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"How are you?"

Niall smiled with his whole face. Harry finally made a call to him and Niall realized one thing. It was so good to hear Harry's voice. Harry did sounded tired in his voice and he wasn't in the mood as Niall had expected.

"It's okay!" he got up and Niall slipped into the room, where he could be alone. "And you?"

Harry cleared his throat a little. Niall couldn't put weight on he hesitated.

"Good!" he whispered hoarsely. His dark voice made Nialls stomach to start tingle. "I miss you, but there's much to do here at home. I have a lot of work, so sorry that you haven't heard from me."

Niall swallowed.

"It's okay, and I understand that you have to work." he replied quickly. It then became silent, totally silent. Niall bit his lip and he knew what subject they avoided.

"So did you think about it?" he got up. "I mean, this about children and everything?"

Harry hesitated again.

"Niall, I don't know..." he seemed unsure of what he wanted to answer. "As much as I want to say yes and do what you want to do, I hesitate. You know that I..."

Again silence. The air went out of Niall. Was this the end of their marriage? Was this all? Niall become disappointed. Yes, he became almost angry. Why was Harry so sluggish? Why did he felt that their sex life was more important against to have children? It was as if Harry was a puzzle that never went to become solve and it didn't matter if he got a day to think, or a week, or a month, or a year.

"So no change?"

Harry was quiet. Niall felt the tears came and he felt his body slumped down on the bed. Harry heard that he began to cry.

"Darling, you can't be sad. I just need more time."

Niall took a deep breath. He had already imagined that this would happen, that they would come to that point where their differences came between them. Harry refused to change and Niall knew that their life wouldn't be easier, never ever.

"I'll make it easy for you." he whispered hoarsely. "I'll leave you."


Harry took up the entire desk with his hands and roll over everything across the floor. He threw the chair straight to the bookshelf and he screamed. No, it couldn't be the end, not like this? He began to cry and he slid down on his knees to the floor. This was his own fault, because he was so damn blinkered and only saw the pleasure before responsibility. He cried and he cried and he felt all at once. He felt guilty that he had been attracted by Liam. If Niall had just said that he would come home, then everything had been resolved. Then Harry had told Liam that they couldn't continue, and everything would be as before, but nothing could be the same ever again, because Niall wanted children.

It was totally dark around Harry. He walked to the liquor cabinet and without hesitation he opened the cork on a bottle and drank several sips from it. He then sat down by the pool, on the ground and he felt his face was wet from all the tears. Yes, he had himself to blame. Niall was perfect and he would never do this if it was Harry who wanted to go ahead and have children. Niall was carefree and he was kind and he was thoughtful. Harry was only darkness.


"It's over!"

Niall threw himself into Maura's arms and wept inconsolably.

"What are you saying?"

Niall held her tight.

"It's over. I broke up with him. I can't stand Harry's hesitation and I can't wait."

She hugged her son tightly, and she understood.

"So he didn't say he was going through it?"

Niall shook his head.

"No, he has only worked and he never thinks when he's working..."


Liam pulled Harry into the house and put him down on the couch. Then he fetched water, and he forced Harry to drink from the glass.

"So it's over?"

Harry nodded and he looked foggy up at Liam.

"And it's our fault. Yours and mine!"

Liam slid down next to him and he shook his head.

"I have nothing with all that to do. I told you that Niall are your man, your family and I am your lover."

Harry snorted.

"But it's your fault. If I had never met you, I hadn't know how much I miss to beat the crap out of guys."

Liam had a smile.

"You can never take out the demon from a man, but one can calm the little demon down by doing what you want to do. We did what you want to do and it will help you."

Harry growls.

"It helped me?" he got up. "I got my boyfriend to end it all and I am now abandoned by the only man I ever have loved."

Liam didn't think that there was a problem.

"You still have me?"

Harry snorted.

"If I had met you before Niall, I would be grateful, but right now I just want to be alone. So go!"

Liam remained.

"I can take care of you?"

Harry shook his head rapidly.

"No thanks. I don't need you."

Liam slid closer.

"Well, because you get to play with my body and do what you always dreamed of doing. You may use whips and hit me and I know you love it."

Harry didn't want to think about that.

"Please just go home and let me be."

Liam didn't seem to care. He slid up on Harry's lap, one leg on each side, and he placed his hands on Harry's shoulders.

"Come on!" he whispered hoarsely. "I'm ready to play with you."

Harry growled and he looked up at Liam's face.

"I'm not even horny."

Liam giggled a little bit and slowly he began to rub his part against him, down there, so he got control over Harry hard part.

"I can make you horny and willing."

Harry swallowed.

"I have no whips at home. They're gone."

Liam groaned.

"Who cares about small details? You can still take advantage of me and have control over me."

Harry realized one thing. No, he didn't want this. He didn't crave in the same way, as before, to have control, and when it all came down to it, Liam wasn't nearly as perfect as Niall. Therefore, Harry stood up quickly, so that Liam went straight down on the floor with a thud.

"No!" he shouted straight out. "I want Niall back and I never want to see you again. Get out of my house before I call the police."

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