanking you, Brandon hung up the phone. You sighed again, then tossed your phone down on the couch.

"Thanks for taking my thoughts into consideration, really appreciate it." Mark sarcastically spoke.

"If I didn't say he could come, then he would bug me about the whole thing, and I don't fucking want that right now."

"So YOUR best friend is intruding in on OUR stay in date night? I see where your allegiance lies." You tilted your head back slightly to look up at him.

"Aw, is Mark jealous?" All you could do was smile when all he acknowledged you with was an almost boyish smile. "Can you reign in your jealousy for one night? After he leaves, you can be as jealous as you want to for however long you want to?"

"Fine, but only for you. Since I have a feeling he'll be over any minute, I'll even go upstairs." He pushed you off of him lightly so he could stand up from the couch. "You know where I'll be, have fun." He lightly kisses your cheek before running up the stairs to what to assumed to be your room.

As if Mark was physic, there was a knock on the door. Brandon is here already? How in the hell did he get here so quickly?

You launched up off the couch and headed towards the door. When you opened it, Brandon stood there in his typical t-shirt and jeans with his laptop in hand.

"How are you here already?"

"I may have neglected to tell you how close I was to your place when I called you." Moving you aside, he stepped inside your place.

After shutting the door, the two of you sat down as he showed you what he came up with. He was going for a 'winter in may' theme which really wasn't all that clever, but you weren't in the mood to tell him that. All you said was that it was great and he should totally do it. After 30 minutes of this, you just wanted him out of here.

Eventually, you were able to get him moving towards the front door. When Brandon had the door opened, He turned around to face you.

"I can't tell you how much I appreciate the help you've been giving me over these past few weeks." He gave you a heartwarming smile.

"Don't worry about it, you're my best friend. There's nothing I wouldn't do to help." Brandon gave you another heartwarming smile, which made you slightly uncomfortable.

"You know, Mark's lucky to have you. I wish I was lucky enough to find a girl like you." Out of nowhere, you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist. You knew it was Mark, but how the hell did you not hear him come down stairs.

"Your right there Brandon." Mark lightly kissed the side of your head before turning towards Brandon. "Anyways, It's been fun but Y/N and I have somewhere we have to be. She'll call you tomorrow." With that, Mark leaned around you slightly and shut the door in Brandon's face.

Once the door was shut, you turned around in his arms to glare at him.

"I thought you said you were going to take the jealousy down a notch for the night."

"Oh come on, he was hardcore hitting on you! You can't expect me to not be jealous when another guy is flirting with you, it's just impossible." Mark kissed your forehead before releasing you from his arms.

"Now, how about that stay in date night?"

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