Part 61

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Cheryl's POV

I've been in LA for quite some time now. The remaining songs are going to be recorded and the album is gonna be finalized here. So, I'll be going back and forth between LA and London until April or May I think.  Lily is here with me as always.

I heard my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Ian is back!" Kimberley screamed so loud. My heart raced and I can't believe it. I couldn't even shout. I was speechless. Somehow I still doubt it.


"Oh my god..." That's all I managed to say.

"Are you coming home or what?" Kimba asked.

"Of course! I'll book one right away!" I finally was able to smile.

"Right! We're gonna throw him a party on Thursday. Be there!" She said. It's Tuesday now...

"I will... Okay. Bye." I hanged up and I screamed.

"Whoa! What's up?" Lily asked, coming into my room.

"Ian is back!!!" I hugged her and I jumped up and down.

"REALLY?! Oh my god!!!" Lily screamed.

There's a lot of screaming today.

"I'm gonna book a flight back home. You can't stop me." I said.

"I won't." Lily smiled.


The flight back home was awfully long. I just want to feel the ground on my feet again.

The plane landed and I called Ian's number right away. He didn't answer though. We went back home and my mam and Gary was there. They knew I'd be coming. We had dinner talking about Ian most of the time. Why hasn't he called me? That's just...disappointing.

Lily stayed for the night. I started texting with Kimba so I could help prepare the party tomorrow. I feel so excited but there's still this fear that I feel. Why didn't he call me?

"Something's wrong..." I said. Lily looked at me.

"What?" She asked.

"Ian hasn't called me yet." I said.

"He must be busy with all the people seeing him." She said. I shrugged. But still... I really feel like something is wrong. I tried not to get my hopes up.


The party has already started and I feel so nervous. These people do not know he has a twin, they could easily believe that Erik is Ian. That's the thing I dreaded about. What if it's not him? I can't take the pain anymore.

I heard people shouting. Ian is here.

"Hey man!" James hugged him. I walked closer and he was wearing a dark blue turtleneck. I grabbed his arm and dragged him into a room.

I closed the door behind me and I breathed in. I am so scared. What if it's not him? I still have to know.

Erik's POV

I don't know what to do. Cheyl had just dragged me into a room. I could see she's shaking a little bit. It must have been really hard for her. I can't break her heart one more time.

Cheryl sat beside me and held my hand. She sighed and I just knew she already knows I'm not him. I turned towards her thinking of something to say but I'm at a loss for words.

"Where is he?" She said in a weak voice.

I can't tell her Ian's in a coma and there's no guarantee he'll wake up. It'll break her. It's better if she doesn't know. Cheryl held my face and looked into my eyes.

"Hmm... his eyes were lighter than that." She said.

"It's the closest colour I could get." I finally spoke up, referring to my contact lenses.

"Wow. You learned his accent quite well." She just said.

I just nodded. "I'm sorry."

"You still didn't answer my question." She said.

I just shook my head. Tears fell down her face and she left the room. She'll feel better.

Dianne's POV

Jane and I went back to the US when we heard that Ian started opening his eyes three days ago. Jane, Erik and I were just in London when we heard the news. Erik has just returned as Ian a two weeks ago.

Ian could be fully aware now. The doctor stopped us before we got inside his room. He informed us that Ian is having some trouble with his memory.

"How convenient for you, huh? I'm gonna call Erik." Jane glared at me. I just ignored her and went inside the room.

Once I got inside, Ian was sitting up on his hospital bed. He looked surprised to see me but then he smiled at me.

"Hey...I know you." Ian said in a playful tone which is weird. I didn't expect he'd be like this.

I was confused for a second. I thought he has amnesia. Apparently, it's selective, I guess. I don't know. It's not like I've studied this stuff.

"You do?" I asked.

"The doctor said I had amnesia." He laughed. "I guess the only thing I don't remember is what brought me here. And my social security number." He joked. Well, he's the most cheerful person who woke up from a coma. My friend's cousin wasn't like this. He was just... silent and confused.

"Come here. Don't be so scared. I'm too smart to be in shock. They already explained everything to me." Ian said.

I walked closer to him and sat right beside him.

"What's my name?" I asked him. He raised a brow at me and chuckled.

"Dianne." He said.

I relaxed a little.

"How are you?" I just found myself asking.

"Coping. Adjusting. How much have I missed?" He asked.

"Not much." I just said carefully. I don't know if he knew he's been gone for more than 5 months...

He sighed. He turned to face me with a content smile on his face. He leaned in and kissed me. My eyes widened in surprise and I pulled back immediately. What the hell?

"What?" He asked, looking confused.

"Nothing. I just... remembered I have to call someone." I said as I stood up. When I turned around, Jane was standing by the door with total disgust in her eyes. I knew she saw that. She grabbed me and we went out of the room.

"What the hell was that?" She asked.

"I don't know..." I said. I'm confused too.

"If you take advantage of this, I swear to God I will kill you." She said, gripping my arms too tight.

"I..." I can't say anything. I can't think quite clearly. I just walked away. So he doesn't remember Cheryl?

Erik's POV

So Jane just called me today. Ian is really awake. I have to let Cheryl know but she's not in London anymore. She told all of her friends that Ian and her already broke up. Now, they won't talk to me. If I only knew Ian is gonna be awake in the same week, I would've told her he's in a freaking coma.

"Erik. Ian's awake..." Joe knocked on my temporary office door.

"I know. I guess my job here is done." I said.

"I might need you for a while longer..." Joe said. Huh?

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