Part 24

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Ian's POV

When I got out of the club for some fresh air, I panicked when I didn't see my motorbike. Shit... Aaargghh. I got my phone out and dialed to report the theft. Why is this happening to me?!

I walked around the block hoping that it's just around which was pretty dumb of me. I know whoever stole my bike is already a long way off. I was only at a corner on my way back to the club when I saw Cheryl getting into a cab, and she wasn't looking okay...

She must have thought that I left her. Oh no... I got another cab.

"Just follow that one." I pointed. The driver nodded.

Well, at least I have to see she gets home safe. When I saw her cab pull up, I stopped mine.

Cheryl's POV

I went straight to my room with a cup of tea and just sat on my bed in the dark.

My heart jumped when I heard a tap on my window.

"Shit." I almost spilled my drink. I opened the window and looked outside.

"What the hell Ian!" I shouted as I saw him hanging from the ledge.

"I'm sorry." He grunted as he adjusted himself so he could get inside.

"Don't fall or I swear I'm not going to attend your fucking funeral!" I panicked. He's giving me heart attacks.

"Okay. I won't!" He pulled himself up and got inside.

"Don't ever do that again." I unintentionally shouted at his face.

"Whoa... I'm so sorry." He hugged me.

I calmed myself down. "I should be the one saying that." I said as I hugged him tight. "I'm sorry about what happened."

"It's okay..." He comforted me. "You were drunk. I should have looked out for you."

"It's not okay. I knew that I get drunk easily. I should have stayed away from it in the beginning."

"Just forget it happened."

"I thought you were mad at me." I frowned.

"I'm not so don't be like that. I hate seeing you sad." He looked at me and his face didn't show any anger at all. Not even a hint.

"I just... when I saw you weren't outside and your bike was-" He cut me off.

"The bike was stolen. Cheryl... even if I got mad at you, I wouldn't just leave you."

I felt relieved but also guilty because his bike was stolen because of me.

"I'm sorry about your bike." I looked down.

"It's just a thing. It can be replaced." He assured me. "You can't."

"How do you do that?" I blurted.

"Do what?" He sat down on the bed and rubbed his wrist. He must have hurt himself.

"Are you hurt?" I held his hand and massaged his wrist for him.

"Well, it's a lot better now." He grinned and I can't help but smile back. "Now, how do I do what?" He asked again.

"Be so calm, reasonable, level-headed, composed, and forgiving when your girlfriend has just cheated on you."

"Ahh... you kind of lost me with your adjectives..." He joked.

I glared at him. "Seriously... how do you freakin' do it?"

"Well... first of all, did you intend to do that? Did you really want that guy?"

I shook my head. Honestly, I can't even remember him... whoever he was.

"Then for me, that's not cheating. Although, I'm pretty pissed that he kissed you..." He looked like an abandoned puppy. Aww... He leaned closer to me.

"Can I fix that Chezza?" He flashed that smile which makes me think he's up to something. His hands caressed my cheeks like I always wanted him to.

"What?" I said. What is he talking about? Then, he lifted my chin and kissed me. I felt my heart beat faster. Ughhh... he never fails to do that to me. My cheeks turned red and I just felt amazing. His kiss was gentle unlike the club guy who almost suffocated me by the way... I shivered at the thought. I was really out of my mind. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer.

"Second of all, I love you... that's why I can do that." His voice came out as a whisper as we were both out of breath.

"I love you too. I'm so lucky I have you." I said. If I had to go through all that drama and hardships to have this guy...then I guess it's all worth it.

He grinned at me. "Haha... you're too sweet."

"Haha..." I mimicked him. "I am sweet."

He giggled. " are we alright?"

I nodded. His phone rang. Who would call him in the middle of the night? Probably his dad like last time.

"Hello?" He answered.

While I waited, I took out some family albums. Oh wow... I miss looking through these.

"Do you know what time it is here?" I heard him say. "Well... you are half way around the world. Why did you call me?"

Okay... that can't be his dad.

"I'll look at it when I get back." He laughed. "Okay.. have a good day." He finally hanged up.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"She's a close friend of mine from university."

"Oh... so it's a she?"

"Awww... is my baby jealous?" He grinned.

"Of course not." I lied. Well, I was a little bit.

"Heh... you are lying." He said.

"No, I'm not." I denied.

"You do that thing with your eyes when you are..."

"What thing?" I looked at him.

"When your eyes look about pretty much everywhere... I don't know how to describe it. Like your eyes look at everything else in the room except me. Something like that."

"Oh... Well, I'll try again next time until you never know that I'm lying." I just smirked.

"Humphh.. I think you won't fool me. I know you." He grinned. " And also... you have that mannerism."

"What now?"

"Licking your lips or flicking your tongue when you're...I don't know. There are a number of situations that trigger that. Like when you are nervous ... or amused. It's pretty random. I always see that during your interviews or when you are in X Factor." I licked my lips without realizing it until later. Ughhh... I did it.


"You are freaking me out." I said. "What else do you notice about me, Mr. alien?"

"Hmmm... you always use your tattooed hand to wipe or cover you face."

"Ahh... any more you want to change?" I crossed my arms. But, I feel kinda amazed that he notices those small things about me.

"Change? I don't want you to." He said. "Okay... I won't say any more, I might not see you do it again."

I smiled at him.

"What's that?" He asked about the albums I was holding.

"Some family pictures." I said.

"Oh. That's cool. Can I see?" He opened one.

"Aahhhh... you are soo cute!" He said when he saw my baby pictures.


"Definitely." He smiled at me.

We just spent the night together like that, sharing stories and also, we talked about our future. Holy... This wonderful dream is getting very real. After some time, I laid my head on his chest and we both fell asleep.

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