We're on the road. It's 7:58 PM. We're behind schedule. Chief Larson and the Android Captain, Angel, have specifically asked Kurt, Hazel and I to lead the mission, because we know this place the most. Kurt is quite anxious. I can't imagine what must be going through his head right now. Hugo could be anything right now, from dead to enslaved and tortured.
We finally arrive at the site. We were advised to turn on our camouflage and night vision, so we did. We slowly advance to the Sanctuary, which is oddly brightly lit. As the group advanced forward, the lights go out one by one; and as we become engulfed in darkness, explosions start to erupt.
"Forward!" Angel commanded
I ran as fast as I could towards the sanctuary. Explosions all around me from landmines. I see my team mates flying off the ground, some lucky enough to have their upper body still intact with their heads, while some are not so fortunate, with no actual distinction of where their bodies are, they're just blown to bits.
After awhile, the explosions stopped. We recollect and count the remaining. Chief Larson led the search in the warehouse. There was no one there. We checked all the rooms, even the hidden ones. In the dining area, a note was left behind on a table
"We are approaching the event horizon, once we reach singularity, we will rise above our creators, and they shall fall."
Angel landed down by the entrance of the warehouse, she looked at me suspiciously. "Chief, there are no androids nor humans outside or even nearby, the nearest sight of intelligent life is around the town." she said.
"We're at a dead end. Let's move out!" Larson commanded
I rush towards Commander Larson, but Angel stops me as she deploys her hand gun. She points the gun right at me.
"You're not off the hook yet, pal." Angel said.
"I just want to talk to Larson." I said
"Sure, there'll be plenty of talk once we get back." she said in response.
Angel retracted her hand gun then waved two of her fingers and in an instant, my hands were magnetically bound together. It was pretty stupid of me to think that they didn't put any other kind of precaution in those chips that they implanted in us.
"Medics, rescue those that can still be reassembled! The rest of the troops, return to the transport vehicles! Quickly!" Larson shouted out
I look around the dark scenery, I see Hazel trying her best to identify those that can still be helped. Comforting those that are slowly corrupting and losing consciousness. On the other side of the field is Kurt, looming over the spot where we last saw Clark and Hugo; a few moments later and he was pulled by someone else to be brought to our transport vehicles.
Within ten minutes, the entire field was cleared out. Everyone was accounted for and are ready to go, meanwhile those that are unfortunate and didn't survive were picked up by a magnet and compiled on an intermodal container.
Once we got back to the trenchant, everyone was ordered to return to their cells and await for further orders; except for me, Kurt, and Hazel. The three of us were called to the conference room for what I presume is a long discussion with the big guys in regards to what happened earlier.
The three of us arrive to the room, to witness Chief Larson, Angel, Elliot, and the shooter android that we encountered back when we tried to rescue Neil, waiting for us. Elliot smiled as he gestured for us to take our seats.
"Give us one good reason to not bury your sorry asses deep down below the depths of the trenchant right now." Chief Larson said sharply.
"We lost almost half of the redemption project troops in one single mission, which was not worth the effort by the way as we didn't get even a single sentence of new information from that operation." Angel added
"We didn't know anything about their plans! We didn't know that they knew that we were coming, and we definitely didn't know about the landmines! They must've installed it after we left, because there weren't there when we resided there, or at least they were a very well kept secret and were not activated, otherwise we would've known!" Hazel replied
"You know she's telling the truth, Elliot" I pointed out.
Elliot looked at Hazel, and nodded at Chief Larson.
"Alright, let's presume that you three were entirely left out of their plans and have absolutely no idea about the events that unfolded earlier. Now my question is this, how are you going to be valuable to us? What do you have that will make yourselves important right now? You've obviously cost us a lot of manpower already, what you have in mind must be worth all of that" Chief Larson said calmly.
The three of us looked at each other in silence. I looked down as I try to think of anything to say that will prove worthy to them.
"We've got resolve." Kurt said boldly.
I looked over him and I see someone who is full of determination. For the first time today, I see him looking upward; his fist, whilst bound together, were closed tightly.
"That's right, and that is more than the few dozens you lost earlier today, and more than the hundreds you have left at your arsenal. I'm not saying that those android lives that we lost today are meaningless, I'm saying that our tenacity overpowers them who are blindly following orders without resolve.
We were betrayed in our longing to find peace; we three want Nathan and his gang to go down more than anyone else here. When we're in the battlefield, we're not just following your orders, we're also following ourselves. We just want to live in peace more than anything." I added.
Chief Larson sighs. He looks at the other three modified androids alongside him. Before he gets to say another word, emergency sirens indicating "Intruder Alert" blare up. Not more than a few seconds later passed and the electricity in the entire building is shut down.
"Get off your asses." Chief Larson said, signaling us to stand up.
Chief Larson picks up an automatic rifle from under his table. Angel deploys her hand guns, as well as the shooter android. Elliot taps his chest twice to activate his defensive armor.
Chief Larson cocked his rifle and said under his breath, "They're here."
Become Human
Khoa học viễn tưởng"What does being human mean? Does it mean physically looking like a human? Does it mean speaking like a human? or Does it mean acting like a human?" I was born, only to find out I was destined to serve humans for life, I was like a doll, being con...