Part 36

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Ian's POV

I slowly stepped closer to her, closing the gap between us. Suddenly, my phone rang. F*ck. I should've put my phone on silent. I quickly looked at the caller I.D. It was an unknown number... I ignored it, putting my phone on silent and returned to doing what I was about to do. I brushed her hair away from her face and leaned in to kiss her... but then I felt my phone vibrate again. Shit.

"I think you should take that call." Cheryl said. I looked at her apologetically.

"Hello?" I answered my phone.

Cheryl's POV

When I heard that phone call, I can't help but feel irritated because of the interruption. But, after that second call...I felt something terribly wrong. I don't know what exactly made me feel so nervous. I just had a gut feeling...

"What?!" He almost shouted. My heart sank. I knew something was off.

"How did that happen?" He asked as he paced around the room.

"When? Since when?" I heard him swear. "Why didn't you call me right away?"

He stayed at the corner of the room and I can't hear anymore. I saw him make another call. When he was finished, he looked devastated.

"Ian... what happened?" I asked.

"My dad's been shot... He's still in Africa. They'll be transferring him to a hospital here tomorrow morning. They said the wound got infected."

Oh my god. Who would do that?!

"Is he going to be okay??" I asked.

"We'll know soon..." He said. I felt him go dark all of a sudden. I had actual goosebumps on my arms. This is not good.

I hope Joe's going to be okay... He's the only family Ian has. If anything worse happens to his dad... I don't even want to think about it.

"Chez... I'm going out for a while. Is it okay if you stay here?" He asked. I nodded. I sat on his bed, trying to get over being shocked so I could think of a way to help...

I don't like doing this but I have to call Dianne.

Ian's POV

I had a meeting with Paul and I asked him to ask a favor from his 'friend'. I am furious. I wanted to make whoever did this pay- with his life. I could feel the heavy emotions in my chest, building every second. No one should ever mess with my family. Paul looked at me with his serious eyes.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Do I look like I'm doing this on a whim?" I said sarcastically.

"I know you are a good and forgiving man. You might regret this later." He said. That only made me more angry.

"Just do the job." I dismissed. Paul nodded and left.

I sat alone on the park bench. My thoughts keep on going through ways to torture whoever did that to my dad. It was all I could think of and I'm pleased thinking about it as creepy as it sounds.

After a while, I closed my eyes and tried to clear my mind because it actually frightened me that I could think of all those stuff. I could feel reason coming back to me. I didn't really think this through, didn't I?

Dianne's POV

After hearing the news from Cheryl, I immediately called Paul. I just had a feeling that Ian would do something drastic. Paul and I go way back. I kind of am responsible for his job which makes me fully aware of his abilities and networks. But that's a long story so... let's just say he's not only Ian's bodyguard but he also used to be my spy on him. Not that I have any ill intentions for Ian but I was just a stalker exgirlfriend. Note that that's in past tense.

"Hi Dianne." A low voice said.

"Paul. Did Ian say anything to you?" I asked straight to the point.

"Haven't talked to him." He said in is usual monotonous voice.

"Really?" I pressed.

"Really." He said.

"Screw you. Tell me." It's almost impossible to think he said nothing to him. His dad has been shot. He must have assigned Paul something. Tracking, Investigating, torturing, or worse assassinating. I don't think it's the last one though... he's too good for that.

"Don't know what you're talking about. Bye, Dianne."

"Wait... Despite the job description, you know we're all friends here. We don't want a certain friend do something crazy." I said... that's my last try.

"I'll meet you in your home." He hang up.

Why would he be going here? He could just tell me on the phone. Ugghh... Why does this have to be so complicated? I called Cheryl.

"Hello." I love that accent. What a random thought in this situation...

"Hey...has Ian gone home yet?" I asked.

I heard a sigh on the other end.

"No... I'm getting worried. What should I do?" She said.

"He's going to be back soon. Don't worry."

"But..." I don't wanna hear it because I'm going to be dead worried too if I do.

"No, listen. When he comes back, talk to him. What did he do while he was away...If he seems like he's hiding something, keep asking. Do anything to know what he's been up to. Please. That's important." I had another call to answer. "I have to go now. Ask him."

Well, that sounded... damn serious. I hope I didn't freak her out. But an Ian going dark freaks me out even more.

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