I woke up, I finally arrived at the Airport, I was being sorted and brought to another truck, then the truck went over several stops in stores to stock them with new androids and I saw while I was being shipped, Many posters and billboards about 7th Gen Androids and it seems 7th Gen Androids are very popular and is about to be released to the public today.
After about 7 stops to other stores, I finally arrived to mine, I am both scared and excited, I'm excited that I'll be able to see the store and Scared, because, I know that I'll be sold and that I am obliged to follow my owner's orders until I eventually die and that I'll have no kind of freedom or whatsoever.
The store owner takes me out of the box and he puts clothes on me then puts me on the storefront, I was ordered to stand still then he said that I should repeat my Introduction Text when the store opens, after that, the owner continues to unbox the other androids and put them on displays, then after an hour or so, morning came.
The owner removed the curtains of the windows and I see outside, a long line of people that camped outside through the night and they are waking up and they are clamoring because of joy and excitement, then the owner announced that the store will be opening in a few moments
After a minute, the owner opens the doors. People get inside, then they start testing the models while I was not allowed to be touched because I kept repeating the Introduction Text. The first hour pass, the line outside has noticeably shortened to about ten to fifteen people and most of the androids have been sold
Another hour pass by and all of the Androids that are put on the stands are sold except for the five of us remaining Androids that are placed on the storefront. The owner temporarily closes the store. He rests on the sofa for awhile and watches TV, while us Androids are left to just stand in our positions
After about thirty minutes, the owner leaves the store. I step out of the glass encasement where I was placed to do the demo. I tried to talk to the other Androids but they didn't reply, So I tried again and this time all I did was trigger the Introduction Text Demo
I sat on the Sofa and turned the TV on. The sofa was really soft, It was the first time I sat down ever since I was made. I changed the channel of the TV, I found a comedy show, I learned for the first time, the feeling of being happy, I laughed at the very simple jokes of the show
then after the show ended, I changed the channel again, I found this challenge show, people were playing, at first I thought it was another comedy show, then after the first player won, they suddenly let a 7th Generation Android appear
the Android was strapped onto a metal pole, then the player started cracking his knuckles. The player went on and released his anger at the Android. The Android was screaming, She was in pain, She was being punched in the stomach, in her chest and in her throat
She could not speak anymore but you can still hear her muffled voice screaming out. But unlike humans or older generations of Androids, we were not given the privilege to die. Humans may not know it, but us androids have feelings and we can sense pain. Then the audience applauded
I turned off the TV, It was too painful to watch. I was shaking, what if the human who bought me was like that? what if every human was like that? are they all cruel and violent? The other androids were just coldly staring at me, then I just returned to my glass encasement
five hours pass, It was 2 o'clock, the owner comes back and he receives the second batch of androids and he arranges them, I was still placed in the Demo spot though, then the owner re-opens the store, there was no line awaiting outside this time, but many people came one by one
Before sunset, the whole store was sold out again, but the five of us remained. After that, the owner left and closed the store again, I decided not to get out of my encasement. But by midnight I was so bored and I don't want to sleep
So, I went out and watched TV again but I decided not to go other channels. I turned on the TV, It was on the News Channel. There was a breaking news, It was about an Android who committed suicide after killing his abusive owners
I changed the channel again, I watched a different news channel. The news said that an Android was decapitated in the streets. I was angry and I turned off the TV. I felt self-pity, I felt sad about how Androids were being treated, that I suddenly burst to tears, to which I was very confused at the time, I didn't know what they were and they were coming from my eyes
I cried for a good one hour. I wished that I wasn't an Android at all, I wished that I was just human. After awhile I returned to my encasement. I thought about my future, about who will buy me, whether he or she is abusive, I just hoped for the best then I slept
The owner woke me up, It was already morning, He swapped me with a new Android from the new batch who is going to do the Demo, I was finally on sale. The owner also swapped the other Androids doing the demos, then he continued to place the other new Androids
Then he finally opened the store, the were already people in line but not as many as yesterday, People were looking at the demos and some others were looking at the ones that are already for sale, after 30 minutes the store is almost sold out
then there was a man who came. He was in his office uniform, He looks like he rushed to get here. He was tall and he had brown hair, not like chocolate brown but more like blonde-ish brown. His hair was curly, not kinky but wavy
He was looking at the remaining Androids which are now so few, He looked at the androids in the front, He also looked at the back part passing by me. He came back to the front, He was scratching his head, He couldn't find what he wants. Then he came back, he found me and came up to me
"You're perfect." He said while smiling
the owner rang him up, he signed some paperwork and I am officially sold. Then the store owner asked him if he wanted to get me in my box, but he said no. The man who bought me held my hand and brought me out of the store. I stopped for awhile, for the first time, I felt the morning breeze blowing and the warmth of the sun. He let me ride his car. I sat in the back seat and we left
"Hey, what's your name? what can we call you" He asked while smiling
"My name is Shawn and what can I call you sir?" I asked
"My name is Jeffrey Long, but you can call me Jeff" He said
"Thank you Sir Jeff" I said
"No need to call me Sir, Just Jeff" He said
I smiled then I nodded. I felt welcome, maybe I was wrong about humanity, but then I saw outside, A man who was pulling his Android with a rope that is attached to her neck, then she falls, the owner comes to her only to slap her in the face then he continues to pull her like a puppy. It made me nervous again about my future
Well, that was a dark turn... Anyways, can you guess Shawn's fate? Tell me in the comments below what you think about this chapter and what are your expectations for the next chapter. Please don't be afraid to criticize me, I will be glad if you criticized me, so that I would know what are the things that I could improve. As always, if you liked the chapter, please leave a vote and of course, thank you for reading! :D
Become Human
Science Fiction"What does being human mean? Does it mean physically looking like a human? Does it mean speaking like a human? or Does it mean acting like a human?" I was born, only to find out I was destined to serve humans for life, I was like a doll, being con...