Part 56

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**Hi guys! I just wanna thank you all for reading and voting for this story! I really appreciate it. I hope you'll like the next parts even though it kind'a gets unreal with Erik's part of the story. LOL. That's what you get when you watch spy movies. There won't be too unrealistic, what-the-hell?! scenes, dontcha worry! Feel free to comment/suggest. I do read them. :) P.S. Who's POV do you want to focus on in the next part? Please comment while I still haven't started it yet lol**

Erik's POV

I finally arrived in London. The news was pretty big and everyone in the group is in a panic. Ivan stood quietly at the corner of the room. Everyone was looking at him, waiting for him to say something. He is our leader in our group afterall. It's a good thing they don't suspect me.

"We're on our own. I can't believe this is happening again." Ivan muttered.

"So what do we do now?" Alexei, my former partner, said. His real age must be aleady in the early 50's but he sure does look younger than that.

Ivan glared at me.

"You've been missing for quite a while. Where have you been?" Ivan asked me. All the guys looked at me. I felt so nervous but I can't let that show.

"I had contracts in America." I said. Ivan raised a brow at me.

"Right. It took you quite a while to get back..." Ivan slowly walked towards me. I looked straight at him.

"What? You think it was me?" I laughed. He suddenly slapped me with the back of his hand.

"This is no time to be laughing." He said.

Alexei stepped in. "We should start moving. It's not safe here anymore."

"Bale!" Ivan shouted.

"Yes, sir." The newbie stumbled his way to Ivan.

"Send a message to Logan." Ivan quickly wrote on a paper and handed it to Bale.

"Yes, sir. Right away, sir." Agghh... that guy is way too respectful. Well, that'll change once he made his first kill. I doubt he'll be addressing Ivan 'sir' anymore. Ivan is really a dickhead.

"I'm watching you Erik. Once I know you're up to this. I wouldn't be merciful. I'll give you the slowest death, you son of a bitch." Ivan said.

"How could you say that? The boy was just in America and you think he would betray his own brothers?" Alexei asked Ivan. Alexei is also one of the most powerful men in the organization. I think he's been here the same time as my father. Ivan was just a new blood when he rose up in the ranks. A willing recruit. He was already a criminal before he joined. He actually escaped prison. What about me? Well, I didn't have a choice. I was kidnapped and I grew up with threats that if I leave they'll kill me.

"Eh, I know where you come from Erik. They've told me about your father." He looked at me to see if I'll react differently. I pretended I didn't know what he's saying. I shrugged at him.

"I was an orphan." I said like I always have ever since I knew how to speak. I have no family, I used to say. Until I learned I wasn't alone afterall. I have a brother. A twin brother. My hope to all this.

"Shoot him." Ivan ordered me through my earpiece.

I pulled the trigger. But, unexpexctedly, it landed on the wrong person. I have never missed my target before. The man tumbled on the ground. Everyone around them panicked and ran in different directions. My target ordered some of his people to help the man I shot.

"Erik! What happened?" Ivan shouted in my ear.

I wasn't able to speak. I actually felt sorry when I've been numb about assassinations before. Maybe it's because I didn't mean for him to die? I cursed under my breath. I ran away from the area since they're trying to hunt me down now.

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